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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. This is for my little one who will be four. She is developmentally like a two year old, so keep that in mind. I'm looking for cake ideas, decorations, games, and anything else you want to share. Thanks!
  2. :iagree: The whole thing is so sad. He was such an icon of sports, loved by many. It is tragic that his career ended in such a scandal, and now that his death followed so soon afterward. ETA: As a childhood victim of sexual abuse myself, I am in no way excusing what he did, or more accurately, did not do, in not reporting what he knew. It is just sad that any of it took place.
  3. I just found this: http://chinesefood.about.com/od/diningout/r/fortunecookie.htm We're going to make these on Monday.:)
  4. I voted weekly family clean, but we actually do both that and daily chores.
  5. I wake my kids up each school day between 8:00 and 8:15. They are expected to be in the dining room by 8:30. A schedule is a must for us, or they'd never get out of bed....and some days neither would I!:)
  6. We use Sonlight & it presents a Biblical, yet unbiased, view of history. We've enjoyed great debates and discussion of historical issues this year. I am very pleased.
  7. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I had two miscarriages between my first and second children. I think you should be honest with your children. Just explain it briefly, and then take time for yourself to rest and recover. Praying for you and your family.
  8. :) Hi and welcome! You can introduce yourself here.
  9. Rarely, but that may be due to the fact that I'm watching my little one.
  10. The DVD's are optional, at least in my experience. We have one for Science K, and we watch it, but it's just someone doing the experiments and activities. Also, I get a lot of our books from paperbackswap, which really helps keep down the cost.
  11. I'm using Core 3+4 now (or D+E) with a 3rd and 5th grader, and we're spreading it out over 18 months. When we're done with it, we'll be spreading Core 5 (now F) over about 15-18 months. So, yep, I think your idea will work.:)
  12. I am currently using Sonlight Core D+E with my 3rd and 5th grader. They are together for all the history, geography, read-alouds, and Bible. I teach them separately for all other subjects, including independent reading. This allows for group discussions as well as individual, leveled work time. In order to keep one child from dominating our group discussions, I give each of them questions & have them take turns answering. I also expect more from the older child when I assign history reports or projects, but my younger one sees what my older one is doing & often challenges himself.:)
  13. :iagree: I feel that Sonlight does an excellent job of presenting different viewpoints on topics. I am very pleased with it. ETA: We've used Cores A & B and we are currently using D+E. We're also currently using Science K and Science 5.
  14. Well, next year I'll be using Core F with a 4th and 6th grader. I know my youngest will need some extra help with it, but I don't mind that. This year we're using Core D+E, and he's doing great. I just slow things down a bit when necessary. Also, next year, I will definitely move through Core F at a slower pace than what the IG has scheduled. It's easier for me to "tweak" and combine those two in one core than it would be for me to do two different cores with them...especially considering that I've also got a little one who I have to teach as well.:) I think you could make Core F work, if that's what you want.
  15. My youngest is adopted from China, so we celebrate the Chinese New Year. We have special food, make crafts, and read books. I have several books about China in our home library that we've collected over the years, so we choose from those. We also have a Chinese New Year Parade in a local city, which is fun. We get our other ideas from the following books/sites: http://www.amazon.com/Moonbeams-Dumplings-Dragon-Boats-Activities/dp/0152019839 http://crafts.kaboose.com/dragon.html http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/chinese-new-year/
  16. I'm currently using Core D+E with my 3rd and 5th graders. IMO Core D would be too advanced for K and 2nd grade. Even with my 3rd grader, who is an advanced reader, I have to explain things in greater detail. I'm a huge SL fan, but it's important to place your children correctly. I wouldn't want you guys to have a bad experience that would turn you off SL.
  17. I use Splenda. I eat low carb, and it's the best-tasting sugar substitute IMO. Sometimes I use Stevia or Truvia, but I don't like them as much.
  18. I have a perfect record when it comes to guessing the gender of my children...of course, the fourth one was really easy.;) (See my siggy)
  19. My dd3 had tubes put in her ears and had her tonsils & adenoids removed. It helped her a lot. She has not had any more ear infections or bad throat infections, and her speech is much clearer.
  20. We were supposed to start today, but a few of us, including myself, have a cold & sore throat. So, nope, NO way I could get through Sonlight like that!:tongue_smilie:
  21. Here are some helpful sites: http://homeschoolcreations.com/Geography.html http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=14&category=4616
  22. Extended family member...I've never been close to him, but it's still sad.
  23. I voted for magazines only. Pretty much all my husband reads is The Bible and devotional books and sports magazines.
  24. So grateful to celebrate the birth of my Savior! Merry Christmas!
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