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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Small sips of Gatorade for a few hours. If she holds that down, have her slowly sip chicken broth for a few hours. Then try soda crackers. That's what we do. I hope she's better soon and that the rest of you stay well.:grouphug:
  2. They have sample pages on the website.:) It looks really good.
  3. This upcoming year I'm using SL Core 3+4 with my dd10 and ds8. I really don't want to go with Core 5 the next year when ds is only 9, so I'm looking for another curriculum to "fill in" that year & then we'll be back with SL for the duration. My dc love Narnia & I own all 7 books in the series, as well as a couple of the films, so I'm looking into using this: http://www.cadroncreek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Narnia_001 For those of you who have used it, what do you think of it? Will it be a good fit for dc ages 9 & 11? I know I'll add in a math program, but is there anything else I need to add...such as science or language arts? Thanks.
  4. This site has lists for all SOTW volumes: http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/SOTWmenu.htm
  5. :iagree: You build a wonderful home library with Sonlight, too.:)
  6. I've been reading it myself this week in order to prepare for school. *I'm* really enjoying it.:) I plan to do what you posted (explain & define) when I read it with dc. Also, I found this: http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/SLsupmenu.htm
  7. Thank you. I was just concerned that ds8 might not "get" some of the history & read-alouds, but it sounds like I can make it work for him. Thanks again.
  8. Thanks for the input. I have several books I can use for his "readers," so that will be fine. Thank you again.
  9. Yes, it is. I actually have last year's edition, when it was still 3+4.:)
  10. Talk to me about what I might need to "tweak" for ds8. Thanks.
  11. Sonlight Core 3+4 for History, Reading, Language Arts, & Bible Sonlight Science 5 Saxon Math 6/5 Latina Christiana Nature, Art, & Composer Studies from Ambleside Online
  12. I'm finished.:) Now I'm working on scheduling & organizing everything.
  13. :grouphug: How awful. I am praying for her family, her friends, and all of you who live in the area. I am so, so sorry.
  14. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I had this same experience in 1999. I'll be praying.
  15. We don't use it now, but The Weaver Curriculum is my favorite. It starts with The Bible & then "weaves" in everything else, which I love. You can teach all grade levels together. You can pick & choose which activities & what books you want to use. The downside is that there is a significant amount of prep time involved, which is the only reason I don't use it anymore.
  16. We used a chicken & it didn't stink. It was a a really fun & educational project.:)
  17. Thank you, ladies. Currently, as suggested by her therapists, we've been working with Play Dough and Moon Sand. Also, we have a large swingset in the backyard & have been swinging & climbing the ladder to slide. She's doing both all by herself, which is great!:) I just ordered a "Letter of the Week" activity book, so I'm looking forward to using that with dd. Also, I ordered this a few weeks ago & it's great: http://www.claytronics.com/index_files/Page527.htm It will go well with "Letter of the Week." I also ordered some lacing cards as well. We use lots of developmental toys...learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes. We also do lots of singing, as dd is very musically inclined. I think we're on the right track, but it's nice to hear ideas & confirmation from you all. I'm going to gather my resources, possibly order a few more things, and then write out a weekly plan for dd's school. I just feel like I need a schedule of activities, and I feel like I'm the best one to create it.:) Thank you all again. I'll let you know how it goes.
  18. We are not sure how much she sees exactly, as her communication skills are around 18 months developmentally. She is able to find her toys, cups, food, etc. Also, she is able to manuever successfully, even in unfamiliar places. Across the board she is developmentally between 12-24 months, depending on the area. Her fine motor skills are like those of a 12 month old, and her gross motor skills are like that of a 24 month old. We adopted her from China & she's been with us for 16 months. She was like a newborn when we got her at 21 months--could not sit up, hold a bottle, or talk at all. She has a condition called Peter's Anamoly, which is genetic & results in a "foggy" spot over the cornea. As far as our pediatric opthamologist can tell, she is blind in her right eye (possibly sees light & shadow) and has some vision in her left eye. She is not potty trained yet, which of course is mostly due to her lack of communication skills. I'd really like to work on communication skills with her, as it seems to be one of the areas where she's most lacking. Also, I'd like to help her improve her fine motor skills. She does receive occupational, visual, and speech therapy as well. Thanks!
  19. :grouphug: My dd3 is visually impaired, so I understand your fear & anxiety. I am praying for you.
  20. Long thread title...sorry.:tongue_smilie: I've used a few things with my dd3 who is the topic of this thread, but none that have suited our needs. I want to make my own curriculum-specifically suited to her--possibly combining things from various sources, but I'm not sure where to start. Any ideas/thoughts/recommendations?
  21. I think that sounds like a great idea. I'm glad you found something that works for you.:)
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