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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. http://www.amblesideonline.org/ Why: 1. It's free...with the exception of a few books you'll need to purchase. 2. Wonderful living books 3. Charlotte Mason style 4. Offers a booklist & schedule, yet it's flexible
  2. My dd2 is visually impaired & developmentally delayed--I would say she's currently on the level of a typical 12-18 month old. I'd love to get her some toys, books, games, etc. for Christmas that would help her in development, particularly with her speech and vocabulary. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. I don't think it sounded snotty. I know exactly what you're talking about. I never truly understood mathematical concepts until I started homeschooling my children. I did well in math while I was in public school, but, as you stated, it was simply memorization & not truly understanding. I'm amazed at how well my children actually understand "why" they are doing what they're doing in order to solve math problems.:)
  4. We're currently using and LOVING a combination of Winter Promise, Galloping the Globe, Ambleside Online, & http://www.guesthollow.com/, all of which are literature-based.:) I would suggest using any of these. They're all wonderful programs.
  5. Hey, I sent you a pm on another site about the hotel. Thanks!
  6. I need to ask you a question about a hotel location. Thanks!
  7. Thanks.:) I'm heading over to her blog now to check those out.
  8. LOL...Sorry about the confusion.:) The book is called So Long, Insecurity. I went back & changed the title of my thread a bit to clarify.
  9. Oh, I'd love it if you'd reply to this thread if you're going to follow along. Thanks!:)
  10. I started teaching it yesterday. I remember some of you mentioning that you'd like to follow along on my blog, so I wanted to let you know that I'll be posting our weekly discussions now. My blog address is in my siggy.:)
  11. Our newest child, dd2 adopted from China, has a vision problem which rendered her totally blind in the right eye. She does have some vision in her left, but we won't know exactly how much until she can communicate more. She wears glasses to help her focus, and they have helped her tremendously. I'm just wondering how many of you homeschool children with vision problems. How do they read (large print or Braille), what does it look like in your home, what special accomadations do you make, etc.? Thanks.
  12. I like November, but not the nickname Nova.:) I think November is unique and pretty. Of course my name is Jennifer, so I'm always wishing for a really creative name for myself & I'm drawn to them for others.;)
  13. I like Prima Latina. We're using it this upcoming school year.
  14. We use Phonics Pathways and it works great for us. Here's a link: http://www.christianbook.com/pathways-reading-perfect-spelling-ninth-edition/dolores-hiskes/9780787979102/pd/979104?kw=phonics_pathways&event=PPCSRC&p=1018818&cm_mmc=Google-_-Homeschool-_-phonics%20pathways-_-phonics%20pathways&gclid=CM69sbG0yKICFSEJswodSW4axA
  15. I don't think you're crazy, but if you are, so am I.;) This year I'm going to combine Ambleside Online, WP CAW, and Galloping the Globe. I think your plan sounds wonderful.:) It's so cool that we can tweak curriculum and use what works for us. Just another benefit to homeschooling!
  16. :iagree: I love that site, too. We're incorporating several of her ideas for our upcoming homeschool year.:)
  17. My dd2 is developmentally delayed due to institutionalization--we recently adopted her from China. Here are two book suggestions: http://www.amazon.com/Toddler-Play-Gymboree-Wendy-Masi/dp/0865734356 http://www.amazon.com/New-Language-Toys-Teaching-Communication/dp/1890627488/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277520472&sr=1-1 Also, here's a link to a free online curriculum that I'm going to use with my dd this upcoming school year: http://www.letteroftheweek.com/nursery_age_1.html
  18. I've made our schedule of what days we will do what subjects. We do 4-day school weeks and school year-round. (WP CAW=Winter Promise Children Around the World, GTG=Galloping the Globe.) Bible is included in both WP CAW & GTG. Our nature study topics/ideas will come from the Handbook of Nature Study. Here is the schedule I made: Dd9: Monday-Thursday: WP CAW, GTG, Saxon Math, Intermediate Language Lessons, Cheerful Cursive; Tuesday,Wednesday: Ambleside Online Read-Alouds; Monday, Wednesday: GTG Science; Tuesday, Thursday: Nature Walk & Nature Journaling; Tuesday-Thursday: Prima Latina; Monday, Thursday: Story of the Orchestra Ds7: Monday-Thursday: WP CAW, GTG, Saxon Math, Primary Language Lessons, Phonics, Saxon Math; Tuesday, Wednesday: Ambleside Online Read-Alouds; Monday, Wednesday: GTG Science; Tuesday, Thursday: Nature Walk & Nature Journaling; Tuesday, Wednesday: Spelling; Monday, Thursday: Copywork; Monday, Thursday: Story of the Orchestra Dd2: Monday-Thursday: I'll be following this schedule: http://www.letteroftheweek.com/nursery_age_1.html What do your schedules look like?
  19. I'm a former sugar addict myself, 3 weeks into the Atkins eating plan. I can honestly say that I no longer have the cravings I used to have.:D Now sometimes I do feel a little sad that I can no longer have those "treats," but that sadness quickly fades as I think about how much better I feel now. Also, I can still have my "sweets"..........Atkins has pretty good shakes and dessert bars. You can get samples & tools for free at http://www.atkins.com/Index.aspx.
  20. We love FIAR. We used Volumes 1 & 2 last year. It would be a great fit for the ages of your dc. I have several posts on my blog of our FIAR adventures. As a pp mentioned, we also used http://www.homeschoolshare.com/ for extras. We also used the FIAR Christian Character Supplement and the FIAR Cookbook. When we studied different countries, we used the Trip Around the World book series. All of these can be ordered from http://rainbowresource.com/index.php.
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