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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. If you like to put your own things together, but need a framework to fall back on, here are two sites that I use often: http://www.amblesideonline.org/ http://www.homeschoolshare.com/
  2. I have everything we're using. Now I'm just working on planning and putting it all together.:)
  3. This site has tons of free unit studies. We use it often: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/
  4. I think smoking pot is a big deal, and I also think that smoking "regular" cigarettes is a big deal, too. Excessive alchohol drinking is a big deal to me, and so is excessive overeating/regulary unhealthy diet/lack of exercise. I believe we should take care of our bodies. I don't believe we should put things into our bodies that we know harms them.
  5. :) Thanks for the other links. I just saved them to my Favorites.
  6. http://www.letteroftheweek.com/ I'm going to use the Toddler plans from the Nursery Curriculum for my little one starting this August. These plans looks great and they're FREE.:) Anyone else use this?
  7. :)I want these books, too, but I'm all done with purchases for this upcoming school year. Maybe next year.................................... Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy your LOF!
  8. :lurk5: I'd be very interested in seeing your plans & even offering input if you'd like.
  9. :DI got mine today. Everyone else should get theirs tomorrow b/c I have really slow mail service where I live. I can't believe I have mine already.
  10. I'm still in the process of learning to let go of worrying about what other people think. I'm hoping to have that problem solved soon.:)
  11. Funny I just read your response to my old "at least you don't have to work" thread. LOL I guess I must have been too busy just taking naps, eating bon bons, etc. LOL Anyway, I just wanted to say that it's cool to finally "see" you. You're very pretty. :) Anyway, just wanted to say "hi."

  12. I struggle with this exact same thing, too. I am praying that God will use this Bible study to free me and countless other women from those negative voices that tear us down constantly. I'm going to post some Bible verses on my blog that I hope will encourage each of us today to see ourselves as God sees us.:grouphug:
  13. :grouphug: I have tears in my eyes reading these posts. My prayer is that God will speak truth into our hearts and that we will embrace it and BELIEVE it. I will start teaching the Bible study based on Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity on Sunday, July 25. As I stated in an earlier post, I'll be blogging about it as we go. If any of you ladies would like to buy the book and do the Bible study along with me and my IRL ladies, I'd love to have you. You can just respond to this post, and my blog address is in my signature. It sounds like we as women need a healthy dose of reality through the eyes of our Savior. Oh, you can buy the book at the following links: http://www.amazon.com/So-Long-Insecurity-Youve-Friend/dp/1414334729/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276377432&sr=1-1 http://www.christianbook.com/so-long-insecurity/beth-moore/9781414334721/pd/334721?item_code=WW&netp_id=649155&event=ESRCN&view=details
  14. We have the complete CAW program, including cultural resources, that I plan to use. I'll be receiving GTG next week. I'll only be using parts of it, since I don't have all the required literature. Then I'm planning to use the Handbook of Nature Study and Parables from Nature for science, as well as a few other AO books for read-alouds. What do you all think of this plan? Any ideas on how to best implement these plans? Thanks.
  15. :grouphug: Thank you, ladies. Would you mind if I put your specific insecurity struggles in a list for my Bible Study? Of course I won't use your names, and I'm only teaching this to ladies in my church. I will be blogging about what God shows me throughout the study, but that will only be about my own personal struggles...unless someone specifically asks me to share something about them. I just want other women to know that they're not alone in their insecurity issues. I was both shocked and saddened recently when three friends expressed disbelief when I told them that I struggle with insecurity. It was then that I realized I've been hiding behind a persona of "perfection."
  16. I struggle with perfectionism, too. I think that word sums up all of my insecurities.
  17. :( I am so grateful for our brave men and women in the services. My ds(almost 18) leaves for Army basic training on July 12. I'm so proud of him, but also scared of the possibilities.
  18. :lol: Don't worry-I've "stalked" the UPS man, the Fed Ex man, and the mail man before. It's okay!
  19. I'm going to be teaching a Bible Study next month based on Beth Moore's book So Long Insecurity. I posted about it on my blog, but I'd like to get responses from you ladies here at WTM, too. Thanks! Oh, and here's a link to my blog post about my biggest insecurity issues http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2010/06/letting-go-of-junk.html ;)Of course I wouldn't expect you all to come clean if I didn't.
  20. I am so glad that your fil was there.:grouphug:
  21. I love Yesterday's Classics also, but you can check with amazon and Rainbow Resource. I know they carry several of the books.
  22. Thank you all for the replies. I'm buying it used from someone here at WTM for a really great price. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get it!:D
  23. Yes, my house looks like a homeschool house.:) I have two large bookshelves in the dining room and one large bookshelf in the living room. Also, I have books we're currently reading on the coffee table and end tables. We have a number line and a dry erase board in the dining room. We also have various projects and nature walk finds in the dining room on shelves or on top of the piano: lighthouses made out of cardboard, paper towel rolls, construction paper, etc.; Chinese New Year dragons made out of egg cartons; pinecones and leaves; and miniature paper tipis and pyramids--just to name a few.:D My veteran homeschool friends told me when I decided to start homeschooling: "You've got to get over your 'Martha Stewart' tendencies." Obviously I did & I'm proud of it!:lol:
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