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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. As I've mentioned before, I'm using a Montessori style teaching method for my youngest child (she's 3 right now.) She is visually impaired & has developmental delays, and I'm thinking Oak Meadow might be a good fit for her. I use Sonlight with my older children, but I'm not sure it's going to be a good fit for my little one based on her needs. So, is Oak Meadow comparable to Montessori? Thanks.
  2. My children have some input, but I have to make sure they don't choose all the "short" poems!:tongue_smilie: We do start with the shorter poems & as we advance, we choose longer & more challenging ones.
  3. We do a combination of FIAR and Galloping the Globe for K and 1st. Then we start Sonlight in 2nd grade with Core K (A.) For my children, this works best.
  4. We love A Child's Garden of Verses.
  5. Wow, I found some great bargains on materials at Target today! For less than $5 I bought a miniature broom & dustpan set--pink & oh so cute! Also, from the dollar section, I purchased foam blocks, a squishy ball, magnetic alphabet & number sets and stamp sets of the alphabet & numbers and colored ink pads. Score! :D
  6. I have a 3 year old daughter who we adopted from China in Dec. 2009. She is visually impaired & developmentally delayed, and I'm doing a combination of Charlotte Mason & Montessori for her homeschooling this year. I've posted some of my thoughts on my blog, but I'm still working on finalizing my plans.
  7. Yeah, I don't plan on spending a lot of money. I made some sandpaper letters, numbers, and shapes today. Also, I put together a dress-up basket and plan to make a few more Montessori-inspired items this week. I have a friend who is giving me several books about the Montessori approach, so I'm hoping to glean more ideas from them as well.
  8. :) Thank you. I've added those sites in my favorites.
  9. I've discovered several sites that have given me some ideas. Here they are: http://www.montessori-home-schooling.com/teach-montessori-at-home/home-set-up.aspx http://simplymontessori.blogspot.com/ http://montessorihomeschooling.blogspot.com/ http://onehookwonder.blogspot.com/search/label/Montessori http://www.montessorimaterials.org/ http://montessorination.com/printouts/ http://www.montessorimom.com/montessori-free-printouts-downloads/
  10. Just wondering if any of you do this & what it looks like in your homeschool. Thanks!
  11. I am currently using Sonlight Science K (which I guess is A now) and Sonlight Science 5 (which must be F now) with my dc. It is a good program & my dc enjoy it & have learned a lot in just a few weeks.:)
  12. I let my dd10 watch it, but it's similar to Suite Life & the other Disney shows. I remind my daughter when she watches it that it's just a television show & not reality & that our family does NOT work like theirs.
  13. What are your likes & dislikes with this program? We use and really like Saxon Math, so does that mean that their grammar would be a good fit for us? Thanks.
  14. I don't think 7 is a magic number, but marriages go through seasons. I've been married for almost 14 years, and I've learned a lot. There are seasons where I feel passionate love for dh, and then there are seasons where I think "What did I ever see in him?":001_huh::lol: We've gone through major life events together: he adopted my ds5 when we got married, then we had two miscarriages during the first two years of our marriage, then we had two healthy babies (praise God) during the next 2 years. That's a lot of change taking place rather quickly, & we had to learn how to weather those seasons together. Also, we adopted a visually impaired & developmentally delayed little girl from China in Dec. 2009 & then our oldest graduated in 2010 & joined the army & immediately after graduation he headed off to basic training. He is now in Afghanistan. Talk about stressors! I've learned to be honest with dh about what I'm feeling. Communication really is the key. There have been times I've stifled what I was feeling, mostly due to pride, and just sat & stewed & resented dh. But then when I open up & tell him that I'm feeling distant from him, or that I need for him to talk to me more, or I need him to help more around the house, he responds. I've also asked him to be honest with me. And, about the grass is greener.....well, I've come to realize that of course it's NOT. Eventually you'll run into these feelings & issues no matter who your significant other is. Commit to loving your spouse-it's a choice, not a feeling. Try to make time for each other, even if it's only 15 minutes each day. Hang in there!
  15. We learn geography through history & literature using Sonlight.
  16. I love all the rooms! They look wonderful. We school in the dining room & living room, so I don't have an official "school room." I do, however, have bookshelves everywhere, as well as maps, number lines, etc. as my dining room decor.;) I hope to have a school room one day.......
  17. Wow, do you & I live in the same town? :tongue_smilie: Seriously, I have experienced the same ball park "thing." I don't think you did anything wrong by speaking up for your child. Unfortunately your comment was misunderstood, but you're doing the right thing by apologizing & talking to the coach about it. Don't beat yourself up over it. :grouphug:
  18. I voted for Sonlight, but now I need to clarify.;) I use FIAR stretched out for two years: 5K and 1st grade. Then I use Sonlight Core K (or A, as it's called now) for second grade, Core 1 (B now) for third grade, Core 2 (C now) for fourth, Core 3+4 (D+E) for fifth, and Core 5 (F) for 6th grade. That covers elementary, and I plan to use SL all the way through until graduation. I like the gentleness of FIAR for early learners, and I find that Sonlight's cores work best for children at the upper age level of the suggested ages that SL recommends.
  19. We love Sonlight.:) I didn't think I'd like having everything planned out for me b/c I am a planner & a "rebel.....":tongue_smilie:...but I've learned how to make their schedule work for me. I really enjoy having everything planned for me. I add in or take away as I feel led. We use their cores, language arts, and science.
  20. No, you're not overreacting. I would feel the same way. Also, I think your e-mail is fine.
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