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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :glare: Eewww! Follow our hearts, he said?! Give me a break.
  2. Thank you. I got your PM last night & wrote a pretty long response, but then my internet starting acting crazy.:glare: I will definitely leave out the aspects you mentioned, as I don't want my daughter to feel inferior in any way. I've been taking a close look at Christopherus today. It looks really nice. Ahh....decisions, decisions....
  3. Here is a really good low carb salad recipe: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/broccoli_salad.html
  4. I eat low carb. For variety, I use spinach leaves as my salad base. Then I top it with egg salad or chicken salad. Sometimes I also have Caesar salad-minus the croutons, of course.
  5. :lurk5: My youngest child is visually impaired, so we may be purchasing an abacus in the near future.
  6. :iagree: My youngest child is blind in her right eye and has only partial vision in her left. She was born with a genetic condition which caused her vision problem. While it's certainly not ideal, it's also something that she compensates very well for. Your son will do the same. I do encourage you to get other opinions so you can find the best treatment course for your son. In my daughter's case (and particularly at her age) our treatment course is conservative. As she gets older, we may revisit our options. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me. I know this news is quite a blow at first.:grouphug:
  7. I'm thinking my little one's kindy is going to be very similar to yours. I'm drawn to some aspects of Waldorf, but will not be total Waldorf. We already do a light "Letter of the Week," so I plan to continue with that, too. We do some Montessori inspired activities and some Charlotte Mason style learning as well. I have to present things to my little one in several different ways and then review, review, review...but all in a natural and fun way...a little at a time.:)
  8. I would go with FIAR at her age, especially if she is an advanced preschooler. We used FIAR when my middle kids were younger and we loved it. The books are wonderful, and the learning you do with FIAR is gentle, yet thorough. I also recommend purchasing the FIAR Cookbook. Some of our best memories are making the foods to go with each story.:)
  9. This makes things more clear to me. I really like a lot of what Waldorf has to offer, especially for my special needs daughter. I am willing to take what I like and leave out anything I'm not comfortable with. Also, I don't mind researching anthroposophy to decide what I'll leave out. The thing that draws me to Waldorf for this particular child is the art & beauty and the natural learning. I don't believe she would ever flourish with the curriculum I use with my older children.
  10. Congratulations to all of you! This is quite an accomplishment.:)
  11. Could you tell me what you found confusing about Christopherus? I'm trying to narrow down my choices. Thanks!
  12. 1 Prima Latina Student Book I (017071) 1 Siddhartha Gautama: The Buddha (008101) 1 Geography Through Art (010601) 1 Harry the Dirty Dog (002412) 1 Wee Sing America Book and CD (018533) 1 Companion Guide to Beautiful Girlhood (010305) 1 Prayer For a Child (002376) 1 My Five Senses (Level 1) (005150) 1 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (034814) 1 Heavens Declare CD (015569) 1 Runaway Bunny (002241) 1 Look What Came From Russia (022178) 1 Bug Dance (MathStart Level 1) (018162) 1 Flowering Baby - One to Two Years Old (032930) 1 Lacing Beads (Wooden) (042695) 1 Africa for Kids (035976) 1 Inside Islam (032772) 1 Come Look With Me: Asian Art (013684) 1 Latina Christiana 2 Set with Audio CD (LC2WCD) 1 Empty Pot (012146) 1 Eat Your Way Around the World (038930) We're also using Sonlight Core F, Science B, and Science 6.
  13. Thank you. I got it & it helped.:) ETA: I just researched A Little Flower Garden here: http://www.waldorfjourney.typepad.com/ I really, really like it, too. And the prices are so reasonable!
  14. Thank you both. That helps me understand more.
  15. Yeah, I did have some sticker shock when I looked at the price of Live Ed. I looked at Christopherus a little while ago, and I really like it. I'll add Little Acorn Learning to my research list, too. I'm looking at Enki right now (in another tab.) I really like that it has a specific page about special needs learners.:) ETA: Yikes! Sticker shock for Enki, too, although I really like the looks of it.
  16. Thank you. I am also taking a look at Christopherus now, too. I'll add Enki to my research list as well.
  17. I just did some research on Anthroposophy. I am still trying to wrap my brain around exactly what it is. It sounds "new-agish" to me, which I am not comfortable with. Could anyone here give me an easy-to-understand summary of Anthroposophy? Also, if I choose to use Live Education, would I be able to remove the Anthroposophy elements or is it completely intertwined? And, one more question: can Waldorf curriculum be used if one is not comfortable with Anthroposophy? Thanks.
  18. We have bookshelves in every room of the house, including one of our bathrooms. Our books are everywhere!:) We typically do school in either the living room or dining room. And, seriously, my dining room looks more like a classroom.
  19. Thank you so much for your concern. We don't have any gas appliances--we are all electric. I am so thankful that you discovered what was wrong in your house before something worse happened.
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