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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. I get into bed at about 10:00, but I read, watch a bit of TV or talk with my husband until around 11:00--then the lights go out.
  2. Cheese, crackers and a glass of wine. My sister-in-law stopped by one night when my husband was out of town. She took a look at my dinner plate and asked, "Having your own private cocktail party while he's gone?"
  3. I think I am afraid enough of those really long threads that I must miss that sort of thing.
  4. I have only reported spam. I understand that the button can also be used to report a post for other reasons, but I don't feel that it's my place to monitor the board in that manner.
  5. I didn't intend to assign blame, and I agree that it's not her responsibility if it's not the sort of place where you watch them put your chosen ingredients on the pizza (I've only seen television commercials for these sorts of places. I've never been to one). What I don't understand is how anyone can be 'shocked' that minimum wage workers would get an order wrong and try to justify it. Irritating? Yes. Shocking? Not at all.
  6. I simply appears that they are replying directly to the original poster, and asking forgiveness in case someone else already stated the same opinion or advice. (I didn't read the other posts before I wrote that. I hope I'm not just repeating someone else. ;))
  7. We have a Boston (Penelope - She's my avatar). She is the sweetest dog I've ever known. We do have one issue, though. She cannot tolerate some types of protein. She eats a vegetarian kibble with a bit of canned tuna or salmon mixed in. Regular dog food causes her to be sick, and her skin breaks out in blister-like sores. It took us a while to pin down the issue, but since we stick what works for meals, and give her raw veggies as 'treats' (asparagus and brussel sprouts are her favorites), she is just fine. We don't have much heat or humidity here, so I don't know if she'd have a problem with either.
  8. I wear makeup every day, but it really doesn't have anything to do with him. I have VERY dark circles under my eyes and I hate wandering in to use the bathroom and getting a glimpse of myself in the mirror when I don't have makeup on. I feel better about myself when those awful things are concealed.
  9. I would be irritated with my child who wrote the letter and no one else. We have frequent conversation about the consequences of putting things in writing, either on paper or via email/internet). They know to assume that plenty of people whom they did not intend to read the note WILL read the note. It should also be expected that anyone who reads it, especially if it is inappropriate in any way, will discuss it with others. If you put it on paper, it will be shared. If you send it by text or email, it will be forwarded. If you post it on facebook, it will be copied and pasted.
  10. Like one of those Subway sandwich shops? So wouldn't you be watching as they made your pizza and notice what they were putting on it? If that is the case, why wouldn't someone correct them before they made a pizza that you didn't want to eat?
  11. Maybe not. The person taking the order probably wouldn't have know until he hung up the phone and handed the order slip to the person who said, "You idiot! We're out of sausage!" OP, I agree that the manager was probably doing the best she knew how to do. Kindly let them know that you were not happy, and try to understand that a minimum wage business won't always give you top dollar service.
  12. My UPS driver NEVER rings the bell or waits. He gives one quick knock as he sets the package on the porch and heads right back to his truck. I wonder if you can plan to catch him one day soon and gently explain that you'd prefer he just quietly leave you package.
  13. I was just reading about the diet where folks use extreme calorie restriction (500 or so a day) and some form of HCG. The doctor who wrote the plan cautions against exercise, though I didn't read enough to understand why.
  14. I am so glad you shared this! I haven't had much time for TV lately and I completely missed it. What a great way to start the morning! :lol::lol::lol:
  15. Cheese, lettuce, tomato, dill relish, mayo, mustard, ketchup. I've been cutting grains from my diet, so I ate a burger most recently without the bun. I used extra butter lettuce leaves to contain all the condiments.
  16. This is required of any restaurant with more than a particular number of location in our county in Washington state. The lines at fast food drive throughs are as long as they have ever been, and the general consensus seems to be that the law has done nothing to change people's dining habits.
  17. I've never heard of her, but already I disagree with her.
  18. I said weekly and that it is a pleasure. There have been times that I am very busy at home but I have cleared my schedule to visit out of a sense of duty, but that is rare. I usually visit because I really want to be there.
  19. I expected that we would both grow and change. I believed we would both become better individuals and a better couple.
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