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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. Take the Valium and get it over with, Lisa! :grouphug: You don't want to extend the anxiety any longer.
  2. Thank you, Mrs. Mungo. I am not opposed to him reading about references to relationships, or the existence of prostitutes, but I don't want to hand him anything with details. :D
  3. As if such a thing can even be tracked. I hate the uninformed copying and pasting of this type of thing. :glare:
  4. So, they didn't really mean it when they said you didn't have to buy? :lol: I have a friend who sells Tupperware. I have always turned down her party invitations, but I did order a few things from her catalog last year. I HATE that stuff. It's all in a bin in the bottom of my pantry.
  5. I did in the past, but everyone probably realizes by now that I will turn down the invitation, so I no longer receive them. :D
  6. I know a woman named Ursula. She is just delightful, so I have a positive impression of the name.
  7. Is there anything inappropriate in these for a young teen boy? My 12 year old is interested, but neither his older brother nor I have read (or have time now to read) any of them.
  8. I tend to be hyper-sensitive about scents as well, but I wonder if that applies to my own. Now I'm nervous that I stink and don't realize it. :001_huh:
  9. I live in a cool climate, and only wear deodorant when I know I will be working out and exposed to other people, or if the weather is warm. I don't wear it if I am exercising alone and can get into the shower immediately afterward, or when I will just be working around the house, which we keep at a maximum of 62 degrees most of the year. I don't think I have an issue with body odor, but I hope that if I am wrong my friends or family will let me know that I need to use the deodorant more often! My mom was a daily user of deodorant. She was always afraid of offending anyone with any measure of the natural scent of her body. I tend to wonder if 40+ years of daily wear contributed to her breast cancer.
  10. Oh, Ronette. I am so sorry to hear this. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  11. Candles. I love WoodWick. I just got a new one this weekend, Pumpkin Butter, and my house smells wonderful.
  12. I also have a sick one today. I'm letting him sleep until it's time to get him dressed for the doctor's appointment (I suspect an ear infection). I hope your girls are feeling better soon!
  13. :lol: As is a good portion of the conversation here on the general board, isn't it?
  14. I also finished The Leftovers this week. It was an interesting view of what is already (for me, anyway) a bizarre concept. And I always enjoy the way he creates his characters, even the best of whom have some flawed aspect to their personality. This week I'm reading The Art of Fielding
  15. She was going to research the topic, but decided against it because she was freaked out by what she found on facebook? Let us hope, for the sake of her students, that she had higher standards in the classroom.
  16. We share. I just have all our passwords saved on each of the computers, so any of us can log in to whichever account we need. Sometimes I need a photo or contact information from his inbox when he's not here. Other times he is looking for a logo that was sent to me and it's easier for him to go find it than for me to stop everything I'm doing and sit at the computer.
  17. It depends on the day of the week, as well as the time of year. Right now my 12 yo is so busy with school, mowing yards and watering plants for the neighbors, orchestra rehearsal and baseball practice that he has little time for screens on weekdays. He might do a quick check of his facebook page in the evening while I'm getting dinner ready. Weekends are definitely more relaxed. He plays an hour or so of video games on Friday or Saturday evening, and we are far more likely to watch sports (or something completely mindless) on tv or watch a movie. My 17 year old has far too much in the way of school, homework and a daily job to have much time for anything other than texting. When my boys were younger they were allowed an hour of video gaming on weekend days, but we had no set limits on tv.
  18. I think most of us are relating this issue to our own home environment. I certainly am, and I am usually home all day. I wasn't quoting you.
  19. If my husband was the one who was home all day every day and he wanted the house kept a certain way, yes. I would expect him to be the one to keep things to his standards. My husband doesn't particularly care if his dirty laundry and last night's ice cream bowl are left in the bedroom indefinitely. I want to spend my days and nights in a clean house. If he leaves for work and his underwear is still on the floor and his dishes are still on the night stand, I will clean them up. Sure, I could nag him about it, but the result would be dirty underwear on the floor, dishes on the night stand and plenty of nagging. I'd rather just clean up.
  20. :iagree: You can either continue to 'make a point,' (refuse to do any laundry that doesn't make it into the hamper, etc.) or you can keep a house that you are comfortable living in.
  21. He's 15. Sometimes there is just no reasonable explanation for a poor choice. :grouphug: I am sorry you are both hurting today. Just remind him that this singular event does not define him -- he is still fantastic kid!
  22. I think I am much better suited to parent boys. I have little to no patience with the sort of drama I witness in the lives of the teenage girls I know.
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