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Everything posted by AngieC

  1. I've always heard the 10 minutes per grade level rule (so 40 mins for the 4th graders and 50 for the 5th) and I feel that is the max of what I would consider reasonable for elementary school kids. I only have a 2nd grader and her homework takes 10 minutes at most.
  2. Any chance you could exchange them in an AE store for the correct leg warmers?
  3. I think if you look up the card online you can find out when it was activated. Her story is definitely strange but at least she fessed up to her parents and they dealt with it if she never ordered the card in the first place.
  4. If he doesn't want to wear tights, how about some running pants? Something like these: http://www.runningwarehouse.com/catpage.html?ccode=MRPANT&search=args&scode_size=&xcat=MRPANTS&xcat=notemp&x=30&y=8 I have a couple pairs of Mizuno running pants that I wear. They are light weight, very warm and not skin tight.
  5. I am going to second Rodney Strong Merlot. They had it on sale at our grocery a week or two ago for $13 and that is a really tasty wine for that price.
  6. If she isn't his friend and it's not meant as a joke, then why not just have him delete her from his fb account? I can understand letting it happening once, but if it's happening repeatedly, isn't the answer just to remove the person? (Or, if you wish, to take it further by contacting parents, etc. as others have suggested)
  7. I see you are already getting it, but I wanted to tell you that I had a bounce house set up in the middle of my house one winter when my kids were 2 & 4 and they loved it! The neighborhood kids still talk about the bounce house in the living room so it was definitely a fond memory for several kids. The bonus was my kids got more exercise that winter than they would have otherwise.
  8. Yep! I remember how exciting it was to get to take a master copy of the school office to have it copied on the ditto machine and how damp they were as they came off it.
  9. We only have three kitties in the house right now, but if another showed up on my doorstep, we would suddenly have four. :D No way could I turn away a cat or send it to the shelter.
  10. I would be glad that I'm not the only person who walks around with wet hair!
  11. I know a man who moved to Catharpin, Va. and he declared that he moved to Cuth-ar-pin, despite the fact that all of the locals called it CAT-harpin. I have no idea which is correct!
  12. Actually, Denmark and Finland are not 28th and 29th, they are tied for 20th along with the USA.
  13. I think asking them to mark one of the players as "peanut-free" is a great idea. It seems to me that it would be a pretty easy request to implement and really isn't inconveniencing anyone. I would also wipe that machine down before your daughter uses it at every session just in case.
  14. Only if I could change the locks and not give the landlord a key after I moved in.
  15. Is there a reason your younger dd couldn't stay at the current gym if there is nothing at a good time at the new gym? The time commitment and the focus really changes when kids move to team gymnastics so I would make sure your dd is okay with that before making the change (my dd is doing her 2nd year of team, but at a very low key, low hours gym). As for fairness, right now things are definitely uneven between our two, with the older doing a lot more, but the reality is the younger has neither the desire or ability to focus enough to do more than rec programs at this point. When the time comes, we will do our best to meet the needs of both kids. (That said, we are in a highly populated suburban area and there are tons of programs from which to choose.) If you decide to try it, I would recommend trying to find some fun things for your younger dd to do while older dd is in practice - she will come to resent gymnastics if she is forever sitting and watching older dd, but may not mind so much if she gets to do fun things with mom while older dd is at practice. (We do things like playgrounds and parks when the weather is nice, sometimes browse toy stores and sometimes bring movies to the gym. Also, I try to bring my son to the gym as infrequently as possible and I make dd attend some of his activities to keep it fair.) Good luck sorting this out!
  16. I think the person whose property the fence is on is responsible for it. (If you have a survey, it will show if there is a fence on the property if you are unsure.) Yes, the other party benefits from it, but it still only belongs to one person/family.
  17. For me it would depend upon how long the house had been on the market. If it's a new listing, I would probably be a bit insulted, but if it had been listed for ages, I would be thrilled to just get an offer.
  18. Our vet always provides an estimate prior to any service. I can't imagine being handed a $500 vet bill without having any idea that it was coming, although the minute the vet said anesthesia, I would have started asking about costs. I'm sorry it was so much more than you expected. I don't think the vet necessarily owes you any sort of compensation, but it would be a good faith gesture considering the expense and the fact that the animal still died. That said, I have no clue how vets operate, so I could be entirely wrong. I'm sorry your goat died.
  19. If there are other copies at your library, why not just return the copy you have and check out another copy that is on the shelves? If they won't allow that on your library card, get one of your kids a card and have them check out the book.
  20. It looks to me like someone considered emailing you about the item and then accidentally hit send before writing any text and then changed their mind about emailing. There is no reason to reply, but I don't think it's a scam.
  21. The thing is, schools are looking for a kid to be above-level when accelerating. The letter reversals wouldn't be a huge red flag for me, but not having one-to-one correspondence might make me raise my eyebrows (even though you consider it be sloppiness, they can only judge based on what they are seeing). I would say without having IQ testing, it's going to be hard to make your case. You could check out the Iowa Acceleration Scale as it seems to be a gold standard used for grade skips. (I think it expects kids to have an IQ in the top 2% to consider a skip. I don't know the rules on achievement though.)
  22. You are being reasonable. I probably would have read my dd the riot act and let her know that if I saw it happen again there would be consequences.
  23. 5th grade in MO. I get the need for cut-offs, too, but I wish there were: a) some consistency and b) a reasonable policy for early entry for those kids who are ready early.
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