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Everything posted by AngieC

  1. I always ask and I don't think I've ever had anyone responds with "you don't have to get anything, but if you want to get something here are some ideas..." And I don't think I've ever responded like that, either. I guess my assumption is that if someone is asking then they will definitely get a gift and just want to get something the child will actually like (at least that is my reason for always asking!). I always respond with things that can be inexpensive or expensive, depending on how fancy of an item someone gets - arts supplies, books, Legos or cars, etc. I think if someone is asking you that question then they genuinely want to know and all you need to say is "my dd/ds is really into xxx, xxx, and xxx."
  2. I would do what I had to do to make good on the car promise, but probably not fund a wedding unless my situation changed in the mean time.
  3. I just wanted to chime in as one more person who says please don't say anything to her!! Yes, one conversation can do a world of damage. I still vividly recall my mom telling me when I was 14 that she would like to see me grow a few more inches but not gain any weight (because she thought I was too heavy). It's not a fond memory. If I were you, I would get my family active, cut out some high fat/high calorie foods and definitely cut down on the milk intake. Lead by example and make exercise and healthy living a priorty.
  4. We all enjoy them as long as they are not horribly over-crowded or horribly over-priced. I would pretty much rather skip any event rather than fight with the masses to be there.
  5. We've never gone to an egg hunt because I have never liked the idea of it being a free-for-all, but we've hosted them at our house for several years and there has always been a limit on the number of eggs.
  6. I haven't read most other replies so I don't know if you've found anything yet, but I am from the area and this is where I would look first. It's a great location and hopefully a little less expensive than some of the fancier hotels. http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/waskb-key-bridge-marriott/ ETA: Okay, I just noticed the dates you were traveling and entered them and it's $239/night. Sorry!
  7. I would bring it back in. I have all of our Little People toys in the basement now and every once in a while my son will ask me to bring it upstairs. The stuff all gets used for a day or two and then ignored, so it goes back to the basement, but I don't have the heart to get rid of it yet since when it's requested it really does get used. I have no problem keeping toys that are actually played with - what I can't stand is the crying and screaming when I want to get rid of something that no one has touched in forever.
  8. Is it possible that it's based on the age of your child(ren)? I noticed in your siggy that you are using Happy Phonics so I'm wondering if your child(ren) is(are) youngish?
  9. Thank you both for your answers. I don't think I will download it as I don't think it's likely to be a hit once the novelty wears off.
  10. I'm hoping to get a little insight on Funnix before I download it since it's such a large program and so many people seem to be having problems with it. Is Funnix a computer program like Time4Learning where the computer teaches the lesson and then the child answers questions on screen (something they could do by themselves that resembles a game) or is it just the lessons on the computer? My kids would definitely enjoy a T4L type of program, but I think they would tire of it quickly if it's just the lessons that are on the computer and they have to give their answers to me. Thanks for any advice. Angie
  11. I am very relaxed and hospitable. If I thought I were going to have to be formal with someone, I probably would not invite that person into my home because that is not an atmposphere that I enjoy or one that makes me comfortable.
  12. Nope, we do nothing to celebrate and never have. Two years ago we both forgot until a week later and then got a good laugh out of it when I finally remembered.
  13. I agree that she probably assummed you would come with your son and if I were in the situation I would likely have stopped what I was doing to take 2 minutes to help the woman. I see nothing wrong with her asking for help, although I don't know exactly how she asked you, so that certainly could be the difference.
  14. I think what Ottakee meant by "if he was just 5" was whether or not he was older or younger for his grade. In your son's case, kids with fall birthdays will be older and kids with summer birthdays will be younger. If your son has a fall birthday, I definitely wouldn't hold him back, but if he has a summer birthday, I would consider it. There are so many people who hold back summer birthdays in general that no one would think anything about it.
  15. I had a d&c with no pain meds except for local shots. The first couple of local shots hurt, for sure, but if I had to do it again, I would do it the same way since when the d&c was over, I felt fine and I left. There was no hanging around or having to come out of anesthesia. Mine was done in my ob's office.
  16. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I loved Pretty Woman.
  17. Stinky, damp workout clothes smell like cat pee so if anyone left a gym bag around, that could be the culprit.
  18. In my opinion, moving over or slowing down and remaining in your lane is fine. I don't necessarily care if people give me a really wide berth as long as they slow down so as to acknowledge that they see me and are aware that they need to use caution while passing.
  19. Uglies are supposed to last a very long time. We got my daughter a Speedo Endurance this summer and it was recommened to me that we buy an Uglies next time as they are high quality and half the price of the Speedo (Speedo Endurance suits are also polyester.) The polyester will not disintegrate in chlorine the way nylon does.)
  20. Reasonable. We pay $75 per 4 75 min sessions or $66 for 4 1 hour sessions.
  21. I got the first one, but had to scroll down through the thread to get the 2nd.
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