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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. My dad lives in Florida in the winter and we always send down a big basket from Harry and David filled with snack foods and desserts. My FIL has dementia and enjoys watching old tv shows and movies, so we got him the Time Life dvd collection of Bob Hope Specials.
  2. I definitely agree about the testing and the shots. I wouldn't let the cat near mine otherwise. Also, you should make sure it doesn't have worms or fleas.
  3. I spent most of the afternoon doing office work. Got some bills paid and made myself file everything right away. Since I just got my desk cleaned off last week, I'm trying to avoid the dreaded "to be filed" pile from building up again. Now I have to get some hay steaming and then get started on dinner.
  4. Yes! We have two Samsung fridges and one of them has that problem (the other one has a different design without the big drawer). My other complaint is that the shelves and drawers are made of flimsy plastic. We have duct tape holding some of the shelves together because they have broken from regular, every day use. :glare:
  5. got the laundry done and cleaned the laundry room swept the basement had our vet appt. and tentatively scheduled dental work for 5 horses next week cleaned the kitchen picked out my new kitchen cabinet doors and molding (Our existing cabinet boxes are in good shape and I like the layout, so we are keeping them. This will save us quite a bit, which is good because our new hickory flooring is $$$.) talked w/dh about our outdoor/barn projects that need to be done soon
  6. Thanks for updating. I was thinking of you and your dh last night - so glad to hear surgery went well. I hope there will be a favorable outcome in the other matter. :grouphug:
  7. Good morning! •horse vet will be here at 8:00 for fall checkups •school •feed birds •only 1 load laundry today •bills, bills, bills •go through info on our group health insurance rate increase :ack2: •mop mudroom •go through Subscribe and Save list •order light fixtures (been dragging my feet on this, but it needs to get done) •dinner: the coconut green curry with tofu that didn't get made over the weekend
  8. Amazon or Stateline Tack. I like Wrangler jeans because the denim isn't thin, the pockets are a decent size (I hate shallow front pockets), and they're comfortable for riding horses and doing chores. Oh, and they're inexpensive, too.
  9. Hugs to you and your daughter, Tania.
  10. I only like two pumpkin spice flavored things - Burt's Bees lip balm and World Market coffee. I try to stock up on both of them this time of year.
  11. I would also recommend having it done under sedation at the vet's office. As others have already mentioned, cats' skin can be so easily injured. Most cats are not willing to sit quietly while getting trimmed, and all that squirming around makes it a very difficult job. We have a 15 y.o. longhaired cat whose fur gets terribly matted. At first I tried take care of his coat myself by brushing him and trimming the mats, but it was just impossible. So we started taking him to the vet twice a year to get a lion cut while under sedation. He is not a fan of going to the vet at all, but he has always done fine with it.
  12. At Walmart last week, there was a couple walking around with a big pit bull. The dog was wearing a vest with "Emotional Support Dog" embroidered on it. I'm a huge dog lover, but I don't get the appeal of taking a dog everywhere. It just seems like such a hassle.
  13. Good morning! The weather is nasty here today, freezing rain mixed with a bit of snow. •straighten up one of the haysheds •move bales of bedding into barn for easy access •go through Subscribe & Save list for December •make salad and hardboiled eggs, roast beets •plan my week •maybe more Christmas shopping •vacuum upstairs •mop mudroom •dinner: coconut green curry •watch hockey tonight
  14. I'm so sorry. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. We all like it cool and keep it set between 60-65*. Any warmer than that and we get cranky.
  16. Wow. If my brother did that, there is no way I'd ever let him in my house again.
  17. I got lots of Christmas shopping done today. My FIL is in his 80s and has dementia, so we have a hard time thinking of gifts that he will enjoy. However, this year we came up with a good idea - the Time Life DVD collection of Bob Hope Specials. FIL spends a lot of time watching old shows and movies, so I think this gift will be a hit. :thumbup1: Dh and the boys are picking up takeout pizza and salads, so no cooking for me tonight. :)
  18. Good morning! transientChris, thank you for reminding me to get our bulbs planted. It was too warm for planting when I got them, so I put the box on a shelf in the garage and promptly forgot all about it. Already done: •fed horses •fed dogs and cats •fed dh before he left for a meeting •did two loads laundry •emptied garbage cans •cleaned main floor bath To do: •clean tack room •clean out hay boxes •fix the grate on one hay box that got bent when a horse stomped on it :glare: •clean hay steamer and descale boilers overnight •unpack Chewy boxes and grain order •order two new hay nets •read and relax •maybe a little online Christmas shopping •dinner: coconut green curry with tofu •watch hockey tonight
  19. We tried the plug-in ones that are supposed to deter mice and they didn't work at all.
  20. I wasn't going to mention it, but now that others have brought it up...I haven't eaten beef, pork, or poultry since I was a small child because I grew up on a farm and my heart was so broken over the animals that my parents butchered. :(
  21. What a fiasco! I hope he can get it all straightened out.
  22. Good morning! It's Friday! It's a beautiful, frosty, very cold morning here. My two puppies are wanting to chase and tackle each other and just be super rambunctious in general - which is not what the doctor ordered. I might have to separate them until they're healed up. •school •get bank deposits and mail ready to go •tidy up house •take ds19 to the ER this afternoon for round 3 of rabies shots •flu shot appt. for ds17, dd, and me •stop at the horse vet clinic to pay bill, pick up a medication refill and set up appt. for checkups •bank, post office, get gas •pick up a few things at walmart •stop at bookstore (Our much loved small town bookstore is closing. :( We are so sad. We went there every Friday afternoon. This is right on the heels of my kids' favorite comic book store closing, too.) •pick up Japanese takeout for dinner •maybe watch a cheesy Hallmark movie tonight
  23. Send him on up! The chores are never ending around here. ;)
  24. Many hugs to you, Melissa. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: That sounds so stressful! I hope your dh's surgery goes well.
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