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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. Could it be petechiae? Has he been doing anything that could cause broken blood vessels, like coughing hard or vomiting?
  2. My boys didn't start shaving until around age 15 or 16 - but there are a few boys we know who actually were able to grow beards in junior high.
  3. Good morning! •round up the cats and shut them in the mudroom for the day because we have construction work going on in the house •school •laundry (as always...) •remember to keep the horses up close to the house because the next four days are deer hunting season again - and no walking outside :glare: •tidy up (house is a mess) •absolutely must get moving on Christmas shopping •dinner: Thai fish soup •watch hockey tonight
  4. My kids are 19, 17, and 15 and they have been doing chores since they were little. The younger two are busy with school and the oldest works full time (he's taking a gap year), but we expect them all to do their part in keeping the household running smoothly. Their daily chores include cleaning the kitchen after dinner, taking out the garbage, sweeping or vacuuming the main floor, and washing the dogs' food bowls and filling water bowls. On weekends, they have a few hours of additional chores, like yard work or cleaning. In addition, two of them have horses so they do horse chores in the early morning and evening. I don't care what their bedrooms look like, though. That's their space and they can be as messy as they want. :)
  5. I love Chewy! I was worried when PetSmart bought them, because every time I've ordered from PetSmart, something has gone wrong with the order. Luckily, Chewy has remained wonderful thus far. Their customer service is the best!
  6. I think there has been a lot of anger brewing not only over Trump but also over Hilary's behavior towards Bill's accusers.
  7. The cat and I are back from the vet. He is very mad at me. I put away the baskets of clean towels that have been sitting in the hallway for days and days. I scrounged through the pantry and freezer and figured out what to make for dinner. No grocery shopping for me today. :thumbup1: Also cleaned a bathroom.
  8. Oh, geez...his name came up in conversation a few weeks ago (I think dh read something about him in the paper - not related to this) and I said the first thing that popped into my head - that it wouldn't surprise me if this type of news came out about him. He's always given off a creepy pervert vibe.
  9. I got my dd a similar (but less expensive) quilt from Bas Bleu. https://www.basbleu.com/HW2527.html
  10. Good morning! •school •take my old kitty to the vet at 10:00 for his yearly checkup •there will be workers in the house today, so it will be kind of hectic in here :glare: •I have to get to the grocery store at some point in the near future. Not sure if that will be today or tomorrow. •work on my to do pile in my office •work on Christmas shopping •dd and ds17 have Model UN this afternoon •dd violin lesson?? must check, it might be canceled this week •dinner: ?? depends on if I get groceries
  11. Jean, I thought you were actually going bunny shopping for your sister, which sounds like a lot of fun. :) Three loads of laundry are done, with a couple more still in the works. The vets were here for several hours doing dental work. It went well and all of the horses handled the sedation just fine. I'm glad to have that crossed off my list. Ds19 got our new 300 gallon water trough installed, which I am super excited about. #horsenerd He also graded the paddocks and made some fence repairs. Went over finances with dh and got our banking done. Now on to kitchen cleaning, making dinner, and evening chores.
  12. :grouphug: So sorry that happened to you.
  13. Good morning! •vet appt. - dental work for 5 horses this morning •absolutely must remember to do some banking today •school •laundry - sheets and blankets •office work •dinner: Tikka masala •watch hockey tonight
  14. Done with laundry and vacuuming. Relaxing and watching hockey now. Fingers crossed I get some good sleep tonight.
  15. We anchor our tree to the wall, too, to keep our rampaging cats from knocking it over. This year, we are also putting a little fence around the tree to protect it from our two puppies.
  16. Okay, I have made a little progress. Just found out that there will be workers here tomorrow measuring up for the flooring, so that inspired me to get off my rear and make the house look presentable. I swept up some fur tumbleweeds and cleaned and mopped the kitchen. Plants have been watered and the coffee maker is clean. The second load of hay is in the steamer and grain buckets are washed. I still need to clean up a few clutter piles, do some more laundry, make chicken and rice for my sick pup, and vacuum upstairs. Plus my usual animal chores. Ds has a golf lesson in half an hour.
  17. Today has not been a banner day for me. It's almost 2:30 and all I've gotten done are horse chores, one load of laundry, and a trip to the post office. I think lack of sleep is catching up with me...plus, my anxiety is through the roof for some reason. :glare: Still have lots of laundry to deal with, a floor that badly needs vacuuming, and my kitchen to clean. On the plus side, I realized that we have enough leftovers from the past two nights that I don't have to cook dinner.
  18. For years, we either cut a cedar tree on our land or bought a tree at one of the local tree farms. Now the tree farms have gone out of business and we haven't been able to find any more cedars that are the right size - they're either tiny or humongous. So last year, we bought a pre-lit artificial tree from Wayfair. I love it! It has pine cones and berries on the branches and looks so pretty that we don't even put any ornaments on it. I do miss the fresh tree smell, but I don't miss the tree drying out and dropping needles all over. This year, we have to put up a little fence around the tree because we have two 5-month-old lab puppies who would surely destroy it the minute we turn our backs. :)
  19. Good morning! •school •make a post office run •dust and vacuum •do a few loads laundry and put away clean towels •menu plan •clean coffee maker •water plants •dinner: Tikka masala •watch hockey tonight
  20. I'm 48 and do two to four hours of physical labor (horse chores) every day. It isn't taxing for me, but that's only because I have been doing it day in and day out for a long time. If I took a few weeks off and then started back up, I'm sure it would be a struggle getting used to the hard work again.
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