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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. Good morning! Pretty usual Monday here. I'm planning to get a lot done today because tomorrow will be super busy - the horse vets are coming out to do dental work and various other things and will be here for most of the morning. Plus, I have to do my grocery shopping tomorrow afternoon because I couldn't handle facing the crowds over the weekend. •school •office work (the plan is to get all my Nov. bills finished up today) •menu plan & shopping list (I was supposed to do this last night but was too tired) •dust and mop main floor •laundry •dinner: tacos
  2. Got our outdoor work done. It is cold! Ds19 cleaned up the paddocks with the skid loader and put up the salt block holders while dd and I did the rest of the chores. I turned the horses out for a little while to run off some energy. They've been cooped up for the past few days because it's deer hunting season and I don't want them getting shot. Cut dh's hair, did a few loads of laundry, and swept the main floor. Dh and ds19 are outside cleaning out the dryer vent pipe thingy. I'm going to work in the kitchen for a while and tackle my clutter piles.
  3. :grouphug: So sorry! I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  4. Good morning! •lots of outdoor chores (clean out hay boxes and area around them, put up new salt block holders, bring more bedding bales into barn) •menu plan for the week & make shopping list •make a huge bowl of salad •hard boil eggs •mix up bags of berries for freezer •several loads laundry •clean up the annoying piles of miscellaneous papers, books, and catalogs next to my computer, on the table, and on the dining room hutch •read and relax •dinner: salad, artichokes, and buffalo red curry cauliflower wings •watch a movie with the kids tonight
  5. The stars are incredibly beautiful tonight. I'm going to put one last load of laundry in the dryer and then call it a day.
  6. Gave the upstairs a thorough sweeping (so much lab fur...). Did a little Christmas shopping online. The kids got our entryway and front hall painted. Cleaned all the horses' feet. It was too cold and mucky to get many outdoor chores done. I've been ignoring my laundry pile all day and really should go get a load started. Dh wants to get pizza for dinner. :thumbup1:
  7. Good morning! It's windy here, too, with freezing rain and some gigantic snowflakes mixed in. Already done: •fed horses •cleaned stalls (always a mess when it rains because the horses like to stay in all night) •fed dogs & cats •fed birds •fed dh •rescheduled hay delivery (too wet today) To do: •place a Boxed order •plan menu for the week •order supplements •split the pills that I picked up at vet's yesterday (old dog's arthritis medicine) •read and relax •dinner: salad, artichokes, and buffalo cauliflower wings •watch hockey tonight
  8. I've seen several articles like this and they all seem to equate less education with less income. However, I'm thinking of the couples I know where the woman has a college degree and the man does not and both work full time - and in every instance, the man makes significantly more money than his wife. For example, I know several women who are teachers and earn around $50,000-60,000/yr., while their husbands work in construction related trades and earn well over double that amount per year.
  9. Good morning! Jean, how exciting! :) Busy day here! •electrician will be here soon •school •take 2 dogs to vet this morning (one for shots, one for incision check and removal of staples) •rearrange haysheds to make room for delivery •water plants •feed birds •take ds19 to ER this afternoon for his last rabies shot •get license for new work truck at DMV •bank?? •get gas •get enough groceries to last through the weekend •bookstore?? (they're having a liquidation sale - sad :( ) •pick up Japanese takeout for dinner
  10. Re. staying overnight at the vet's - our vet prefers not to keep animals overnight unless it is absolutely necessary. She says that it is better psychologically for animals to be at home and that less stress = faster recovery.
  11. Our two lab puppies just got spayed and neutered last week. The biggest challenge for us was keeping them calm and quiet for the first three days, per vet's orders. They were pretty much conked out the first night after surgery, but by the next morning they were raring to go and wanting to roughhouse. We had to keep a very close eye on them to prevent them from getting too rambunctious. :)
  12. Just put our old cat's fuzzy blanket in the washer and that will be my last load of laundry for the day. Did some paperwork and made a post office run. Figured out how much more hay and straw we can squeeze in the sheds and arranged a delivery for Saturday. Dh is getting everything measured up for our our kitchen cabinet and flooring orders. Refilled the dog food bins and emptied garbage cans. The kids got a reprieve on cleaning their rooms because the electrician won't need to get in their rooms tomorrow, he is only going to be working outside and in the barns. Now it's time to clean the kitchen.
  13. Good morning! There is a huge flock of wild turkeys waddling through our front yard and the dogs are going nuts. :) It's already back to being pitch dark during morning chores again - and this morning, the coyotes were up close to the house and barns and were howling at the top of their lungs - so cool. Usually, they are done howling for the night around 4am or so. •school •post office •make dd and ds17 clean their rooms, or at least clear a path so electrician can get in there tomorrow and do some work •vacuum, dust, mop •menu plan •figure out how much more hay and straw we need, arrange delivery •laundry •ds17 golf lesson •dinner: mustard roasted salmon and baked garlic fries
  14. That's sickening. :mad: I would send a written description of the incident to the school administrators and school board members.
  15. Good morning! I'm trying to summon the energy for a busy day...I felt blah all day yesterday and got next to nothing done, so today needs to be productive. •school •paperwork and bills •hair appt. for dd & me •stop at grocery store •post office •maybe pick up lunch while in town •tidy up house •mop floors (didn't get done yesterday, or the day before) •order hay nets (have tried to do this twice already...website won't let me check out :glare: ) •dd Art Club •dinner: mediterranean bowls with falafel •watch suffer through hockey tonight (my team isn't doing so hot)
  16. We've always gotten our kids vaccinated against the flu, starting when they were very young. Having experienced the misery of the flu, a little bit of discomfort from the shot is much preferable!
  17. :grouphug: , Pumpkin Spice. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  18. Golf lessons for ds - $400-500/month Violin lessons for dd - $200-250/month The horses that we own (four belong to my kids, two are mine) - an exorbitant amount that I have never added up :ohmy:
  19. Good morning! Amy, best of luck to your ds! I'll bet he does great. :) •school •run to post office •spend at least a couple hours on office work •mop tile floors •order office supplies •food prep (salad, roasted veggies) •dinner: vegan barbacoa
  20. Della and Leona were old lady neighbors of ours when I was a kid.
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