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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. @Arcadiaall of that is so stressful - making sure everything is exactly right and matching.
  2. It's never happened to me before, but I've found Southwest customer service to be very good whenever I've had an issue. Fingers crossed they will fix this easily for you.
  3. Thank you. We feel very fortunate that he is so resilient and seems to be doing well. I can't even imagine what he witnessed and experienced that day. I grieve for him and, of course, the victims and their families, while being so grateful that he came home safe and is thriving.
  4. I thought this one was funny - with the quote: If you’re gonna use photoshop, at least do it properly and put some CATS in the shot! [Deleted by moderator: Celebrity pics are against board rules]
  5. I have a friend who is like that with her kids. She is just way overinvolved with everything.
  6. Sending a hug from me too and lots of positive thoughts. That must be incredibly difficult.
  7. I voted yes, with caveats. Ds2 was in a school shooting and was able to call to tell us there was a shooting and he was okay minutes before we even knew anything happened. And then we were able to keep in touch with him until he was allowed to leave the campus (he was in the room where it happened and a witness, so he had to stay a while plus the school would only release students under 18 to parents so it was quite a mess). I can't even imagine not knowing if he was okay or not and was SO grateful that he had the phone. But I would never text my kids during class! That is bizarre unless it's an emergency/extremely important and I do think it's a distraction.
  8. Oh no. I'm so sorry. 😞
  9. I just read this book that addresses some of these issues: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41716694 Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language
  10. I'm so sorry. That's such an awful feeling. Hope you feel better very soon and the rest of your family stays healthy.
  11. I am very concerned about Long Covid, but pretty much everyone I know who has had covid has fully recovered. I know many people who have had covid and none of them are experiencing long covid. The only reason I wrote "pretty much everyone" is because two men I know who had covid died suddenly after they were sick and I suspect it was from covid but don't know for sure. Maybe that wouldn't really be considered long covid, but just death from covid damage? I have a lot of long covid symptoms but have never had covid that I am aware of unless I was asymptomatic, but my exposure has always been extremely low so it's unlikely.
  12. We take pizza dough and spread it on a pan, add mozz cheese and ground cooked/drained sausage, roll it up, and bake it. I think it's a calzone or stromboli like that? I've never had either of those but I think that's basically what it is.
  13. I think so too! Great job! I totally understand that feeling you described, but hopefully it will get easier and also that you'll feel good with the boundaries you are setting. ❤️
  14. Matchbooks with the couple's name and wedding date on it were big when I got married in the 80s. We didn't do those for our wedding, but my in-laws did them for our wedding reception that they hosted for us (we had two receptions in different states). I still have some of those, but those wouldn't be good now. For our wedding, we had very small glass bowls with our names and wedding date on them. I still use mine to hold my wedding ring when I'm in the kitchen and handling food or using cleaning products that I don't want on my ring. It's very small - not really a bowl but I don't know what else to call it. ETA - maybe about the size of these tealight candle holders but they were decorated on the edges and had our names and wedding date in script on them https://www.amazon.com/PINIWON-Tealight-Holders-Wedding-Centerpiece/dp/B0BG78D8TX/ref=asc_df_B0CHB9KY5W/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680523312848&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18016317812781120870&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015255&hvtargid=pla-2245582204976&mcid=15e8acefa7323cf09bb11f849dbea60b&gad_source=1&th=1
  15. or even maybe both...find a new one while continuing with the old one.
  16. Sending lots of positive thoughts. You've been through so much and I hope everything goes smoothly.
  17. I wonder how that was paid for. @Harriet Vane I'm so sorry and hope you feel better very soon. 😞
  18. That is incredibly stressful. Sending hugs.
  19. @Spryte I just want to apologize. When I commented about the bread, I wasn't considering special food requirements. That's totally different IMO and in that case I would spend that much. DH buys processed wheat bread for himself and it's $2/loaf. I rarely eat bread, but I prefer whole wheat. I haven't bought it in a long time but I assume it's around 3.50/loaf? He buys cookies pretty cheap - 2.50 or 3.00 for a package of Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Keebler cookies?, $3 for a big box of Hostess cupcakes... ETA I just checked and whole wheat looks like it's closer to $4 here - a little under at Walmart.
  20. Wow, that's scary! Glad you finally saw her!
  21. Why do you think that? I would never ever pay $9 for a loaf of bread. I'm pretty thrifty and don't do any of the other things you mentioned either (movies, alcohol, expensive coffee). I didn't respond to this thread yet because there's so little that I could really cut back on. Definitely diet soda, which I drink way way too much of and has gotten very expensive. And gum, which is a complete waste of money. Other than that, things like protein bars but there's really not much that I splurge on. We do have Amazon Prime, but it's the student version (for now) and I feel like it pretty much pays for itself in a year's time with the special discounts/offers throughout the year. There are a lot of foods and clothes and shoes and services that I'd love to have, but wouldn't purchase due to the cost. We are fortunate that we do have the money, but I'm just uncomfortable spending over a certain amount on things. I'm struggling with rising prices because I have a limit in my mind and everything is becoming way over that limit.
  22. Very smart and worth the peace of mind! 🙂
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