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Everything posted by OrganicAnn

  1. I think it is political because the original question says "how could anyone vote for".... That's a slippery slope to me.
  2. I think this thread is political. I find that often when a person agrees with the politics of a candidate they downplay their transgressions, but when it is someone from the other party they do the opposite.
  3. ad hominen - you are attacking the other person. Casting aspersions on them.
  4. We are home just about every night at dinner at 6:30 and don't really go out after that except for some special occasion like a movie on the weekend.
  5. Pinterest is where I get all my knitting ideas. Lots of non woolies. I love the knitted or crocheted baskets or bowls.
  6. There are lots of different kinds of milk. I would systematically try them to see what you like. Have you checked out Vitamin D
  7. I don't believe humans are capable of that amount of sustained organization. Now if they are aliens, that's might be do-able. Not.
  8. I think those are icelandic poppies (but I could be wrong).
  9. Yes. I would. 1) If anything did happen, even something like vandalism then at least you've reported it. 2) Even If you think the person personally wouldn't do it, do you really know. The neighbors of mass murders always say "he was so nice and quiet. I can't believe he did that". 3) If they ever do something to someone else, at least there is a report of something previous that may help the police. 4) If it is a prank, then they need to know that it is not without consequences.
  10. Gosh. At first I thought you meant this was coming from the diocese, but then I re-read it and an 'ad hoc' committee seems like it is a self-appointed group that has an agenda. They might not like the current Priest, but I'll bet they wouldn't have liked any new Priest.
  11. I agree with the others who say the box alone doesn't mean anything. I went to a speech once and as part of the speech the speaker passed out condoms. Of course I was a freshman in college and not in high school, but there could be lots of reasons for it. I do think it gives you a good opportunity to talk to your son about s#x and safe s#x. Parents make a difference especially if they are willing to talk and listen openly and honestly.
  12. I've never lived in Indy, but live in Bloomington for many years and worked in Greenwood for a while. I agree with PP - good Cost of Living, etc. The only thing negative that I can think of it is a little bland, vanilla, and dull suburbia. That's really not a bad criticism, especially when other things are important to you. There are some areas that are more interesting. They do have an awesome Children's Museum and a good Zoo.
  13. It is so difficult to know when to start pulling back and let them sink or swim. I think it is very important to do. Some kids go off to college and still have parents remind them of papers or deadlines.
  14. I think these are regional especially stoop. I think of a stoop as being the front of a townhouse and not a house. We use couch, but I call my mom's couch her divan. In addition to petal pusher or capris, they were called clam diggers.
  15. Rarely in life we have all the facts and yet people make judgments all the time from the mundane to the sublime.
  16. What would paying down the mortgage save you? In 10 years it would save you $1,625 in interest, or $2,438 in 15 years, or $3,250 in 20 years. The longer you have remaining on your mortgage, the more you save. You have a higher interest rate on your student loan so you would save more money paying it down. If you paid all $5,000 to student loans, then you would save $312 per year in 10 years that is $3,120. And these are without the compounding effect, so you actually be saving more. You can run an amortization schedule in Excel for figure out how much you would actually save.
  17. I would pay $4,000 toward Student loan (higher interest rate) and use $1,000 for whatever you can want to make your life fun/interesting. If you pick kitchen and $1,000 won't do it, then I would save the rest. I don't know how much central air would cost, but I would pick that over the kitchen. There used to be a tax rebate for certain types of energy improvements like air conditioning, but I don't know it they still have them.
  18. In most stores they have real vanilla extract and artifical vanilla extract. Try the real vanilla. It costs about 3x as much. You can buy vanilla beans and make your own. I think buying vanilla beans on line in bulk is the way to go. People do this for Christmas presents.
  19. My DD had an eye tic. We took her to her pediatric ophthalmologist. We were going to take her any way to have an eye exam. The Ophthalmologist said that eye tics are common at a certain age (like somewhere between 3 and 6 I don't remember what the exact ages). She did say that in rare cases it could be caused by a brain tumor. She did various tests (reflexes was one) and said that she didn't see any indications that there was a brain tumor. She said that we should ignore it and if it didn't go away after 18 months or if there were more symptoms that we might try a neurologist. It went away in about 8 months. I don't know anything about other types of tics.
  20. Decorated with a centerpiece of books.
  21. For kids, I would boil them and remove skins. Add butter and a little salt.
  22. I just heard that Mexico has surpassed the US with the % of overweight and obese people. Is it our lifestyle has spread or it is for other reasons? I knew one person (european) who lived in the US for just over 1 year and said that they gained a lot of weight. Why? So many different little things that added up to a lot. I know if many 3rd world countries they used to eat only 2 meal a day of something like rice and beans or corn meal mush. I can't imagine Americans ever accepting that type of diet. Also having to walk more as a way of life.
  23. Peel and slice into 1/4 inch slices. Put on grill or if you don't have a grill or George Forman, you can use a dry (no oil) non stick pan. Cook until it is cooked through. Put red wine or white wine vinegar in a shallow dish. Dip the eggplant in the vinegar. Put eggplant into a container and add olive oil (can also add garlic, rosemary or other herbs). Store in refrigerator. Use the eggplant on sandwiches, cut up into salads, etc. (Sandwich with eggplant, goat cheese and tomatoes on crusty bread is awesome). By cooking with no oil the eggplant holds its shape better.
  24. There was a website I ran into a while ago that told which fruits and vegetables should be eaten quickly and which would last. They had a plan to help people buy for a 2 or 3 week period so that they could have fruits and vegetables every day. I know it is difficult, but I would make a plan when you come home from the farmer's market. Some fruit if you bake it into pies or bread it will last longer, some is easy to freeze, and some should just been eaten up. The more you do this, the better you'll get at it.
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