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Everything posted by OrganicAnn

  1. So the dinner is over? Is this just about your relationship with your mom? That's sure is tough. I can't imagine what you do about your relationship. I would go again to some sort of counseling to figure it out. I think it would very difficult, but I would hope that if I were in a similar situation I would try to find a way to file a police complaint. I would try to do it knowing that it may be past the statute of limitations and that the police wouldn't actually act on it. I would do whatever I could so that if someone else had been abused or was being abused that there was some information out there to let the police or anyone investigating know that there were more victims. I wouldn't do it for myself, I would do it for others.
  2. Dried apricots are a great source.
  3. Just not: the Dwarf Drinking School Walking in the Moonlight Elven Studies My Precious Knowledge What's in my Pocket School of Riddles
  4. The Gandolf Academy of Knowledge The Hobbits are going to Isengard Musical Institute
  5. I would try out every recipe for zucchini bread, zucchini muffins, zucchini chocolate cake or similar baked goods. When I find the best recipe, I would then shred the zucchini and freeze it in the amounts necessary for my favorite recipe. Use your biggest zucchini for baked goods. Smaller zucchini for sauteing with garlic, onions, tomatoes then topped with cheese. There was a small town in New Hampshire or somewhere like that. It had a "Gift someone else with Zucchini Day". The person writing the story had dropped off his extra zucchini at various houses and ran an errand only to find zucchini left in his unlocked car.
  6. I think when it is a disaster like a flood or a hurricane that it is important that politicians tour the site. They may influence how much money or what type of assistance is needed in the area. JMHO - I find that people often feel comforted/honored when politicians of their own party visit, but annoyed when the other party's politicians do the same thing.
  7. I wouldn't do it fully clothed. I would do something like hike the Appalachian Trail (fully clothed), but a crazy reality TV show - nope.
  8. Not okay. Since it was Howard Stern, everyone was probably glad that was the worse thing he said.
  9. I agree with PP, but another example might be when 2 people are both commenting on the 3rd person or situation removed from the two people. So Person A says "I think Univ of X will win the competition" and Person B says "I think Univ of Y will win the competition" (and neither one is too vested in the competition) When Univ of X wins, then person A might say "I told you so".
  10. A lot depends on what you are trying to avoid. Pesticides, HFCS, Salt, Nitrates, etc. I'd figure out what you think are the worse things for you and then look for ways to avoid them. It is very difficult to eat perfectly all the time, so look for ways that are both easy and good for you.
  11. My aunt worked in a bank and gave us a tour. My younger sister thought my aunt could take all the money in the vault when ever she wanted to.
  12. I have found that when I find a very nice outfit/dress/sweater that really appeals to me, it is best if I buy it. When I don't buy it, then within 3 months I have some event or invitation where I need something new/fancier/different to wear. Then I'm kicking myself wondering if I can find anything like it in the stores. So I say, when you find it, buy it.
  13. We live 2 miles from my mom and about 10 miles from my ILs. My mom no longer drives and so it is great to live so close. We can take her shopping and bring her meals or run errands. Don't just think of today, think about the next 10 or so years. We are so glad my mom moved closer to us. She was 2 hours away.
  14. The only time I could imagine not having a parent of the groom at the rehearsal dinner is 1) if they were divorced and not getting along or 2) were a serious alcoholic or trouble maker. It doesn't sound this this applies in your situation. The only other thing would be if you don't get along with the bride's parents or the bride's friends. The most difficult thing will be at the reception when people ask you how the rehearsal dinner was or why weren't you there. I'm afraid I might break down if someone asked me. Keep your chin up.
  15. I would do Cincinnati with the kids and then drive back and drop the kids with GM and then go off in a different direction for the romantic weekend. We really enjoyed the Cincinnati zoo and science museum.
  16. I would ask some place like Kinkos or a store that specializes in copying.
  17. 10% Benzol Peroxide is the only thing that has worked for me over the years (benzol peroxide is often 2% and that just doesn't do it). Salacytic acid just makes my face shiny and red. While I think a poor diet might impact the quality of your skin, I don't think a good diet will do away with acne. For me it is brought on by hormones, since it is usually around my period.
  18. With the internet, it is so much easier to be an obsessed middle aged fan from the comfort of your own home. I've been searching for old interviews and performances on youtube of a 60s icon over the past 50 years. Things I never knew about this person, music they made, films they were in. It is so fun. I'm just glad I couldn't do it when I was 16. And follow people in other countries too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2NEU6Xf7lM
  19. I agree that there are people who work hard and never have success. Also there are lots of factors that go into success or failure. But if someone where to ask me which would more likely lead to success 1) hard work or 2) thinking certain thoughts about success, then I would recommend hard work.
  20. You mean that if you imagine things, you will make them happen? "The Law of Attraction"? I don't think so. I think it is wishful thinking. I think believing success is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration is a better philosophy to live by.
  21. I put yes, but it was in the context of pre-marital counseling. Not a general announcement about it.
  22. The shoulder pad trend in the 80s/90s is starting to make sense!
  23. I don't know if it is this year's trend, but I see a lot of cute mug cozies on Pinterest.
  24. I have a feeling covering your arms was considered modest in the Middle Ages and we are just now beginning to question it.
  25. There is an organization to help families of gay people. I think many people seek it out especially to find out more when they have a young person in their family who is gay. I think it is glaad? I'm sure it has resources and even a hot line where you could email or talk to people who are experienced in this area.
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