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Pam Wilhelm

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Everything posted by Pam Wilhelm

  1. Sounds normal to me. :D My nephew was really into trick bike riding......... he is now a Mechanical Engineer....... you just never know.
  2. You know, I've been thinking about this......... as I stated, I didn't scream with any of my three births.... but let a moth into the house and you would think the world was coming to an end right then and there!
  3. Nope, no screaming....... at the moment of birth there was a primordial grunt/growl...... but that was it. I was even reasonably nice to my husband while going through labor. :lol:
  4. How about the German Heritage Society site? They have a list of Organizations and Schools that they are associated with, you might find some ideas there........ http://germanheritagesociety.org/organizations.html
  5. We ordered a load of sand and had it delivered..... leveled our very slight slope out just right. We had a larger pool then....... 18' x 48", I think.
  6. We've used these kind of pools for years.......... no problems (well, except some discipline problems of not obeying when they were allowed in the pool.... drain the pool one time and they are like little angels! :lol: ) To keep the pool clean I recommend registering with the Aqua-chem website and putting in the dimensions of your pool........ after that, test the pool once a week and follow their recommendations..... the pool will stay beautiful all season long. We are in an apartment now and really miss having a pool..... although I don't think we'd use it much up here in MN.
  7. Woohoo!!!! that is awesome!!! I think we are going to try and short sell ours..... woopee.
  8. I've never used them, but when all my boxes of books come up from GA I am going to go through them and send the books I don't need to Book Samaritan. I love the premise and have been helped so much from others I want to pay it forward! Thanks for reminding me.
  9. Do you remember the musical "South Pacific" where the young "Liutellant" sings about hate and prejudice? You've got to be carefully taught to hate.... so true.
  10. My 11 year old did and is still doing this kind of thing. I have been through many different math curriculums and have settled on MUS...... she likes it, but still makes "stupid" mistakes. We have gone back and started her from the very beginning....... she is about half way done with Beta right now. Yesterday she was adding columns of double digits (finding 10) and she consistently forgot/didn't drop any zeroes into the answers. What should have been 160 would be 16, etc. Amidst many tears we finally got through it..... but she should know this stuff!!!! She's 11!!!! She probably won't be a math major in college. .......... and that's okay with me........ she is a kind, sweet, lovely, gentle soul. I just hope she never runs a cash register....... :lol:
  11. Wow! You've been a good girl, haven't you? LOL! It is gorgeous!
  12. We are Christian Scientists and don't vaccinate our kids........ when the girls wanted to stay at girl scout camp I called the person running the camp and she had me fill out a form and send it in with the paperwork. Perhaps you could call the camp and find out........
  13. Oh, I'm so sorry. We are going through a similar situation..... from GA to MN. Hubby was out of work for a year and he finally got a job up here...it is great but our house in GA will sell below payoff...when it finally sells.... and our rent here is high. We're so tight we squeak! We didn't get rid of our dogs and that has cost us in higher rent........ but our dudes are still with us and we are glad about that. I don't know what to tell you, but to keep going forwards......... you (and I) will make it! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
  14. I had TMJ surgery over 25 years ago.......... had no problems with the surgery, and have had no issues since.
  15. Facebook is very good. I'm from a family of 8 kids and we are all much older now and most of us have Facebook accounts.... it is nice to get on and have some quick note from someone far away yet close to our hearts.
  16. I took the SAT's stinking drunk from partying all night long......... showed up late, etc. I didn't do half bad. :lol: I won't tell the kids that, though. I'll have them do prep work when the time comes. :D
  17. The nice thing with Phonics Pathways is that you can go right to the trouble words and work on just them.......... My son is (by age) finishing 2nd grade but couldn't comfortably read his way out of a paper bag to save his life........ but he is making huge strides now (he's finally a little embarrassed by his poor reading). I wouldn't start a whole new program but just keep drilling/reviewing the problem areas and PP makes that pretty easy.
  18. Shasta Mom!!! I don't know you and I don't want to sound freaky.... but your blog is the best! What a wonderful life you have...and what great experiences for your kids! Bravo! Okay....hijack over. Climbing Parnassus is a hard read...... but I find it invigorating! ....and isn't that what life is really about? Being challenged and loving it.....knowing something is difficult but yearning to do more of it? (gotta find my copy of it and try it again!).
  19. I've been told by the seller that it was my problem and they weren't going to do anything about it. It has happened to me 3 times now and all 3 times the sellers (all different) were rather rude about it. I don't buy much from individuals anymore.......... .......that said, when I want to get rid of something I give it away, including shipping......... and I almost always ship UPS. I don't mind so much that something went wrong, but more the attitude of the seller............ I'm very mellow and never request compensation but you wouldn't know that by the snotty attitude I get when I tell the seller that the product didn't show. So it just isn't worth the hassle anymore.
  20. Moving from Moorhead (been here 2 months) to Twin Valley next month, we hope.
  21. sanity.......... but ................if the kids were in some kind of brick and mortar school I would be insane anyway....... maybe more so. :lol:
  22. Moving to Moorhead, MN area in 2 weeks........
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