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Pam Wilhelm

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Everything posted by Pam Wilhelm

  1. I never read it.......... I've managed to get through life without it. :D
  2. Many years ago........ the child is now 11........ I took some bathtub and just out of the bath pictures of my oldest. I never thought about it....... took the film to a CVS Drugstore to be developed in one hour. When hubby and I went back to pick up the photos the clerk didn't have them..... the manager did. She really gave me the once over........ and I was totally clueless...... finally she handed them to me, I paid for them and left. When I had the chance to see the photos I guess I understood.......... sortof. I love naked babies.... I think it is a shame that we put clothing on them (I was probably a nudist in another life...... :lol::D ).......... the pictures in question, I think, were of my daughter (about 12 months) sitting naked on a playground ball and with her back to us....... the only thing you "saw" was her vertical smile. I guess she (the manager) saw that as porn........... perhaps she is the one with the problem.
  3. My girls read by the time they were 5.......... my son is just now getting it at age 8!!! I have been through every phonics program known to man...... :lol: ....... he just wasn't ready. Now he is reading very well......getting better and better everyday!! I know he'll catch up in no time now........ thank goodness!!! Just keep working at it.......
  4. Mine learned the +9's by remembering........... "step back and call it a teen". Example: 9 + 5 = 14......... 5 - 1 = 4 and make him a teen 14.... voile! :D
  5. I've been homeschooling for about 6 years and still don't belong to a group. I've tried a few, but we didn't mesh for one reason or another. (We are older parents with young children... we have a whole different perspective on parenting then most folks with kids our age...... at least that's our theory and we're sticking to it! :lol: ). What has happened over the years, though, is that I have made friends with a couple of homeschooling Moms, both in real life and in cyber life........ that helps keep me sane :willy_nilly: Okay, somewhat sane. Just keep trying...... I read early on in my homeschooling adventure that groups aren't for everyone and if you can just find one or two fellow homeschooling families to keep you grounded then you are doing alright. It seems to work for me/us. I would still love to meet a homeschooling family in our new home of Moorhead, MN............. anyone? anyone???? :D
  6. I take all things with a grain of salt......... we are using Apologia Zoo. I.... I have found a few .... irregularities in that text as well. Nothing glaring, just some comments that don't make sense....... I have a degree in Biology (Vertebrate Zoology is my thing) and I just tell the kids that a comment isn't what I learned and that anything created by man...books, etc..... could possibly have errors in it......... the trick is to be able to catch them and move on. No particular reason to eliminate the book.......just use it as a teaching moment.
  7. Well, I have put an addition on a house, I have represented myself in court and I have repaired my own car....... and now I am homeschooling my three kids. No, it's not for everyone....... but it is for us. :D
  8. We are Christian Scientists......... at this point we haven't had the need for any medication, although I am not particularly opposed to using them if we feel there is a need (something we can't handle immediately with prayer).
  9. I'd take my kid out to the store....... buy them a very,nice lego set for themselves and also a car that approximates the one "taken".......... take the car and a man from the lego set and give them to the kid and wash my hands of the issue........ and the friendship. If they are that petty then to heck with them..... I'm too old and cranky to deal with crap like that.
  10. Tell her to kiss your fuzzy hiney and worry about her own students and you will worry about yours. I have a brother who speaks disdainfully about my homeschooling...... his girlfriends family is deeply entrenched in the Woodstock, GA public school system. I guess he is trying to impress them, etc. :lol: He's a bozo and I just ignore him.
  11. My daughter was given a Corolle baby doll when she was little..... she is now 11 and still has the doll and will still play with it occasionally. It has a vanilla smell to it and is one of those bean filled doll bodies with plastic head/arms/legs. It just smells and feels nice.
  12. Been married for 20 years now.......... and I'd marry him over and over and over again. (He always said I was easy! :lol: )
  13. Monster spray....... some kind of scented water spray. We use it as monster repellent....they hate nice smelling stuff and will leave their room to go to the boy's room. lol A search for monsters and intruders in the room before bedtime. A ritualistic shooing of the monsters into the brothers room. Music on at night in the girls room. No monster/scary movies. No realistic shows about scary animals....real or pretend. Calming routines just before going to bed.
  14. We used to watch them when they were on regular tv...... so we can get them on Netflix? Super Cool!!! Great series!!!
  15. We don't entertain anymore for just this reason......... we just can't afford to spend the money on the food, the time seriously cleaning the house, and the time waiting......... to have folks not show up. After having it happen many times...with friends and family........ we have raised the white flag...we give up. The last time we tried to entertain it cost us around $200.00 worth of food (of course, we ate it ourselves, but we never would have bought it in the first place)....... and we're talking family! When I said something to them about it they said that we could bring the food to their house if we wanted. Fat chance of that happening. I'm sorry this happened to you....... it sucks.
  16. For those inquisitive years we installed locks on our closet door and the things that really mattered went into there..... these were simple flip type locks that we placed high up on the door frame. The kids never figured them out. The kids still got into other things (a whole bottle of makeup massaged into my oldest's thighs one time, etc.)...... but the treasured keepsakes were out of reach.
  17. When my one daughter was about this age she insisted that she was Ghandi...... and we had to call her that. It continued for over a year, I think. She would ask what Ghandi was like and if he was a good man, etc. I remember even showing her Ghandi's picture, thinking she would change her mind......... she looked at the picture and replied, nonchalantly..... "Yup! That's me." She is now 10 and hardly remembers it. Weird. :lol:
  18. "If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat". :D
  19. My oldest wasn't ready for "schooling" until she was older; My middle one was ready very young; and my youngest wasn't ready until he was older. If we had done public school I would have held the oldest and the youngest back a year and had them start school later. Each child is different.
  20. Same with mine...... well, he was 3 when he could ride without training wheels.......... but he is incredibly athletic and has a great sense of where he is in space (if that makes sense). He never ceases to amaze me!! (and scare the crap out of me every now and then!):lol:
  21. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC. B.A. in Biology (would have been a B.S. if my Organic Chemistry Professor wasn't such a jerk, but I digress). :D
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