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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I wouldn't start him with a capo right away. It is important for him to learn to barre chords in order to develop the strength in his fingers and hands. I really don't like capos at all to tell you the truth, I think they hurt more than they help because it's easier to be lazy with a capo rather than develop yourself. With that said however, I do like them as a tool for experimenting and exploring sounds. Changing strings on a classical guitar is not hard. The strings are all labeled and there are videos on youtube even that show exactly how to do it. I have a Boss TU-12 tuner and it has a built in microphone for use with acoustics. I don't know what type of tuner you are gravitating towards, but you can see if it has a built in microphone as well. :) In addition to the other suggestions, I would get him a chord dictionary and maybe some music to listen to to inspire him. Strunz and Farah, Andres Segovia, John Williams and Rodrigo y Gabriela are all classical players that come to my mind. You can find lots of their videos on Youtube as well to get a feel for their style. This boy Sungha Jung, is a child prodigy who plays the classical guitar. You can see some of his videos here. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sungha+Jung&search_type=&aq=f It might be an inspiration for your ds too to see other kids like him playing guitar. :) Does he have a case to keep the guitar in when it's not in use? It is good to have a safe place to store it for when it is not in use and also for transporting it safely to his lessons. Oh I wish him well. I hope that he can get and stay inspired. Learning guitar is an undertaking for the long haul. I hope that he can stay inspired long enough to get past the beginning stages. I'm sure that if he can get passed the beginning then he will be hooked for life. :) All the best to your ds. :)
  2. Oh I'm so sorry for your dd!! Did the doctor prescribe her the Tamiflu?? What is she taking for her symptoms?? I hope that it exits as quickly as it came and that nobody else gets sick. Praying for your and your family. :grouphug:
  3. I'm so sorry for your dd. I hope that it is nothing serious. Please update us after you get back from the doc's office. Praying for her. :grouphug:
  4. It is great for Autistic kids. I WISH my son could get it. I have been able to get him on a horse a few times and he really connects with them. It helps him a lot. :)
  5. Wow!!! That is so cool!! Happy belated birthday too! :) Have a WONDERFUL time. My aunt went to Italy once and she had the time of her life! She said Florence was absolutely beautiful! Buon Viaggio! :)
  6. hehehehehe cute. I like the part where he says "it's like licking peoples noses." heheehe so silly. :) Thanks for sharing. :)
  7. If you are running a weekly distance of 15K comfortably you should be able to run the 5k with no problem. :) to the OP Congratulations!! That's wonderful!! :party:
  8. :( That's terrible. I'm sure we will be hearing more and more of these types of stories as the flu season progresses. :(
  9. That is so sad!! That poor boy and his family! I reckon it is safe to say then that the form of the flu that he had didn't respond to the Tamiflu?? I would think that is what they gave him when he was first seen. So sad! This will be a tough fall/winter this year. :(
  10. I know what you mean. It's not so cut and dry as it seems. But even if the kids had a mild form of the swine flu presenting hardly any symptoms, if the symptoms did not worsen and they got well after a time would a trip to the doctor even be necessary?? I mean, if they don't get really sick and only ever have mild symptoms and then get well, do they need to go to the doc to say yes this was swine flu or not it was not? If the kid is well, what can the doctor do for them other than verify what the illness was?
  11. Is runny nose a symptom too?? My son has a cold right now with a runny nose and a cough. It seems just like a regular cold to me though. He has no fever and the cough is like how he always has when he has a cold. I would hate to take him to the dr's if he doesn't have the flu and risk being exposed there to kids who do. :(
  12. Thank you for your kind words. It was devastating. There are so few girls in this family of mostly boys. There was only dh's two nieces and my dd. Now there are only the two. :( :crying:
  13. That is SO scary!! :eek: But all the ones who died, they got very sick, very fast, no?? I mean, the ones who died didn't have mild symptoms, no?
  14. If my dd said "Jesus saves people from h*ll, right?" I wouldn't bat an eye. But if she came to me and said, "What in the h*ll is for lunch?" we might have a problem. ;) :D
  15. :( That's so sad. That's what I worry about with myself tbh. I never go to the doctor unless I absolutely have to. I usually like to wait and see if things clear up first, but the talk of that lady who died in a 24 hour period is jarring. But then how do you know if you have it or not kwim? I mean, isn't going to the doctor if you don't really have it a risk in itself of being around people in the waiting room who probably do?? Oh and I'm not asking you directly. hehe More wondering aloud really. Don't feel like you have to answer all of my questions. :D
  16. So do they know yet why some people die and others don't? Do the ones who die have the mild forms too? If so what does them in??
  17. :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear this. I suspect it will be happening a lot now as we head into the flu season. :(
  18. LOL That just struck me funny. I think it would be a nice name for a girl. :)
  19. Here's my recipe for arroz con gandules. :) I use one cup of rice to 2 cups of water. 3 cups rice (rinsed well and drained) 4cups water and 1 cup of coconut milk 1 can Goya green pigeon peas (I use this one http://www.elcolmadito.com/USArteDetail.asp?search=gandules+verdes&OrderNumber=202) 2 chicken bullion cubes 1 vidalia onion minced finely half a head of garlic minced 1 sweet red pepper chopped 2 bay leaves oregano flakes, pepper and adobo to taste 5 tablespoons olive oil Directions: 1. open a can of gandules and dump it into your pot. Add 4 cups of water and 1 cup of coconut milk, your bouillon cubes and bay leaves and let it come to a boil. 2. Add your onions, peppers and garlic into the water and let it boil covered for awhile (about 5-10 minutes) 3. Add in the rice, the seasonings, and the oil and give it a stir. Lower the heat to medium/medium-low. 4. When the water evaporates into the rice, cover it with a lid and reduce the heat to low. 5. Let the rice steam covered for about 20 minutes. 6. After 20 minutes, take the lid off and give the rice a quick toss. Enjoy. :)
  20. Yes, I noticed that. shudder. Car accidents are so awful. It always dumbfounds me when I see people eating, reading, texting, putting make up on etc while driving 80mph down the highway. :( I guess they think that this would never happen to them. :(
  21. Yes. My husband's niece died a year ago in a car accident. Her boyfriend was driving too fast and she was shouting at him to slow down. He wouldn't. I don't know if he was showing off or playing chicken or what, but she reached for the wheel and he jerked the wheel away from her and crashed into a pole. Her neck was broken and she died. He walked away unharmed. :crying: :(
  22. :crying: I thought it had gone blind. I guess I was hoping for the best.
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