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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I do mine certified mail return receipt requested every year. I send in my letter of intent and my evaluation report at the same time so I do it as not to take any chances and I have a signature of a person to prove that they have it in case they should lose it.
  2. I'm in the same boat. I chose NEM for 7th, but I haven't heard many people continuing with Singapore all the way so I was wondering if anybody does. It seems that people switch programs in the higher grades. Just perusing the NEM book it looks pretty daunting. I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew. :eek:
  3. I always take my dd out during school hours. If anyone asks why she's not in school she says she's homeschooled and that usually ends the conversation. I've been homeschooling for 6 years and have never once had a problem with us being out. You can always get an id card for them too to show they are homeschoolers.
  4. That's awesome!! I'm so glad to hear such good reports. God really answered our prayers. :)
  5. If so what are you using and how do you like it?? How does the program change once you get out of the Primary grades?? Are you planning on sticking with Singapore through High School or are you going to be using something else? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  6. That is great news, but if I were you I'd still plan on keeping indoors. I don't know how the root structure is of the trees up there, but shallow root systems can easily go down even in a tropical storm. Tropical storms are typically not so much a wind events as a rain events and depending on the types of trees and the lay of the land (flat vs. hilly) they can cause quite a bit of damage. Down here in "hurricane alley" where I live, the land is flat and the roots of most trees go deep so a tropical storm is really not much more than the typical summer storms we get, but a tropical storm up in the Georgia mountains where my mom lives can cause widespread damage. It really all depends, but for safety's sake, maybe a quiet dinner at home with the family would be more in order and you can go out to celebrate with hubby on another night?? Just my humble 2 cents for whatever their worth. :)
  7. Bill is weakening tremendously!! :hurray: He's now only a category 1 storm. Yay!! Hopefully our friends up North will only have to contend with a Tropical storm if anything at all. :) This is great news. And Bermuda was completely spared. Not one casualty and only a little bit of rough seas. God is good! :)
  8. True, sigh. But it would take me 8 or 9 years to save up enough money to buy one and this is if I was strict all those years and never spend a penny and just saved everything and I'm not that disciplined. I saved a year to get my RG550 and that was hard not spending any money for a whole year, but I did it and got my guitar and I love it, but I don't know if I couldn't spend ANYTHING for 9 years with only the *hope* that I would be able to get one, but I guess I will never know unless I try, no? ;) :p
  9. :) That's awesome! Don't ever let him sell it either. If he takes good care of it and keeps it in good condition it will just go up in value. I love LP's. They're great guitars! I would love to have the Ace Frehley one with the 3 pick up's. Those things are COOL!!, but unless I became suddenly wealthy, I will have to content myself with the possiblity that if I save enough *maybe* one day I could own and Artist. :)
  10. That is an Ibanez Artist AR 300. This particular one I believe is from 1978. It is an AWESOME guitar!! The quality of the Japanese guitars from this era were not only right on par with their American counterparts, in some cases the quality of the craftsmanship actually exceeded their American counterparts. I couldn't afford an older Les Paul, but these Artist can still be had for around $1,500. which is cheap considering the craftsmanship, but still quite the pipe dream for me. :( sniff. My brother has an old Les Paul, it's worth quite a bit more than an Artist though. :)
  11. Thanks for the heads up and thank you for all of your wonderful help. :grouphug:
  12. Good to know! Thank you. Does the heat from the oven affect the surrounding cabinets at all? My oven is sandwiched in between two countertop cabinets.
  13. :) Awesome!! Then it must be the same procedure. I can't thank you enough for going through the trouble! Thank you, thank you, thank you. :grouphug:
  14. Noooo! Don't sell the Taylor! hehe Oooooh, which color RG550 did your dh have?? Did he have the desert yellow, road flare red or the black one?? You may want to tell your dh that they re-issued it in 2007 for it's 20th anniversary in all the original colors and according to the original specs. They even made them in the Fujigen factory in Japan just like the originals from 1987!! You can occasionally find some on Ebay or musicgoround or guitar center's used gear page in great condition. They came with a special 20th anniversary case, and the backing plate has "20th anniversary" on it. :) This is my road flare red 20th anny one. :) I love it!
  15. Oh that's brilliant, gardening momma! Thank you so much! Mine is a GE True Temp, but I'm sure it's probably the same procedure. Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of that up. I really appreciate it. :grouphug:
  16. :confused: So you don't spray any cleaners or anything?? You just turn it on self clean and leave it set for a couple of hours and that's it?? What about greasy spots on the glass viewing window?? Does it clean that too??
  17. All of the ovens I've had are used and I never have a manual for them. My latest one is one of those glass top GE ones that my sil's mother gave to me when she redecorated. It has a place on the heat selection knob that says "self clean" but I don't know how to use it. :confused: In the past I always cleaned my oven by warming it up a bit and spraying it down with oven cleaner and then wiped all the gunk out and rinsed it good. What does the self cleaner do and how do I use it?? Thanks to all who reply. The inside of my oven thanks you too. :p
  18. I cried when Celia Cruz died. She was a Cuban exile singer living and working here in the states. She wrote this song in 2000 from her album Siempre Vivire (I will always live) called Por Si Acaso No Regreso (If perchance I don't return (referring to Cuba) ). She died in 2003 from brain cancer having never returned to a free Cuba. There is a part in that song where she is singing about how she is dying in her heart from the pain of not being able to go home and then she just says "I'm dying". I always wonder if that "I'm dying" was a confession and that she already knew that she wasn't ever going to make it back home. The song always makes me cry and I cried bitterly for her when she died that she never got to go home again. :(
  19. Wow! You went through a lot. At first when you said your dd was born in the middle of Charlie I thought she was born in the house. :eek: I'm glad you were in the hospital. Yeah, that was a memorable two years we had. My neighbor's wife died during Francis and he had to stay with her in the house for a couple of days until the storm was over! :eek: Crazy times!
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