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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Ug! Family dynamics!! I feel your pain. Lots of :grouphug: to you!
  2. I like the sound of the tree frogs. :) Plus I think they're cute! hehehehehe I don't mind them, but the palmetto bugs! (shudder!) Those things have to come straight from the pit of hell! I'm convinced of it!
  3. Oh yes the love bugs! :) I remember then when I was a kid, but we don't get them down south anymore. I think it's just too much city now. I haven't seen lovebug clouds since I was a kid and lovebug season is a non-issue where I am (near Miami). The winters are gorgeous though! :)
  4. I'm a native Floridian too and have never lived anywhere else so I cannot compare with other places, but I know if I leave my front door open for longer than 10 seconds flies will fly in. There are cinch bugs that come swarming out of the grass when it rains hard, lots of mosquitoes and cockroaches and worst of all palmetto bugs! (shudder) YUCK!! They're so nasty. The humidity is a given. I live in South Florida and we have always have a lot of humidity especially in August and September. It's good for the skin though! :)
  5. :) This song instantly came into my mind when I read your post. :p hehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nflDcYJkHuQ
  6. Yes I always thought the lunch form was optional too. I never returned them with the rest of the packet since they didn't apply to my son and I would get a call from the school saying it has to be filled out even if he doesn't use it and they would send me another one.
  7. Absolutely! Meat tenderizer mixed with enough water to make a paste and put it on the spot and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off. This works great for bites and stings of all kinds.:) You can do more than one treatment if you need to. :)
  8. Wow!! That is gorgeous!! It looks like a photograph!! That's one talented young lady! :)
  9. Thank you for sharing your birthday reflections!! :) I hope your birthday was all you wanted it to be. :)
  10. Does anyone know how long they will have them at McDonalds?? I may not get there right away.
  11. Wow!! What a big girl making her bed by herself! :) She's such a cutie too! :) Way to go mom! :)
  12. How many eggs do you typically get from a chicken and how often do they lay?? I would love to have a chicken (or two) but I'm unfortunately in the city and don't have much land except a patio and a terrace outside of the upstairs bedroom. Would that be enough space to have a chicken or two and would I get enough eggs to not have to buy them from the store?? Thanks. Sorry for the slight hijack. :blushing:
  13. Cool! :) What kind of chocolate do they send?
  14. It must be so nice! :) I would love to move to a smaller place, but financially were just not in a place to do it yet. Hopefully some day! :) I have a killer telescope and I cannot use it! It sits in its box in the closet because I would have to drive 5 hours north of where I live to be able to use it!
  15. Sigh! It must be nice! I wish I could live a quieter life in a smaller place. Heck! I'd be happy if I could just see the stars at night! :p
  16. absolutely!! heck! I'll even give you a gold star!! Raw? Yikes! :eek:
  17. Don't ask don't tell? :lol::lol::lol: You poor thing! hehehehe
  18. I got this one in the mail yesterday afternoon. I signed my son up for the Medwaiver when he was 3 years old. The medwaiver is financial help from the government for people who are raising children with disabilities. My son has been on the waitlist for over 5 years now. I called the office last year to ask them where my son was on the wait list and they told me that they were serving applicants from February 2005. I'm figuring the kid will probably be 18 by the time they get around to us IF the program is still even available. :rolleyes: Well, I got this letter in the mail yesterday from the agency for persons with disablilities giving me an "update" on our Medwaiver status. Firstly, it was addressed to my son and addresses him as Dear Mr. ______ hehehe This is what the letter says.... The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) is completeing the Questionaire for Situational Information (QSI) assessment for individuals on the Medicaid waiver waiting list. The information gathered from the assessment process will provide the agency updated information about your individual service needs, projected needs for all individuals on the waitlist now and in the future, and help the agency with future legislative budget request. The QSI is a tool designed to gather key information about your life and need for supports. The attached brochure will give you more information about the assessment tool. Please contact Jacqui Truby at (954) 547-0967 to schedule an appointment for the completion of the QSI. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Jacqui Truby QSI Assessor Then I took a look at the brochure that came with the letter. It is a photocopied single piece of paper that has been folded and the title is, (I kid you not) "The QSI and YOU" I almost lost it! At some point you've just gotta laugh at this stuff! So now I have to call Jacqui at the APD to make an appointment to come in to the office to take the QSI so that they can gather yet even MORE information on my family in addittion to the application that I filled out 5 years ago that was like a book it was so long! And I will not be suprised one bit if 5 years from now (or longer) I get a letter from the APD telling me that they no longer offer Medwaiver. Call me a cynical, but at some point you've just gotta laugh. :rolleyes:
  19. Thank you for the informed response. :) I wanted to ask you since you are in the know, do you know what happens to these forms AFTER the data has been entered?? Do they take steps to protect the families from identity theft??
  20. That makes sense. Thank you Sebastian. The part I bolded cracked me up. When I started reading it I thought for sure it said, "Sebastian and Anglo-Dano-Rhino..." hehehehehe I had to do a double take. :p But in my defense it was very late at night and I was more than a little sleepy. I think my eyes were playing tricks on me. :p hehehehe
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