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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. In addition to what everyone else has said let me just say that German is a funny language too! :p I took 2 years of it in college. I worked in a preschool for a time and the kids would line up at the swings and I would push them for a count of 20 and then they had to get off and let someone else have a turn for the count of 20. I would ask them if they wanted me to count to them in English, Spanish or German and unanimously they all wanted German. They said that "it sounds funny" and they loved it! :) hehe Welche farbe hat die Jacke? is much more fun to say than Que color es la chaqueta? ;) :p hehe
  2. Tammy, I loved your beautiful post on BMW's thread. Thank you for your beautiful heart! :grouphug:

  3. What a beautiful post!! Thank you so much, Tammy, for your inspirational words. :grouphug: You made me remember that verse in 1 Corinthians 3:6 where one sows, another waters but God gives the increase. :)
  4. That is what I have too. The small one and the large one. They used to always be made in Italy and I've used them forever. Nothing ever went on them except the handles! In fact this last one that I bought from Walmart was to replace one with a broken handle and they were the only store who had the large size. I don't know if it was made in Italy though. I am wondering if it was made in China?? I know there are some QC issues with Chinese stuff. :(
  5. Well, this lady is both a dermatologist and a cosmetic surgery specialist, unfortunately I wasn't able to see her today as she apparently doesn't work on Fridays. The girl on the phone told me to call back on Monday and they would see if they could get me in to see her. She told me in the meantime to just go to the emergency room. My husband is do to arrive in about an hour and so after that I will see about going to the emergency room. I called the company who makes the coffee maker this morning also and they said that this is the first report that they have had of this happening but that one case was enough to do something about it. She wants me to send the pot to her, but I told her that I was still waiting to hear back from Walmart's corporate office and didn't know if they would need to see the pot too. I guess we'll just see what happens. Oh my gosh!! Was she hurt?? Was it the same brand do you know?? Poor thing!! I pray that nobody was in the room when it happened.
  6. Wow!!! Your stories really touched my heart!! Thank you so much for sharing them!! I agree with that your precious son and husband are miracles!! Praise God! :)
  7. I really wanted to be a marine biologist working with dolphins and/or whales, but that dream was dashed in college when I realized how much math I needed to pursue that degree. I went to Florida public schools my whole life so need I say how grossly underprepared I was when I got into college. I had to take 4 math classes just to bring me up to the level where I would start receiving math credits!! I took a math class every single semester (including summers) in college. It took me 4 years to get my 2 year degree all because I was so ill prepared for college by my high school. I tried and tried so hard, but eventually I had to accept that it was a dream that was out of my reach. I just couldn't get past the math requirement for my degree choice even though I always got straight A's in science and biology. :( I swore that when I had kids I would do everything I could to make sure that never happened to them. I always knew that I would homeschool. My daughter sometimes complains that I give her too much math, but I always tell her what happened to me and I say to her, "this WILL NOT happen to you!" :)
  8. Thank you all for your kind words and especially for the prayers. My friend came and brought me some triple antibiotic cream from the hospital where she works. She said that it looks like it is healing well. I am happy about that, but my face is horribly discolored. I searched my insurance company's website and found a dermatologist who was rated highly on a medical review site I may not even need a referral to go see her. She has published 14 articles in medical journals and seems very qualified. I will call her office first thing in the morning and see if I can see her. :) I'll keep you posted. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. :grouphug:
  9. Thanks. I'm alternating between aloe and neosporin. I guess it should have occurred to me to go to the doctor sooner, but I confess I think I'm still a bit dazed and in shock about the whole thing. Once the immediate "am I okay, is everyone else okay" was over, I felt just kind of in shock. My friend the nurse has just finished her shift and is on her way over here. She said she had some stuff that was really good for burns that she is bringing me.
  10. Thank you everyone for the prayers and advice. I will call the doctor's office tomorrow and see about getting a referral for a specialist. You can pray also that my son does well in the dr.'s office as he will have to be with me. :) Yes, my eyes were miraculously spared! Amazing! God is good! :)
  11. Thanks. I probably will go as soon as my dh and dd get back home. :)
  12. No I haven't been to the doctor yet. I think it is healing okay, but my husband and daughter are out of town right now at camp and my son is severely Autistic and doesn't do well when I have to go to the doctor. My husband will be home tomorrow so I know I can go after that without a problem. I think it is healing okay so far and I called my friend who is a nurse and I'm going to see if she will come by and look at it and tell me if it's healing properly.
  13. I wanted to ask if you would please pray for healing for me. My coffee maker exploded in my face yesterday evening and I suffered 2nd degree burns. I have blisters and am missing some skin on my cheek by my chin and off of the tip of my nose (sorry. Gross I know! ) The area on my nose seems to be the worst burnt area. I am treating the areas and keeping them clean, but I wanted prayer for healing and also hoping that I won't have much if any scarring on my face. I also wanted to take the opportunity to warn anyone else who may use a similar type of stovetop coffee pot for making espresso (cuban) coffee. I've used them always and never once had a problem with one, but these things are very dangerous. The brand is IMUSA and I got it at Walmart about a year or so ago. I already contacted them this morning to let them know what happened and hopefull they will recall these ones if there is a defect in them. My safetly valve did not work and hence the explosion. I thank God though because my son was not in the room as he usually is always underfoot and I thank God most of all that the top part of the pot itself did not hit me directly. It missed my face by about an inch and slammed into the wall behind me with such force that it left 2 deep gashes in the wall! I cannot imagine if it had hit me directly. It probably could have killed me!! So please, if you have one of these coffee makers or know someone who does, please don't use it. It looks like this. Thank you all so much for your prayers! :) Blessings, Jennifer
  14. I looked it up in the dictionary and there is no entry for "noone" only "no one". :)
  15. Oh thank you, Karyn, for starting this thread!! I am so in awe of everyone's stories and am completely covered with goosebumps!!! I pray a prayer of protection every day over my family members and I have seen God come through time and time again on that score, especially when my kids were very little. Edges of coffee tables that should have gouged and eye or a forehead miraculously just missed when my little ones would fall when they were learning to walk. (I don't have coffee tables anymore! :p) So many times I've seen my kids just miss a catastrophe and it is almost like I could see God's restraining hand holding them back. Praise His name! I've had many answered prayers, but a couple in particular that blow my mind are these.... When I was relatively new in the Lord, I was working a part-time job at the mall to pay for my college classes. When I filled out my W-2 form for the job I always put down extra allowances because I was single and didn't have dependents, I would always owe money to the IRS at the end of the year. Well, whoever imputed my information put down NO allowances and I never noticed it. A year later, I had quit that job so that I could focus on my studies and when it came time to prepare my taxes I realized that I owed $1,500!!! and it was due in 1 week!! :eek: I didn't know what to do. I had no job, no money in savings and I couldn't borrow that amount from anyone. I said to the Lord, "God, only you can help me with this one. Please God give me the money to pay these taxes." I prayed and prayed and then I got a call from my brother who was in the ARMY stationed in Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. He told me that someone on our father's side of the family had died and they left an inheritance for us and that he had been contacted by the attorney for the estate who found him through his ARMY records. He gave the attorney my information and I should be expecting a check. I went and checked the mail and there was a check for.... $1,500!! I paid my taxes on time and always made sure to double check my tax information and pay stubs after that! ;) Another one was when I was pregnant with my son. When I was 5 months along, there was a red flag on my alphafetal protein test. They said that my son would have Down's Syndrome and Spina Bifida and sent me to a genetic specialist for a consultation and an amniocentesis. While I was in the waiting room filling out the paperwork, I saw this release form that I had to sign in order for them to perform the amniocentesis. It said that there was a 2% risk of complications, infections or spontaneous abortion with the amniocentesis and it was a relase form to not hold the doctor's office liable if something should go wrong. I didn't sign the form and when I went in to see the doctor she asked me again to sign the paper to perform the test. I told her that I was concerned about the risks for the test and she said it was just a formality and that there was a very small chance of anything going wrong. I told her I didn't want to take any risks in regards to my baby and asked her what is the purpose of the amniocentesis. She said it was just so that I would know 100% if the baby had the Down's and Spina bifida so that I could "prepare" if we didn't want the child. I told her that this baby was a gift from God and that no matter what he had I wouldn't get an abortion and I refused the amniocentesis and told her I'll find out when he's born. She said it was my choice and after the genetic consultation I left the office. My husband and I had not put a name on the baby yet and we prayed so hard for him that he would be healthy. I had a profound peace about the whole thing I just KNEW he would be alright. We gave him the name Josiah which means "Jehovah heals" and we trusted in God. When he was born, I asked them to check him for Down's Syndrome and the Spina Bifida and he was perfectly healthy!! Praise God!! :)
  16. So do you use a charcoal grill or a gas grill?? And is the grill actually on or do you heat it up to 400 and then turn it off and bake the pizza with residual heat?? Sorry for the dumb questions, I'm just really clueless. :p hehe
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