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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh I love Miyazaki!! His films are sooo beautiful and his ideas are so creative. I swear he is a child stuck in a man's body. He has such interesting stories. :) Thanks for the information on the manga clubs. I'll let her know.:)
  2. Oh Kris, thank you so much!! I guess $22.60 will be okay since it's close enough. She saw one on Ebay once that closed at $45.00. I told her that was too much for a doll though. We're not rich and neither is she. :p You are so kind to look for me. I cannot thank you enough. :grouphug: Bless you, Jennifer
  3. hmm. That's a good question. My daughter is saving up her allowance to buy them. If you could find them there then maybe I would buy them and then let her earn them from me. I told her that anything more than $20.00 per doll would be too much. So I'm guessing around there especially since she will have to pay shipping on top of that from out of the country. I really appreciate your looking for her. That is so kind of you. :grouphug: Thank you for offering to help. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  4. Broward Community College and Florida Atlantic University (haven't finished my Bachelor's yet though)
  5. Oh thank you for looking. They look like this. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.animecollectibles.com/uploads/images/tkm/tkm6doll-mintoaizawa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.animecollectibles.com/acnew/ac_tkm_6dolls.php3&usg=__B-9TeBLo0vDPk01vsxxLbY3OA8A=&h=593&w=329&sz=50&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=LHGzZiYveh3CJM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=75&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTokyo%2Bmew%2Bmew%2Bdolls%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26um%3D1
  6. They are dolls. Here is a pic of one. http://www.animecollectibles.com/uploads/images/tkm/tkm6doll-mintoaizawa.jpg They are based on the characters of a tv show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Mew_Mew
  7. My daughter is a huge anime/manga fan she has now discovered Tokyo Mew Mew and wants to collect the dolls. We've checked ebay, amazon, searching google etc and can't find them anywhere. I was wondering if there is a way to find a store in Japan that might have some in stock still that we could order from and have them shipped over here. Do you know of anything like that?? Thanks in advance for your reply. :)
  8. I've been using Spanish Now this year with my 12yo dd as well as with some of my own lessons. She likes it and it has a pretty good pace for kids I think. The book I have doesn't come with a CD but apparently the new ones do. Here's a link. :) http://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Now-Level-1-CDs/dp/0764177745/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1247625626&sr=8-1
  9. Wow!! I haven't heard that expression in awhile! hehehe :) Talk about a rough night's sleep!! So who is the kicker, your sister or her dh? ;) :p hehe
  10. Woo Hoo!! Last leg! Boy you must be exhausted!! I look forward to your pics. I'm glad that you are all safe and sound. :)
  11. Oh that is so sad. I am so sorry for you and the families of these poor people. My heart and prayers go out to them and you too. :grouphug:
  12. Kay Arthur uses this approach in her studies. She has many different studies and all of the ones I've done from here I've really learned a lot from. :) You can see some here. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=kay+arthur&x=0&y=0 Good luck. :)
  13. Are you looking for an acoustic or an electric?? Do you have a link to the type (style) of guitar you want?
  14. Awww shucks! :blushing: Thank you for your nice words. :) That's awesome that your son is taking off so well with the guitar. You never know where it will lead. My brother learned to play guitar while he was in the Army because he was stationed in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing else to do. He's a worship leader now and is going to be a pastor over the music ministry. You just never know where roads lead when you start down them, but mostly it will be an exciting road and lead somewhere you never imagined. :) I hope you do pursue your passions. I know it is so hard when you have kids and family clamoring for your attention all the time and then there is the never ending work in the house, but if you can set aside just 30 minutes each day for yourself to develop it, I'm sure you will go far. A half an hour a day is 182 hours in a year and that is a lot of hours to grow in improve in something. :) God bless you in your efforts. :) Jennifer
  15. hehehehe I read the Little House in the Big Woods to my daughter last year for homeschool and I got so into the book once we finished it I read all the rest of the books in the whole series in 4 days! hehehehe I don't think I slept more than 4 hours in total. :)
  16. I love this!! Even though I always pay for it horribly the next day (or the next day after and after that as well)... I LOVE to read a book that just grabs me so much that i cannot put it down and won't want to sleep or eat or do anything else until I finish the book. :)
  17. I know quite a bit of my geneology on my mother's side back about almost 300 years, but nobody mentioned any Native American tribes. If I did have any Indian blood in me then it would have been as a result of some type of *ahem* indiscretion and therefore wouldn't be out there openly in the family history. I was wondering if a genetics test would reveal anything?? Although I am Cuban as well and they had some Indians there too so it could be from there as well I guess. :confused:
  18. Oh yes she's great!! I loved her in The Spirit. That whole movie was so strange, but she was so great in it. I think she had a lot of fun playing that role. :) hehe Loved her in Hitch too. :)
  19. Oh cool!! I'm glad to hear it. :) I wonder if there is any way to find out exactly what tribe a person hails from. I saw a documentary once on the Calusa tribe that resided in the Southwest portion of Florida all the way down through the keys. They are now no more though. But this documentary I saw had a picture of an old Calusa woman and I swear it was the spitting image of my Great grandmother!! And she was from the Keys. I always wonder if we have Calusa heritage or not but I have no clue how one could go about finding out. :confused:
  20. That must be her then. I thought it was at first because it looked and sounded like her, but the video wasn't that clear so I wasn't 100% sure. :) I know she's not the most important Cuban in the world, but she's on t.v. so that counts for something! hehehe Andres Garcia is still my favorite (famous) Cuban of all time though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Garcia It's too bad he doesn't act in as many movies anymore. I love it when they portray him as some Anglo American character and then you can hear him go Cuban when his character gets mad. hehehe It cracks me up everytime! :) Pa'rriba esa bandera cubana!! Libertad! Libertad! :) hehehehe ^^^ I think it's safe to say that I derailed YET ANOTHER thread! ;) Sorrryyyy. :)
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