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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol::lol: True!! I don't think anyone would be able to hear the name Jemima without thinking of pancakes. hehehe :p
  2. Woo Hoo!!! :hurray: So glad you made it safe and sound and are getting settled!! I'm so glad to see you back!! :grouphug: How are you feeling?
  3. Oh I love Haddassah as well!! Beautiful!! :) I gave my kids all Bible names as well. :) My daughter is named Gabriela Sofia but we were torn between Gabriela and Isabela. Gabriela is the Spanish form of Gabriel (the angel) and means "God is my strength" Sofia is Greek and means "wisdom" Isabel or Isabela is the Spanish form of Elizabeth and means "consecrated to God". :) And then of course there is always Maria or Marie or Mary whichever form you like. I've always liked Ariel as well which means "Jerusalem". :) Ariel is actually my son's middle name. :) Congratulations on your precious baby girl!!! :hurray: :hurray: :party:
  4. LOL OOOPs!! It looks like she's got your number there Ms. Rosie. :p ;) hehe petrol covered chocolates. deliciously toxic! YUM :p
  5. :lol::lol::lol: Oh my goodness!! That is hilarious!!! Thanks so much for the laugh! And I feel so clever now too because I got each one without Google!! :hurray: :hurray: :party: :p
  6. Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that!!! Thank God you didn't get any in your eyes! Do you have any aloe vera gel to put on it??
  7. Me too!! I can't wait til you're all settled in your beautiful new home!! :)
  8. EWWWWWWW!!! I don't even want to ask what they put!! :ack2:
  9. For me, if a chocolate fell on the floor in my house or the house of a friend or family member that is reasonably clean, it would be okay, any public place would be a big no for me. Especially a gas station. Who knows what kinds of toxic things that chocolate picked up while it was rolling away. It's not worth the risk IMHO.
  10. God bless you MamaT and all the other ladies on here who have adopted these precious babies!! You ladies are so awesome!! And I know for myself I try also to conceal my charitable acts and don't talk about them and I know that there are probably many many others who are silently working and being faithful. It is encouraging to hear the testimonies of you ladies here. I want to give you all a great big HUG and an atta girl!! You ladies rock! :) :grouphug:
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh that just cracked me up!! I don't know why, but that just struck me so funny! hehehehehhee
  12. Yes. I've been getting calls about my sister-in-law and for my father-in-law too (who doesn't even live in this country.) :confused:
  13. I don't know if you are dead set on having a RV or not, but a pop-up camper might be another viable alternative for you?? You can tow them easily behind a truck or a car and they crank open to a nice little living space. We had one when I was a kid and we easily slept 6 people in it. I don't have a clue what they cost new, but I know my sister just bought one just like the one we had when we were kids and she only paid $7,000. I just wanted to throw that out there if it would be helpful. :)
  14. I agree with Peek and the other poster about how a child can look at a sonogram and see that it is a living baby and yet adults get brainwashed somehow into believing that it is otherwise (wishful thinking perhaps?? I don't know.) Abortion really saddens me greatly, not only for the mothers and their babies, but also for the unintended consequences of it. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter (my firstborn), I was at the laundromat one day and someone had left a local newspaper on the bench. There was a story in there about a mother who was 8 months pregnant with her first child (a daughter like mine) and who had been hit by a drunk driver. She survived but her (otherwise perfectly healthy) baby did not and the drunk driver got off with a slap on the wrist because the baby was not born yet. This is a travesty of justice IMO to the child and the mother and I believe that it is due to the arguments for abortion rights that "the child is not really alive until they are born", that this guy was able to get away with killing her baby. :( I just cannot fathom or understand how somone can have an extended belly with a child inside kicking and moving that has a heartbeat and is growing and some can say "it's not a baby". :confused: I just don't get it.
  15. Hi Luanne. :) I thought of this thread when I read your post and then found this other one too. I hope they help you. :) There was a lot of good advice here. :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109752 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8328 Blessings, Jennifer
  16. You really don't want to know how late I stay on these boards. You can ask Ms. Rosie, she'll tell you! :p
  17. Your church must be Calvary Chapel right?? :) I don't serve in His Caring Place directly unfortunately. I have 2 special needs kids at home I have to care for, but I do donate money to the ministry. I think it is a wonderful ministry and they are literally changing lives 2 at a time. :) I do serve in Calvary's 678 ministry on Wednesday nights teaching a small group of public school girls. It's not a huge service, but it is what I can do. :)
  18. Oh that's a cool recipe. I'll have to try that one. :) The Jamaican lady who makes the blood purifier tea has her own herbal shop here in South Florida. Her name is Diane Galloway. The mix is her own. I'm not sure what all is in it, but I know one of the ingredients is dandelion. I googled her just now and she has a website!! There is a really annoying computer lady that keeps popping up on each page and I don't know how to shut her off, but the herbs are good just the same! :p http://www.theherbalgardens.com/bloodprufier.aspx
  19. I'm glad you weren't grossed out. :p I'm glad also to be of any help. Check your library for those books I listed... I've had them for years so I'm pretty sure they might be in there. I have other books on herbs and stuff but those are the ones that I always go to because they are so good. :)
  20. Okay, I had a chance to run upstairs and check the bookcase and I have to correct my above post. I use The Herb Book (not the Herb Bible as I wrote up there. :p) http://www.amazon.com/Herb-Book-Complete-Authoritative-Guide/dp/0879040556/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1248042575&sr=8-1 Back to Eden http://www.amazon.com/Back-Eden-Jethro-Kloss/dp/0940985101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1248042589&sr=8-1 And The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Book-Essential-Oils-Aromatherapy/dp/0931432820/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1248042555&sr=8-1 I'll correct my original post now. I hope this is helpful for you. :)
  21. I use eucalyptus oil on my childrens pillows when they are sick to open their nasal passages I also use a couple of drops in the bathtub for the same reason. I use lavendar to calm the nerves. I love, love, love this blood purifier tea that a local Jamaican lady makes here that is just awesome. I always feel like a million bucks after I drink it. I also drink Avita Goldenseal and Echinaechea tea when I am sick or getting sick and it helps. There are others I know I'll think of later, but those are the main ones that I use all the time. Oh and cinammon!! Cinammon is a great healer!! One time I had this weird type of fungus or something underneath the nail of my big toe (sorry it's gross to hear I know). It really hurt and I thought I was going to have to go to the doctor to take care of it, but I did a foot bath first with hot water and cinammon powder from the kitchen. I soaked the foot for like 15-20 minutes and it was totally healed!! The fungus died out and the toe didn't hurt anymore. And the nail grew out completely healthy. Sorry if that story was TMI, but I just wanted to share it so you had an example of just how great cinammon is. I use Back to Eden and the Herb Book for herb info. I use one for essential oils as well but can't remember the title. I'll have to get it for you later and post back. :)
  22. I'm glad that it physically didn't bother her either but I was feeling sorry for her emotionally more than anything. I hope that her feelings were not hurt. Hopefully she didn't even notice. I know for myself sometimes I see the way people treat my daughter and it hurts me deeply and yet she herself is (blissfully) oblivious to the entire situation. :p hehe
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