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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Thank you so much for sharing her with us too! May she rest in peace. :grouphug:
  2. That's a great idea!! You can also figure out your savings with that too I guess. :) Congrats kiddo on having the guts to try it! You're much more adventurous than I am. :p
  3. My son is even worse. While my daughter has Asperger's (high functioning Autism) my son is severly Autistic and it is easier to count what he actually will eat than what he won't. He only eats DiGiorno's pepperoni pizza ( and yes it HAS to be DiGiornos.. no Dominoes, Little Ceasars, Pizza Hut nada) and Cheerios. That is his daily diet and on other times I can manage to get him to eat some rice, bread, angel hair pasta with marinara sauce (has to be angel hair and has to be Ragu or Prego or one I make for him at home that tastes like those two) an occasional banana and a granny smith apple which he will only eat in school for some reason. He absolutely will not eat apples at home but will eat them everyday in school. Go figure! :p
  4. I buy this one. http://www.buythecase.net/uploads/products/200/3320003020.jpg It's in the laundry aisle at the grocery store near the borax. :)
  5. My daughter wouldn't eat any of that except watermelon either, but she has severe sensory issues and will wretch and gag if I try to force her to eat it. hehehe ;)
  6. I'm so sorry Christina!! You are in my prayers! :grouphug: Get well soon! :)
  7. LOL Somebody recently convinced me to open a facebook account after having resisted it for years!! One of my students sent me a invite to see her farm and I've been hooked ever since. :) hehehe I just harvested my rice, cows, sheep and chickens and my trees not 30 minutes ago so if it was down, it's up now. :) BTW, if anyone wants to be my neighbor shoot me a PM and I'll send you a request. I"m close to having enough neighbors to expand my farm and could use a couple more. :p hehe
  8. That's exactly what I am doing with my dd. :) The basics of music reading are pretty much the same for any instrument with the piano just having the exception of the grand staff instead of just the treble or bass clef, but since I can read for both I have no qualms about teaching her the basics even though I don't play piano. I figure why spend a fortune hiring a teacher for the basics?? and if she takes to it I can hire one later on when she has already proven that she has an aptitude and a liking for the instrument. :)
  9. I am teaching my daughter Piano and I don't play piano, but I do have a backround in music (I play guitar, cello and bass) so I can read it and whatnot. I bought Alfred's piano course for adults and a kid's course for my dd and I would study ahead a few lessons in the adult book and then I was able to handle what I found in the kids' course. :) Good luck to you! I'm in the same boat and my dd didn't want to learn the instruments that I was versed in, but we are managing just fine. She can play two handed and does the chords and everything all together now. :)
  10. My absolute favorite memories as a child were when my grandparents would visit and bring us wonderful things to eat. To this day, palomilla steak (empanizado) with black beans and rice and yuca is one of my all time favorite meals as well as the Cuban sandwiches my granfather used to bring us from Ybor City in Tampa. YUM!! I always loved spagetti with meat sauce and Italian sausage as well and I have grown to love lasagne as well. I never liked all the cheese when I was a kid, but I like it now. :p
  11. Thanks for your reply. What I have now, is a Ruud air handler inside the house. I think it is an 11/12 seer unit. I have a 3 ton Rheem unit outside. I think I will probably have to replace both of them. I'm not sure of the total square footage of my house, but it's a pretty standard size townhouse I guess. 2 bedrooms and 1 and a half bath. I'm just not even sure what brands are good or not. That's why I'd love some recommendations. :) Thank you for the link. I'm going to email that to my husband. :)
  12. Nobody loves their air conditioner?? Anyone?? Anyone?? Bueller?? Bueller??
  13. Is the liquid soap recipe the same as the one with the Fels Naptha, borax and washing soda?? I've been using that one for years now but I'm always up for a new adventure. :p
  14. Walmart may still have some, but I think they removed them all from the stores because of all of the accidents people have reported with them. I remember seeing something on the news just a couple of days ago to this effect.
  15. Wow!!! That is awesome!!! Really and truly!! I don't know how your family couldn't rejoice with you!! That's very very cool!! Kudos to your daughter and to you mom for raising such a poised and mature young lady! Way to go!! :hurray: :party: :grouphug: Oh! and a VERY happy birthday to your lovely young lady! :)
  16. use code PSHIP89 to receive free shipping for your $75+ order till August 14th.
  17. I'm pretty certain my air conditioner is shot. It was half way through it's life when we moved in here in 1996 and I'm certain it's on it's last legs now. I realize it's hot outside, but I'm running the A/C all the time and the house never seems to cool off. My house is pretty small too! I think we have to get a new one as this one has been repaired 3 times already in the past, but I wanted to ask the brilliant hive mind first as you ladies (and gents) are filled with pearls of wisdom. If you absolutely love your air conditioner can you tell me what make and model you have?? I'd really appreciate some recommendations. Call me jaded, but I think if I ask the a/c man what is the best, he will probably recommend the most expensive. :rolleyes: Thank you so much to all who reply. :) Jen
  18. Another month gone without incident!! :hurray: :party: God is good!! I daresay that if we can just get through August and September we will be home free for this season! Thanks so much for the prayers. Let's keep them coming! :)
  19. Well, I FINALLY got in to see a doctor yesterday after trying 3 times!! He said that my wounds were clean which was a relief! After treating them at home for 6 days I was worried about any infection or anything that I might be doing wrong and I was relieved when he said they were healing properly. He prescribed me an ointment to put on my face 3 times a day and it is working wonders!! I cannot believe it!! I put it on around noon yesterday when I got home from the pharmacy and even just hours later I could see a difference and today my face looks much much better. Today is the first day too where I'm not in constant pain too so I am much happier about that. :) I'm tender, but it's not that throbbing radiating pain that I've been having so I am glad. :) The lady from IMUSA called me again this morning too and she has assured me that they will do everything in their power to make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. She is sending me a mailer to return the coffee pot to them in and she will keep in touch with me about the developments. I am praying too that this was just a fluke with my pot and doesn't happen to anyone else either. I know I was lucky. Someone else might not be so lucky and I shudder to think of it! Thank you all so much for your prayers!! I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :grouphug:
  20. Florida isn't overrun with swamps and alligators. All hurricanes do not hit Miami and Miami is not "all Cuban". well not anymore anyway! hehehe South Florida is full of people from all over the world now. You are just as likely to have a neighbor from India as from Jamaica or Colombia. I actually meet very few Cubans anymore (outside of my family). Most Spanish speakers I come across these days are from South America. One that is true though is that our Public School system is horrible. I went to Public school my whole life and they really are that bad. :(
  21. I got mine from Home Science Tools. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/student-microscopes/c/168/ They shipped fast and I love the quality of the microscope I got. They are also having free shipping right now. :) use code PSHIP89 to receive free shipping for your $75+ order till August 14th.
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