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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Today is the 20th anniversary of my salvation. I had been thinking and planning how I would spend this day for a few weeks now. I didn't have it all hammered out yet, but I did plan to spend some time alone with God (as much as I can with the kids home) and have some time in worship, prayer and in His word. I bought the elements to have communion and we were going to have carryout for dinner so that I could celebrate with my family who are fruits of that gift that God gave me 20 years ago. Well..... my special day started out with both of the kids up all night. DD finally went to sleep somewhere around 4am and DS closer to 6am. :( I went to bed at 6:30am as the sun was coming up. At 10:30am I heard a loud knock on the door. UPS was there with a big box from the company who owns the coffee pot that exploded on me 2 weeks ago. It was a nice gesture, but I wish they had asked me first because I don't know what I'm going to do with all of this stuff!! I have nowhere to put it! I would have much preferred a check to cover my medical costs and the cost to paint my kitchen ceiling and walls. I went back to sleep after that and shortly after dd wakes me to tell me the computer won't turn on and she's hungry. I told her to make her own breakfast but she says she wants something hot so I know I need to get up to cook it. I told her she has to wait then because I'm sleeping. Awhile later she wakes me again to ask if she can have breakfast now I said 5 more minutes. She says, she thinks ds peed on the floor. I get up, and sure enough there is ds sitting in his bed soaking wet with a big grin on his face and a puddle on the floor. I get up, get him bathed, clean the room and go downstairs to turn the air conditioner on and the compressor outside won't turn on. I turn the air conditioner off again and I just looked up to Heaven and said, "Lord, this was supposed to be a special Holy day, but I thank you for even knowing the frustration of this day." Twenty years ago when God revealed Himself to me and saved me I was living in a VERY dark place. I know for a fact that had He not come to me when He did that I would not be alive today. I know that with every fiber of my being. Today and all of its frustrations are a gift that is the fruit of His grace and mercy that He showed to me those 20 years ago and every day since. It is a journey. It has ups and downs, but it is a journey none the less and He is always my perfectly Faithful Guide. So I prayed and asked God to please let the air conditioner turn on and I tried again and it turned on. I thanked Him. I started cooking dd’s breakfast and set out to try to figure out what was wrong with the computer. I couldn't get it to turn on. I prayed and asked God that it would just turn on by itself and as I had my head down, the computer went on. I thanked Him. I opened that box of stuff from IMUSA and I shook my head at the number of its contents and I thanked Him. I thank God for this day. Regardless of how it got started, no frustrations can take away from the fact that my God saves, He lives, He works, He redeems, He blesses. He is the same yesterday, today and forever... and I thank Him. Thank you God for this journey of life with you. It is the greatest gift I've ever received.
  2. Wow!! That's awesome!! Happy birthday to your special girl! :) :hurray: :party:
  3. My ds is 8 and weighs 47 lbs. I get his khakis for school at Walmart. Sometimes I have better luck though buying it online and having it shipped to the store.
  4. Oh I'm so glad it worked out for her!! I dont' think I can ever convice my husband to have another party for my dd. I'm not sure I could even convince myself! heheehe
  5. Oh Happy Birthday to you too Rebecca!! :hurray: :party: :D
  6. Oh my! I was drinking while reading that and it almost came out my nose!! That's too funny! hehehehehe
  7. That's just awful!! How can they even have the GALL to suggest that you not only cook the food but deliver it to them?? Oh man, I would have had to bite my lips until they were spurting blood! :mad: My daughter can't have birthday parties anymore either for the same reason. Sigh. It just stinks that people act so poorly and can spoil so much in their wake for their utter lack of courtesy and manners. :( I agree with Kate... Who ARE these people?? :001_huh:
  8. OH!! hugs! :grouphug: An identical situation happen with my dd's 9th birthday. We invited a bunch of kids to come to a barbecue/pool party. 15 RSVP'd. ONE showed!! My daughter kept asking when all the other kids were going to come. I felt so sick and angry over it! I called my sister and she came over with her kids and I invited my neighbors to come have barbecue. She wound up having a fun time anyway, but I just couldn't believe that not one of those other people called to say they couldn't come after RSVPing and my even calling the day before the party to confirm and they still said they were coming. Unreal! So sorry about your hubby OP, maybe reading this thread will make him feel better?? At least he will know it's nothing to do with him personally. :)
  9. hehehehehehehehe Which ones are you referring to?? hehehehe Ay this thread is cracking me up. Sigh! After nursing my son for over 5 years my books laid down and died. hehehehe
  10. ROFL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh that's too funny!! My first thought was that she got you that bacon shirt! hehehehehe
  11. I've gotten crayon off of our laminate floors with murphy's oil soap and water. don't know if that would work, but if none of the other great suggestions pan out, it might be worth a try. :)
  12. Enjoy your special day Sarah. :) :hurray: :party: Have an extra piece of cake for me! :)
  13. I buy them at BJ's in the 3 to a box pack. I've talked to the store manager and introduced him to my son and told him how important it is to us that the Digiorno's pepperoni pizzas are always in stock. hehehee but I never thought to ask him for a discount. He always says hi to me when he sees me and asks me about my son, and asks if I got my pizza for that day. :) I should ask him next time if I can get a discount. :)
  14. Wow!! hehehehehe What is it about Digiorno's pizza?? hehehehehehe I've even written to Kraft foods and told them about my son and even sent them a picture of him and asked them if there was anyway I can get a discount or coupons for buying in bulk (I cook 1 pizza everyday) but they said no. How lame is that! :mad: They told me to check the newspapers for coupons. GRRR I wish I could boycott them for their insensitivity, but it's the only thing he eats! :(
  15. Mija I'm level 18!! I can give you every thing except horses! :) And I'm a very good neighbor! Lots of gifts to give! I can give bunnies, goats, chickens, cows, pigs, ducks and sheep as well as the trees. :) PM me with your email address if you are interested and I'll add you as a friend and send you a neighbor request. :)
  16. Anybody else want to be my neighbor??? I'm at 7! I need one more and I can expand my farm! :D Anybody want to help a girl out?? Pretty please with cherry tree on top. :p
  17. It has to do with the sensory issues that go along with Autism. They cannot stand certain textures and that extends to foods as well. I'll never forget the first time my son ever touched shaving cream. His Occupational therapist sprayed a little mound of it onto a mirror that she and my son were standing in front of and she just took his hands and just swiped his fingertips through the shaving cream and he almost vomited. :eek: It's amazing the sensory sensitivities these kids have.
  18. Ah I see! In my experience no the public school system doesn't care about any issue non-academic. My son only gets speech and OT because he cannot function and learn without them. The one year that my daughter wasn't homeschooled (hubby's idea not mine) I fought so hard to get an individual education plan for her. They absolutely refused because she wasn't struggling academically. Even though she was bullied mercilessly because of her "issues" the school wouldn't budge. This is a really good book and may help you. http://www.amazon.com/Out-Sync-Child-Recognizing-Processing/dp/0399531653/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249632153&sr=1-1# And this return on my search for "sensory issues" returned a lot of book suggestions that you can read inside. Hopefully one will meet your needs. :grouphug: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=sensory+issues I just found this too. A list of support groups for parents with children with sensory issues. http://www.childrensdisabilities.info/sensory_integration/groups-sensory-integration.html you can probably get a lot of help online.
  19. Have you talked to the pediatrician?? I'm sure he/she can give you a referral somewhere where you won't have to pay the full amount of an evaluation?? My son's evaluation was free through the Children's Diagnostic and Treatment Center, but he was 2 at the time. For my daughter's I just had to pay the co-pay on my insurance.
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