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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Me too! :hurray: And I'm Spanish/Cuban so we kiss everybody on the cheeks to boot! :D hehe I'd probably send a non-touchy germophobic person screaming and looking for Purell. hehe ;) :p :D
  2. I'm sure they will have a lot of fun at the concert and I wouldn't think any less of anyone that did like the Jonas Brothers. I don't expect anybody to be like me or like what I like. I know I'm weird and not like most girls so if there were someone else out there like me I'd probably be scared of them! :p ;) :D hehehehe
  3. hehehehe Awesome! :) When I was watching them "play", they all three had a Gibson and the one kid was playing like 3 power chords only and the other two were just goofing around and not even strumming their guitars. They were just accessories! grrrr. I understand that they are a total fluff teeny bopper "band" but man! At least back in my teenage days the fluff bands knew how to play their instruments, but this whole thing of having an entire band playing behind the "band" is just too weird and it bugs me to no end. Man, I feel sorry for those musicians. I would hate to have to admit that I backed the Jonas Brothers, I guess it's a good thing then that they are all in shadows as if they were a part of some musician's federal witness protection program, they can keep some modicum of their self respect I guess. I only wonder what horrible thing they must be running from to be assigned to back the Jonas Bros. YUCK!! :p hehe ;) :D
  4. I confess that I just can't stand the Jonas Bros. I am fortunate that my dd doesn't like them and therefore I am (thankfully) limited in my exposure to them, but I happened upon them tonight while my husband was flipping channels and they just bug me to no end how they hold their nice Gibson guitars while the REAL band plays back in the shadows behind them. I have seen this every single time I've been unfortunate enough to witness one of their "performances". Man, God forgive me, but those kids drive me nuts!!! :banghead: :rant: :boxing_smiley: They should give those Gibsons to someone who can actually play them... someone like, oh I don't know.... ME!!! :tongue_smilie:;) :p hehe
  5. Well, we have one month behind us and 4 more to go! :) God is good! :) Let's keep praying that the next 4 are as uneventful. :grouphug: Thank you all for your faithfulness and commitment to pray. You gals rock! :grouphug: :)
  6. Oh my gosh!! :eek: They remembered the entire sequence of numbers?? Woah! Lighthouse Academy, That is awesome what your dd did... at 2 years old, that is amazing!! She's one smart cookie. ;) :)
  7. I get all upset too if I have invested a good deal of emotions into the characters. If it ends really badly I feel like I've been ripped off. :mad: I haven't read 1984. Was it good other than the ending?
  8. "All heavy laden acquainted with sorrow May Christ in our marrow, carry us home From alabaster come blessings of laughter A fragrance of passion and joy from the truth Grant the unbroken tears ever flowing From hearts of contrition only for You May sin never hold true that love never broke through For God's mercy holds us and we are His own This road that we travel, may it be the straight and narrow God give us peace and grace from You, all the day Shelter with fire, our voices we raise still higher God give us peace and grace from You, all the day through" May choirs of angels carry you home, Farrah and may you find rest for your soul. :grouphug: God bless you.
  9. My daughter liked this one. :) She also likes her Faithgirlz Bible. :)
  10. What a horrible woman!! Oh your poor son!! I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry for what you are all going through. Ugh! What is up with the police?? I think you are doing the absolute right thing though by calling them for each instance and having a record and witnesses. I agree also with the restraining order. I really hope you can get out of there soon. I will pray for you as well. It seems like there is some real warfare going on here. :grouphug: :grouphug: God bless you and your family. Jennifer
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh!! This had me laughing out loud! hehehe Too funny! hehehe I'm pretty clueless myself a lot of the time so I can totally relate. :)
  12. Them's fightin words Ms. Rosie!! ;) :tongue_smilie: hehe
  13. Thanks for the correction. I wasn't sure how to write it the way he said it. You wrote it perfectly! :) He was hilarious. Like I've said I've never been to NY, but how far apart are the various boroughs?? I've heard that NYC isn't as big as it seems and yet there are so many distinct accents in just that pocket of NY state that it always amazes me at the variety of culture and accent in such a relatively small area. I hope you know what I mean. I fear I'm not making any sense. I had a good friend from Schenectady years ago. Italian also. She was a great person too and lots of fun to hang around with. :) She taught me how to make Italian peppers and sausage sandwiches. I still make them all the time to this day. :)
  14. LOL It's true!! They're everywhere!! hehehehe Solid people though. You really learn to love 'em after you get past the inital gruffness. My brother's old roomate years ago was from LonG Island. His name was Vincenzo Marchese, one of the funniest people I've ever met and loyal as the day is long. He was a great guy! :) His accent used to crack me up all the time. Who knew "ya lazy b@stard" could be a term of endearment?? ;) :D :tongue_smilie: hehe
  15. You want to hear something funny?? I've never even been to NYC!! Honest! I've lived in South Florida all of my life but we have so many New Yorkers down here that I've learned to distinguish the accents of the different boroughs just from talking with them so often over the years. How crazy is that?? hehehehe :tongue_smilie:
  16. hehehehe As a Florida native I have to agree. Ya'll is definitely the correct plural form of "you" ;) :D hehe
  17. Good grief!! :eek: I need to stay out of this thread because I really don't know anything about the show or the people in it. I read the about them page of their website and I thought they were all Christians, but this kind of behavior.... well, I'll just leave it at that. :(
  18. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Very well said. She could have aborted the baby and didn't. That says something.
  19. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh!! Poor man! hehehehehe
  20. :lol::lol::lol: This just cracked me up so much. I instantly thought of that crazy Monty Python skit.
  21. Oh wow! I didn't see all of that. That is another thing entirely then.
  22. Yes i saw that as well. I think she must have realized, somewhere in the back or her mind, that by ignoring the letter and doing nothing that it could be possible for this to happen and then to sue for $1,000,000.00?? Why so much money? :confused::confused:
  23. I never saw the show (don't have cable) and so I have mostly stayed out of these Jon and Kate threads since I don't know what's going on, but this one I've read and it prompted me to google the couple. I read this and in light of the discussion here it has made me very very sad. :( http://www.sixgosselins.com/about/about.html this part in particular.... "All in all, we are so glad we are on this journey. It has been so positive overall and has helped so many people. It's what God wants for us....and we are glad you have decided to join us!" I cannot offer any kind of opinion on them or their situation since I really don't know anything about them or what all happened, but I just wish that they could re-discover the spirit behind this statement. I truly believe that "as long as there is hope there is hope" and I will pray for them. It's never too late, even after a divorce, to reconcile. I just hope that they can remember their first love and turn to Him again.
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