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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Classic Motoring Accessories. I had bought a polishing pad from them and they said on their website that they stand so much behind their pads that if one ever should delaminate they would replace it for free. I was detailing a car about 2 months ago (trying to raise money for dd's summer camp) and right in the middle of polishing the pad delaminated. Fortunately I had a back up, but my back up was an old "in case of emergency" pad and I was upset that a brand new pad should delaminate like that. I emailed the company and told him that I was in the middle of paid job and my pad delaminiated and they overnighted me a new one so that I had it the next day. Free of charge. The guy I wrote even wrote me after to make sure I was satisfied. I thought that was great! :)
  2. Thank you. I bookmarked the site. I'd never heard of it before. :blushing:
  3. Well, it took me 4 years to get my A.A. degree and I took a math class every term of those 4 years including summers!! :eek: I never finished my Bachelor's degree unfortunately because I was so burnt out by the time I finally transferred to the University (I was working 50 hours a week and going to school at nights) that I couldn't think straight anymore and wasn't doing well even in my Major. I took some time off to try to give my mind a bit of a break, but then life happened and I haven't had the chance to go back and finish yet. I hope some day I will be able to though. Maybe when my daughter goes to college I'll be able to go with her.... Maybe. :) If I do get to go back though, I will probably change my major to special education so I can learn things that will help my son. I'd love to learn to what Occupational therapists and Speech therapist do so that I can use those skills with my son to help him. :) Thank you again for your kind words. :grouphug: You're so nice. My daughter is doing 7th grade next year and I believe she is supposed to start Algebra in 8th?? Is that right? I figure I need to get a head start on this stuff if I"m ever going to be able to teach it. hehe :)
  4. Thanks Rosie. :) That's a good suggestion. I've been using the "subscribe to thread" feature for my list, does that count? :) hehehe It's a funny thing too because I used to always think that I was pretty smart because I did so well in PS. I always got good grades (A's & B's) and passed tests easily, I didn't realize until I got to college that the reason school was so easy is because they didn't really ever challenge me! The last Math class I had in High School was General Math 2!! :eek: I don't know what my capacity will be to learn certain concepts, but I am willing to test myself to find out. I know math has always been something that causes me to wake up in night sweats, but I am not afraid to try. I just bought myself an Algebra book to try to teach myself. I was really afraid because this is the one course that I could never pass in College. I took it and failed it 4 times before I begged my advisor to let me take another class for college credit. I wound up failing Statistics 3 times before finally passing that one for college credit!! I bought that book from Dolciani (thanks to always hearing her name referenced on these boards) and I am happy to say that so far it is going well. I am understanding the instructions and even getting most of the problems right! Yay! :)
  5. Thank you!! I just put this book on hold at my library right now! I'm number one in the hold list! YAY! :) Thank you for your kind words. :grouphug: I do hang out here a lot which I guess is pretty obvious as this will be my 967th post and I've only been here since April!! :eek: hehehe I have learned a lot from reading other people's posts, but it's kind of like a double edged sword because it also makes me realize just how far gone I am too! ;) hehe But I guess it just all comes down to baby steps, right? One foot in front of the other. :)
  6. I have to say, that since I have been on these boards I have been amazed at the level of knowledge that I find in the people here. I read Peek-a-boo's arguments and my head spins and yet I nod my head in agreement and think, "she's right!" I see Poor Bear start a thread asking for resources on communism and there is Spy Car with like a bazillion suggested resources at the ready. A lot of the conversations that I read on here, I just TRY to follow along because they are so far above my head. :confused: Someone mentions a book that I've never even heard of and there will be 30 people saying, "oh I love that book, so and so is my absolute favorite author!!" and I'm sitting their scratching my head thinking, Who is this?? :confused: I have 60 threads that I have subscribed too mostly discussing literature suggestions!! :eek: So my question to you all is, How did you get so smart??? I have to confess that I started out as an unschooler and am just now discovering TWTM for the first time and working my way through the book. I think for me this path turned out to be a good thing because had I started my homeschooling journey here I probably would have been too intimidated to think I could ever homeschool. But God is good and started me on this path gently. hehehehe I mean, I know that Florida's PSS is NOTORIOUSLY bad, but you all seem to me to be above and beyond even what the PSS in general has to offer. Am I wrong? So how did you do it?? What books did you read or experiences did you have that really helped you on this road to knowledge? I realize that I was done a tremendous disservice by my PS education and would have to do a lot of work to teach myself what I was never taught. I also know I'm not the brightest bulb in the world, but I would very much like to improve myself as much as is possible... so do you think it can be done? Can this dummy become a smarty like you all?? :D THANK YOU to all who reply. Blessings, Jennifer
  7. Amazing!! I guess the fire hopped with the winds, no?
  8. wow!! That's amazing that it was spared! :)
  9. The references to curriculum piqued my interest as I have no clue to who you all are referring. Does anyone want to shoot me a PM and tell me who and why? I've never really done any research on the behind the scenes philosophies or dealings of the various curriculum providers, I've just always looked at books or programs and chose what looked best for us. Thanks. :)
  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your dh, Heather. :grouphug: I will pray for his back.
  11. That's awesome specialmama!! I always like to share what we do in our homeschool when people ask. They usually just have never met a homeschooler before and are curious what it's all about (IME) and after my telling them what we do, they usually are nodding their head in agreement and saying, "that's great!". I feel you so much with going out with your special one! We just had a lot of fun together yesterday at the library while his sister was doing an activity for their summer program. I swear 45 minutes passes a lot slower when you're with an Autistic person! hehehehehe i actually got "shuushed" by an old school librarian... TWICE!! :rolleyes: That is so cool that you got a dog!!! I never knew they did that for Autistic people!! How did you find out about it?? You can PM me back, I don't want to hijack (yet another) thread. :)
  12. I have to say, I think I must be fortunate where I live because nobody ever bothers me about homeschooling and the only people (strangers) who have asked me about it think it's a great idea. I can't remember ever have to defend my position. The worst that's ever happened is that I will be out somewhere with my dd during the day and they will ask her, "why aren't you in school?" and my dd answers them, "I'm homeschooled." and that's usually the end of it.
  13. Oh my gosh!! A customer like that has to be every shop owner's nightmare!! hehehe :lol:
  14. :lol::lol::lol: Man, I love Python!! I grew up watching them! The 4 men from Yorkshire has to be one of the best skits ever!! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqNGhcdtMbc
  15. I'm so sorry to hear your news Remudamom, how is he feeling? Is he still in pain? :grouphug: I'm praying for your ds too! :grouphug:
  16. I don't know why but the thought of that just totally cracked me up!! I'm imagining how that would sound and it seems something almost Monty Pythonish!! hehehehe :lol:
  17. Water balloon fights! You get to work out some of those emotions and have fun at the same time! :D hehehehe Swimming, parks, water parks, the free movies days, plant a garden with the kids and let them have their own plants to care for, go to the library for their summer activities and did I mention water balloon fights?? ;) :)
  18. And if men were truly pure in heart and altruistic and not corrupted by greed and power. :rolleyes: My best friend defected from a Communist East Germany, it's amazing the stories I've heard from her and her mother. She wasn't allowed to tell anyone that she watched Sesame street! :eek: Who would have thought Bert and Ernie could be so threatening! And that Big Bird must be a metaphor for Big Brother, right?? :rolleyes: hehe
  19. Jeez!! I think this guy must have had his kid get picked over for his first college choice and lost the spot to a homeschool kid! Sounds like he's on a vendetta! He talked to 5 whole people!! Wow!! I'm impressed! :rolleyes:
  20. :iagree::iagree: with everything you said. I hadn't seen that CK ad before. YIKES!! I am the same way. I don't actively investigate companies' politics or ethics, but if I hear of something and I can verify that it is true and it goes totally against my ethics or beliefs I'll boycott them. I had this situation come up just over a year ago and I was in a bind because it was a store that offered more specialized merchandise that was hard to find just anywhere. I said to myself, "nope. I just can't go there anymore." and started searching for similar things online. I wound up not only finding everything i needed online, it got it for a better price even WITH the shipping!! I took that as a blessing for standing by my convictions! hehe :)
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