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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: God is good! I am praying that He will provide for all of little Tazzie's needs. :grouphug:
  2. Oh my!! I don't know how I missed this the first time around but this is truly heartbreaking!! It brings tears to my eyes. Impish, may I ask since you are one who has worked in these facitilies, why are the other staff so unkind to the residents?? I mean, why do they choose this line of work if they have no heart for the elderly and if they don't have patience for their frailties or maybe more importantly, how do they even get hired for these types of positions if they have no heart for the people they will be caring for?? Does nobody really even care about these poor people besides the few like yourself?? Oh this thread is heartbreakingly sad. I realize that there are some things that are beyond all control, but I take this thread also as a precautionary warning to take the best care of myself now so that hopefully I won't be in a position like this in the future.
  3. Oh Sandy!! I'm so sorry! Lots of prayers and hugs for you and your family! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. hehehehe That's cute! hehe I love salads as well. :)
  5. You're a lucky lady! :) I drink filtered water myself and am used to the taste of it, but I went I went to Austria, I was up in the mountains for 3 weeks and their tap water came straight from the mountain springs there and it was the best water!! So good! I drank so much of it while I was there. They all laughed at me because Europeans don't drink water! and they all thought I was nuts! But in South Florida, you HAVE to drink a lot of water because it's just so hot all the time so I am just used to drinking mostly water all the time.:tongue_smilie: :)
  6. Yes. Thank you! I think I will go with this too! I have to have something to live for!! hehehehe
  7. LOL Sigh!! What are we supposed to believe then if so many of these doctors are going on misinformation?? Geez! This is truly disheartening!
  8. Is that all I have to worry about?? Phew! I can drink a whole pot of Cuban coffee and take a nap. It doesn't keep me up and I drink copious amounts of water during the day. I probably drink a gallon or more!
  9. hehehe You are right. So how do you cook your rice? ;) :tongue_smilie:
  10. Garga is right. This thread is depressing! hehe *sigh* I'm not a huge meat eater, but I do like my Cuban coffee and that has LOADS of caffeine. What does caffeine have with calcium loss??
  11. I know sometimes you hit plateaus because the body is efficient and adjusts to the routine. I agree with changing the routine. If it were me personally I would stop the exercise altogether and go on a water only fast and just have a complete rest. I know not everyone is into fasting though, but it works for me. :)
  12. **Gulp** I am truly afraid to ask this question... What is wrong with my beloved cafe con leche??? :eek:
  13. Ay!! I don't think my grandparents ever had to worry about this stuff! :rolleyes: I think we just have to pick a disease we like and then have at it! hehe ;) :D
  14. So you're a smart donkey too then!! :D bwahahahahaha
  15. Yes but is it good for you?? What is the consesus on a paper diet?? ;) :D Jennifer **milk is turning me into a smart... ahem.. "donkey"** :D ;) :tongue_smilie:
  16. Thanks. hehehe A bright blue gatorade might appeal to kids. **Wait don't they already have a blue one??** Did you know that Gatorade was invented right here in Florida?? That's why it's called Gator ade. Because of the Florida Gators Football team. :D How's that for some completely useless information?? Sheesh, if I knew less of that garbage and more of the information that ya'll are talking about here on this thread I'd be much better off! My poor kids!! :(
  17. Oh wow! So do you add this to raw milk then or can it be used on the pasteruized stuff??? Sheesh, it's shocking how ignorant I am. I feel truly embarrassed that I don't know this stuff. :blushing:
  18. What is kefir Miss Rosie and do you make a drink from it or eat it? Jennifer *who is too lazy too Google* :D
  19. :lol::lol::lol: I would just add that he need to take the kids with him so that they can help keep lookout! hehehe
  20. YIKES!! Well, I bought a soymilk machine about a year ago for myself and my husband because he is lactose intolerant. (Please tell me that there is nothing wrong with soy) I usually make a milk that has soy, rice, oats and hemp seeds for us, but my daughter won't drink it at all. She's a die hard cow's milk kid, but I never had any idea of the things that you all are saying here about milk! YIKES! How is it that this isn't more widely known? Is this due the lobbyists? Thank you. I will commit to finishing it now! :) This is all quite shocking really! I"m so glad I started this thread! Who knew? :eek:
  21. I don't think you need to feel guilty or ashamed at all! A person has to realize their own limitations. Nobody can do everything. I think it is a good thing that you realized you needed help and didn't let the "supermom" mentality sway you from getting the help that you need. I WISH I could have help around the house. I have 2 special needs kids and my son especially is so destructive (rips up books etc) and there is always a tremendous amount of cleaning up to do. I have lost many nights of sleep due to staying up late to clean which is the only time i can really get it done and there are always many things undone. My ironing basket looks more like a small mountain, I can't remember the last time I vacuumed the carpet in my room and it brings stress into my home also because it makes my husband nuts. But what else can I do? We cannot afford a cleaning lady so I am it. If I were you, I would be happy that I have that blessing. I certainly don't see any reason to feel guilt about it. :grouphug:
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