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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. That's exactly what I am doing as well. I've been using Singapore exclusively for the last 2 years and I bought some CLE LU's to cover some topics before my daughter's evaluation and that's where I saw it. It's in Light Unit 603 on Page 4 problem 17. It says this.... copy and solve. Annex zeros as needed. 168.972-79=
  2. That's assuming that Autism is genetic. :D:tongue_smilie:
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: May I ask, is your son a Christian?
  4. We have at least 4 sexual predators in my neighborhood, one of them lives just 7 doors down from me. I don't ever let my children out alone. It is understood that if I cannot go out with them then they cannot go out. It's never worth the risk. Hang statistics, I'm going to do whatever I can to keep my children from becoming one. This poor family, how my heart goes out to them. Horrible. just . horrible. :(
  5. Can anyone tell me what it means to "annex zeros"?? I was flipping through my daughter's new math curriculum and it uses that terminology and I have no idea what it means and it doesn't explain it. :( Can someone explain it to me, please? Thank you. :)
  6. Just out of curiosity, how do you make up the actual packets? Are they all consumables, worksheet type things? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm just curious how you work it out.
  7. That's what I think too. I let my daughter go over a fellow homeschool friends house for a sleep over because there were only girls and the mom at home and the girls were younger than my dd. But now that she is 12 I think her sleepover days are over. She always wakes up too early anyway and is bored because she has to be quiet and cannot do anything until everyone else wakes up.
  8. Must. stay. out. of. this. thread.... Ay,you guys are killing me!! It's bad enough I already have 3 math curriculums that I will be using in 7th grade, plus the book for teachers, plus the Algebra book that just came in, PLEASE have mercy on me and don't mention how great this course is. Someone tell me it's terrible quick... please!!:tongue_smilie:
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Thank you for being so brave to share your story. My daughter has Asperger's. She went to a charter school for one year in 3rd grade because dh thought her behaviors were due to a lack of socialization. He thought the school would "work it out of her". She was ridiculed and bullied mercilessly for her "odd" behaviors. She has ticks as well as social issues, issues with compulsions, inappropriate responses etc. I was always in the principals or vice principals office trying to get them to deal with these bullies and they were so blase about it. It was sickening! After 2 months in the school my husband told me to homeschool her again. It is one of the main reasons why I homeschool her. So many of these kids that are "hanging on the the normal end" as you put it (great way of putting it btw :) ) are dealing with severe depression. They are normal enough to want to interact in the world around them, but just different enough to be ridiculed. It is heartbreaking! And of course they always wonder "what's wrong with me?" They don't even realize how special and wonderful they are and neither do the kids around them. They just see that they are different and tear them to pieces. :( I knew another mom who's 14 y.o. son was suicidal from all of the ridicule and bullying he went through in ps. She pulled him out of school and started homeschooling him. One thing she said to me that always stuck with me was something her son's doctor told her, "just get them through highschool. Once there in college and in the world, nobody cares anymore if they're eccentric." It is so true. I wouldn't ever send my child to school again.
  10. :iagree: My aunt had polio when she was 4 years old just months before the vaccine was invented. She survived but was left crippled in her arm because of it. There are some very scary diseases that are no longer an issue thanks to vaccines.
  11. hehehe It's true. People always have cute little nicknames. Ay, all this talk about babies is making me want another one so much. sniff.
  12. :iagree::iagree: We did the same thing. My dd has only had 2 sleepovers and both times we knew the family well. She's had other invites that we've declined because we don't know the parents of the children. I just told her that we would have to know them a lot better before we would allow her to spend the night at their house.
  13. Oh that's perfect!! Thank you so much! I'm downloading away! :)
  14. Oh wow!! How fun!! I would LOVE to go on a submarine! How in the world did you arrange it? Is there some kind of program for kids that you are participating in? More importantly, do they have it in Florida and do they allow adults to go?? :D :D I can just imagine your anxiety, but your son is going to have an experience of a lifetime. You're a good mom to let him go inspite of your feelings. :grouphug:
  15. One thing I love to do at the end of every school year, is dd and I make a "school newspaper" and we put in photographs of the things she did throughout the year and she writes up something to go with the photos. She gets very creative with it and it is fun to look back over the year and see all that we accomplished and had fun doing. We print it out and put it in a nice cover and have it as a part of her portfolio for her end of the year evaluation. :)
  16. Ooh, maybe I'm just a dummy, but this site is a bit hard to navigate for me. Do they have actual tests that you can download and administer? I'd love to do a practice test for 6th grade with my daughter before her evaluation. She gets such terrible test anxiety. This might help her relax a bit beforehand. :) Thanks so much for the help. :)
  17. We've used BJU for several years now and we like it. It always has a lot of experiements in each lesson.
  18. LOL no I'm not pregnant, although I wish I could have another precious little baby. I've never heard of a "grasshopper dying" to describe a miscarriage. It's true that you really do learn something new everyday.
  19. Same boat here. I'm planning to go until July this year and I'll be starting back on August 12th when my son starts back to school. He goes to year round school so he gets several long breaks in the fall, winter and spring so my daughter and I follow his schedule for her homeschool. I'm very excited about this next school year. I have a lot of new curriculum to try that looks promising as well as some old faithfuls that have worked well for us. I'm really excited about doing science. I will be buying a microscope and the science kit that goes along with BJU life science and I'm really excited about doing the science experiements. :) Ay, it makes me want to finish 6th grade sooner so we can start 7th. :)
  20. I was thinking the same things that's why I wrote "apparent". I hope he wasn't killed. But they said also that there was no sign of a fight or struggle so how did he get hanged then?? It's so sad though. It is so strange that he would do such a thing right when starting a new film. Why even bother making a film if he's that despondent?? It is strange. :(
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