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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that!! :grouphug: A very unhappy irony to be sure. :(
  2. What about the Organic milk that they sell now?? Is that any better?
  3. Whoa! I didn't know that. I thought that calcium was a building block, I didn't know that it could neutralize acid. :eek:
  4. Bah, you're just bitter! hehehehe I always get EVERYTHING wrong so you have to allow me to glory that I was actually right for a change. At least for just a little bit. :tongue_smilie:;) :D I'm sure I'll do something stupid or get something totally back asswards soon enough. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I actually have this book. I am working my way through it. I kind of skipped the first chapters after they just kept going on and on about how the test was done. Normally I would find this more interesting, but I'm usually reading late at night before bed and I kept falling asleep at the same parts. hehehe I haven't got to any part about milk yet. I just read about how the Chinese are a mostly genetically homogenous society and yet the cancer rates were so different in places. That's pretty much how far I got so far into the book. :)
  6. For me, my dad is not in the picture and my mom is a bit of a spendthrift so I will probably have to take her in and care for her at some point. I don't expect any inheritance from anyone. If anything, I will probably have to plan to take care of my mother when she ages.
  7. I used to do a lot of things in my B.C. days, that I won't go into here. hehehe But the one that persisted even after becoming a Christian was smoking. It took me a long time to finally decide to quit for good and when I did, I didn't look back. I'm not sure how long it's been since I smoked but probably at least 13 or 14 years now. :)
  8. YIKES!! A blood transfusion!! That's scary!
  9. Really?? Wow!! How does it cause you to lose calcium?
  10. Oh wow!! I had no idea! It's amazing to me how things change all the time. You would think with all the nutritional information we have that they would have found that out sooner, huh? I mean, kids have been drinking milk for ages! hehe I'm glad to know that it doesn't apply to cheese and yogurt though. She will be disappointed because she really loves milk, but she likes cheese too. :) She's my little mouse! hehehe So I guess this applies to adults as well, no?
  11. Fainie!! Dziekuje! :) Take that Miss Rosie!! Nanny nanny na na! ;) :D hehe
  12. Wow. I teach spanish out of my house and charge only $10.00 and hour. What's wrong with me!!?? hehe
  13. I took my daughter for her annual physical yesterday and when the pediatrician asked me if she drank milk I answered, "oh yes, lots of milk." To which she replied, "No. Not lots of milk. No more than 16 ounces a day." I was surprised and like a dummy I didn't ask her why. I always heard that kids (especially girls) were supposed to have like 4 eight ounce glasses of milk a day. When did they change this? And does anyone know why?? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  14. So is bardzo przepraszam correct?? I couldn't tell from the link you gave me. It just came up a bunch of ads for different language softwares. :confused::confused: dziekuje bardzo, Iwka. ;) :D
  15. LOL Do you have a big (or maybe a noisy latin) family?? My husband comes from a big family and extended family lived all in the same house with him and his parents. He also is from the capitol of his country and it is very noisy there. I think that is the reason that he has to have backround noise on all the time. His father is the same way. When we go to visit him, he turns the radio on at night when he goes to bed and puts on talk radio to sleep to. Unfortunately he is going deaf so he puts it really loud and none of the rest of us can sleep. :tongue_smilie:
  16. I love Ibanez guitars and I'm a girl. Ibby is a nickname for Ibanez guitars. :)
  17. Nie wiem. Nie mowie dobrze po polsku ale... the Polish language course that I have to study at home has a dialogue where the guy says "bardzo przepraszam" I always figured that was correct, but what do I know! I"m not a cultural sophisticate or anything. ;) :D What is the correct way to say it, Iwka??
  18. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: I dont' think I have EVER been called a "cultural sophisticate" before! My idea of "the classics" would be Monty Python's Holy Grail and rock and roll from the late 60's and 70's hehehe I think that bars me forever from being sophisticated. hehehe Ay, but we are shamelessly hijacking Iwka's thread aren't we? Bardzo przepraszam, Iwka! :grouphug:
  19. Well, for me I LOVE music with a passion and wish I could listen to it all the time with headphones on to drown out the t.v. set that is constantly on! :) hehe My husband always has something on in the backround and many times he will have the news on t.v., the radio on the news and be watching videos on the computer ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It drives me absolutely loopy. I don't know how he can stand it! I always feel like I'm going crazy with all those voices talking at the same time. I relish the quiet when everyone is bed. I have a bad habit of staying up late just to have some downtime before I have to deal with "voices" again, but I like to have music on during those times as the music soothes my soul and makes me feel better. But I do like some absolute quiet too at times. Sheesh, I'm just looking over my post here... what a roundabout way of saying "yes me too!" Jeez, I really do talk too much! :rolleyes:
  20. LOL Sorry ma'am. Didn't mean to beat you out. :) Didn't there used to be a t.v. show many many moons ago where they would travel through time? I cannot for the life of me remember the title though. I'm guessing it would have been in the 80's. BTW, it wasn't Dr. Who, it was an American show.
  21. You're forgetting H.G. Wells! hehe But then again he didn't have a cool theme song like Dr. Who. ;) :D
  22. You can have both prayers and lots of :grouphug: from me! Ugh! I just typed and deleted and typed and deleted so many things. Let me just say this. I can relate to what you are feeling. Feelings don't always make sense, they just are. I think my family must have the second entry in the dictionary under "dysfunction" after yours. In spite of it all I love them deeply. There is something strong in family ties that is not easily broken. :grouphug:
  23. Black Jenny Kidd I don't get it!! I thought I was supposed to get a pirate name? :confused: Mine sounds like I'm in a western! :)
  24. It really is. Poor kid. You should have seen him at the funeral. He was trying so hard to be brave bless his heart. When I gave him a hug, he started crying and then after he composed himself he patted ME on the back and tried to comfort me and said, "It's going to be okay." Bless his heart! Thank you so much for your prayers. :)
  25. I just came back from the funeral. It was a beautiful tribute. Mikey looked in really good form, but he broke down crying when I gave him a hug. He pulled himself together pretty quick though and told me he was going to be living with his dad's best friend. I sat next to him for awhile and we were just chit chatting about his dad and he smiled and even chuckled a bit. They were really close and I'm sure it's going to hit him very hard in the next few weeks and months, but I am grateful that he has so many people who loved his dad that will be there for him. He's a good kid. I gave him a card and wrote the Footprints poem in there for him. I hope he will remember that poem during the difficult days ahead. Thank you, and everybody else,for your prayers for this family. They are good people, honest, hardworking and loyal. They are the kind of people that a few minutes after meeting them you feel like you've known them always. Thank you all for your continuing to lift up Mikey. I can definitely see that the prayers are working. There was a very peaceful spirit over the whole room at the funeral and although people were sad, there was peace and comfort there. I'm certain it has to do with all of the prayers. Thank you all so much. :grouphug:
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