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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. of an apparent suicide!! This is so sad. :( I grew up watching Kung Fu. :( http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.ap.org/actor-david-carradine-found-dead-bangkok-ap
  2. Oh okay, it's not the same one then. The one I saw was made probably in the early 80's and was about Greek divers who look for pearls and sponges.
  3. Oh that's such a nice one!! I wish I could get that one, but it's too out far of my price range. :( I'm saving up for this one. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/home-1000x-microscope/p/MI-4100DXL/
  4. hehe Well, I was quoting Wallace from Wallace and Gromit's Grand Day Out. They went to the moon in a space ship and ate the moon cheese. There was no mold. :D
  5. We're reading Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard and enjoying it very much. :)
  6. My dd does. She's been homeschooled for her entire school career so far except for one year (3rd grade). She's not naughty, but she does tend to get silly or complain over an assignment that she doesn't want to do which is something she would never do in a regular school or co-op setting. She and I have talked about this and I have told her that she needs to respect my class just as she would an outside teacher, but I think because she's at home and it's mom, it's just hard for her to treat it like a typical outside class. I would never let that deter me from homeschooling though. I just explain to my dd the rules and what behavior I expect from her and what the consequences are for breaking the rules and that the choice is hers to obey or not.
  7. Wow!! That's fantastic!! It sounds like she is a natural performer. I'm sure she will go very far!! That is a definite plus that she doesn't get nervous. I know when I performed at musical contests before judges I would tense up a lot and I had to purpose to relax so that I didn't mess up. That is so wonderful that she is going to Ireland. What an amazing experience!! I wish her all the best. :) Please let us know how it goes over there. I would love to follow her progress. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  8. "Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese.":tongue_smilie:
  9. Oh that's so cool!! I've been trying to raise money for a month now to buy a microscope for my daughter for next year. We're doing BJU Life Science. Which one did you buy, may I ask??
  10. :lol::lol: That just struck me so funny. That has to be one of the most perfect puns I've ever heard. :) :thumbup: :biggrinjester: :hurray:
  11. Is this an older movie? I thought I had seen or maybe just heard of a movie like that years ago that was set in Greece. Is this the same one?
  12. He sounds like a typical boy to me. My nephews are all like that. I think it is the drama of it all that excites them. They're all such warriors at heart.:tongue_smilie:
  13. Oh my goodness you are making me HUNGRY!! :) So many nice recipes. :)
  14. I think there are few besides you who would appreciate that gift. ;) :D hehe My family actually were cigar makers. My great grandfather made the artisan cigars in Habana and my grandmother made cigars in the factories in Ybor City in Tampa.
  15. Thank you, ladies for your kind words. Yes being a momma is a tremendous gift. It is very healing too. :)
  16. I think it would be perfect timing for your son. My daughter is finishing up 6th grade this year and we started the fractions book this year and she is enjoying it immensely and not having any trouble keeping up with it at all. She says it's easy. :)
  17. Ug what a jerk!! He doesn't even know what quality person he is losing!! You go girl!! If it is worth anything, I think you are heroic! :grouphug: I wish you all the best! :)
  18. I was thinking about getting a gift card from there also, I just don't know if there is one close by where they live. I'm still kicking it around, but I have to come to a decision soon. June 11th is my son's last school day. :willy_nilly:
  19. Man, that sounds really good! I have to try this one. :)
  20. LOL I hear ya! :) This will be my first time using it. It actually just came in the mail yesterday. I've flipped through the books and they look good to me. The lessons seem short, but balanced and rigorous enough, but that's all I can really say until I start using them. :) It is too bad. It would be fun to have classes together. It would be good for Spanish too because I like to do "speed races" with vocabulary words and a timer for prizes and it would be so much more fun with more kids. It would be like a game show! :) hehe
  21. Wooot!!! :party: :party: Nobody is immune!! hehehehe :D :grouphug:
  22. That's really nice too! :) Thank you for the suggestion. That would probably work well for the teacher... the bus driver and her aide never have painted nails though.
  23. :grouphug: I'm so thankful for my children. I had a pretty rough upbringing and never thought I would be able to have children because I was so convinced that I would be a horrible mom if I did. I never wanted them because I was so afraid of this and my psychologist at the time basically fed those beliefs by saying that unless I "worked on myself" I would be a bad mother. (I think he had a steady paycheck in mind). Well, God is good and He is more powerful than circumstances and He apparently has A LOT of faith in me (or a really good sense of humor) because I have two special needs kids that I love and adore. My son totally melts my heart, because he cannot speak (Autism), but when I look at his face I can see his love for me shining in his eyes. He loves to have cuddles and always wants me to look into his face. If I look away at something, he will pull my face back to look at him. Ay, he's so sweet! :)
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