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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Yeah, she is pretty intense in this one I agree with you. I just always chocked it up to the fact that she was just passionate about the study. I guess we all have our levels of comfort, but for me, her manner didn't bother me enough take away from the content of the study itself. :) I'm not trying to persuade you either way but just to share what our group does. We have a group of about 8-10 ladies. Whenever we choose a new study, the leader tallies up the cost and we just divide it evenly amongst ourselves. It usually comes out to around $20.00 per person or less. That method has worked well for us. :) Thank you for the confirmation. :) I'm really looking forward to doing this one in the fall. Good luck on your search. :)
  2. Hey hive, I need some of your wisdom here. :) I'm going to be using this kit with my daughter this upcoming school year. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/life-science-7-science-kit/p/BJ-KIT07/ I just got an email from the company that they are offering a 10% discount plus free shipping for orders over $150.00, but the offer expires on June 20th. I am planning on buying a microscope from them as well which will put me over the $150.00 making me eligible for the free shipping, but I wanted to know if I buy the science kit now, if the frog and the worm will "keep" until I we are ready to use it during the school year? Any ideas/suggestions?? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  3. **Update** They just took Bob off of life support so it's only a matter of time now. Mikey is ready to let his father go and in is surrounded by his other family members right now. A good friend of Bob's, who incidentally is also named Mike, wants Mikey to come live with him and his family and Mikey wants this too. Bob's sister says that she thinks this is a good idea also. Mike lives just a few streets away so Mikey will still be able to go to his same school and be around his friends. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. :grouphug:
  4. My pediatrician always recommended hydrocortizone cream on the affected areas, but I don't know if that would be considered natural or not.
  5. OOh there are so many good Bible Studies to choose from. My top 3 from that we've done so far would have to be Beth Moore's Daniel study. AWESOME!! http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=825890&item_code=WW&netp_id=449080&event=ESRCN&view=covers Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God http://www.lifewaystores.com/lwstore/product.asp?ISBN=1415832145 and James MacDonald's Downpour. http://store.walkintheword.com/p-1225-downpour-he-will-come-to-us-like-the-rain.aspx I really got a lot out of them when we did these with our Bible Study group this last school year. In the fall when we get back together we will be doing The Truth Project. My mom is doing it with her group right now and she says it is life changing. I'm really excited about doing that one. :) http://www.thetruthproject.org/
  6. I have had this one for a few years now and I absolutely love it. One tank of water is enough to clean my entire floor. :) http://www.target.com/Shark-Ultra-Steam-Blaster-S3325/dp/B000BQSJVK
  7. Mikey just came home from the hospital today. I'm going to go over there later when my dh comes home from work and can watch the kids. Bob has a daughter who is up in Pittsburg who is flying down tonight. When she says goodbye to her father, they're going to take Bob off of life support. :(
  8. Thanks. I'll tell my hubby. I know he's spent copious amounts of time trying to solve the issues with it before retiring it to the closet. I believe he did purchase memory for it years ago, but I'll check to be sure. :)
  9. I'm not trying to persuade anyone of anything, I'm just stating my preference and my reasons why based upon my personal experiences. My Mac may be old, but many of those years it has spent in the closet unused because of the problems we've had with it. The disc drive quit working before it was even 3 years old and it was crashing a long time before that. I am glad to hear the glowing reports of the newer models and I hope that they have worked out the bugs in them, but for me, it's just easier to use a PC since I am not needing the many artistic graphic type programs that a Mac offers. And yes, we do have PC's even older than that Mac that are still running just fine. They are a part of the network that my husband has set up at home. :)
  10. Which is what I was saying before. I don't think I should have to be getting a new computer all the time to keep up with the upgrades. My husband has PC's that are much older than our Mac and they are still running fine with the upgrades he's made to them.
  11. Your question put me in mind of this thread. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94514&highlight=son+dress I think it is nothing to worry about as well. I hope you will feel comforted after reading that thread that you're not the only one. :) Bless you! :) Jennifer
  12. Thank you. :grouphug: It is devastating. Poor Mikey. :(
  13. **Sad Update** Bob's sister is down here from Pittsburg with her husband and they are contemplating what decision to make as far as taking Bob off of life support. There is an inoperable blood clot at the base of his brain stem and the doctor's are saying he will not be able to regain any functioning. My heart is just breaking for poor Mikey. He is a stranger to his aunt and I don't know what she will decide to do with him. Bob has a girlfriend here who might possibly take Mikey or he may have to go to Pittsburg with his aunt if she takes him or maybe nobody will take him and he will wind up in the foster care system. It is all up in the air at this point. Please pray for him that he go with the right person and for his peace and comfort during this excruciatingly difficult time. Thank you all so much for your prayers. :grouphug:
  14. It is an IMAC. I don't remember the year we bought it, but it came with OS 9. My husband upgraded it to the OS10 later on when it became available. I've had Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari all crash on me. I'll be surfing and suddenly boom. If I was needing graphic applications I would prefer a Mac, but since I mostly just use the computer for run of the mill things, I prefer the PC. It's just so much easier to trouble shoot than that Mac. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a gung-ho PC fan either. I think the PC has a lot of problems of it's own, but to me they are generally easier to solve than the problems we've had with the Mac. My husband can easily add upgrades to our PC and can add drives, memory etc, whatever he wants to a certain point, but with our Mac the physical upgrades we can make are very limited in comparison and I'm not a big fan of having to buy a new computer all the time in order to keep up with upgrades.
  15. Oh how nice!! Thank you so much for sharing. :)
  16. CARD also provides groups for Austism spectrum kids. My daughter's Aspie groug is called STARS. They are a free resource to families. http://www.centerforautism.com/About/CARD_Locations.asp
  17. :lol::lol::lol: Thanks Ellie, just as a funny aside, my hubby actually brought the Mac back out again tonight because all 4 of us were jockying and vying for who's turn it was to use the computer. He took it out, connected to the network he has going in the house, surfed a little bit, it crashed, he cursed and put it back in the closet! :tongue_smilie: hehe Maybe that's the problem, we've collectively put so many curses on that Mac, it must be demon possessed by now! ;) :D hehe One thing I hate about it too, is that the disc drive in it lost it's pep and it won't accept discs anymore and if by some fluke you can actually get it to accept one, it gets stuck in there because there's not enough juice to get it back out again and you cannot even buy an external disc drive to run outside of it, why? Because it's a MAC! :tongue_smilie: hehehehehe **runs away and dives behind the nearest piece of furniture**:D
  18. Absolutely no apology is necessary, I stated my opinion and that's all it is. Take it for whatever it's worth. Which in this case is apparently nothing! hehehe ;) :D
  19. ** Puts flame suit on** I'm going to go against the tide here and say PC. I have a Mac and it crashes all. the. time. My Mac is the computer that I want to throw out the window. My dh is a computer guy. He works in IT all day long and even he can hardly do anything with this Mac. If you are a really artsy person and are going to be using those kinds of apps, then the Mac would be the better choice, but for just day to day use, PC is the way to go IMHO. Okay, let the flaming begin! :D hehe
  20. Oh it is. I've known Mikey since he was 8 years old when I moved in here. He's a good kid. My heart is just breaking for him. He's the one who found his mother dead. She was really tired one day and laid down to take a nap and never woke up. She had liver failure in her sleep and died. Poor Mikey also was the one to find his father on the sofa too and called 911. I cannot even imagine the horrors that this kid is going through. I'm pretty close with him and his father and in all the years I've known him he has never talked about his mother to me ever. I cannot even imagine how traumatized he was. Bob actually gave my son the suit that Mikey wore to his mother's funeral when he outgrew it. :( I'm just praying so hard for a miracle.
  21. Thank you so much. :grouphug: I will keep you posted as I know more. Thank you so much for your prayers. He needs every single one of them.
  22. For those of you who are inclined to pray, PLEASE lift up my neighbor Bob. He had a massive stroke Friday and is in the hospital. His doctor's say that he has a 10-15% chance of survival. :( He is mostly paralyzed, he can open and close his eyes but he cannot speak. He is a single parent to a 15 year old boy (Michael) who will not leave his father's side at the hospital. Mikey's mom died when he was 7 years old. He obviously is worried for his father, but also for himself because they have no other family here and he is worried about what will happen to him. My heart is just broken for them. Bob has been hit very hard by this financial crises our country is in. He was laid off from his job several months ago and has been struggling to keep his house out of foreclosure, no doubt his anxieties helped bring on this stroke. :( I am praying that God will grant him a full recovery. Please pray with me for him and Mikey. Thank you so much. :grouphug:
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