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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehe And she didn't look back sniff. What do you all think about that dad?? I think he was such a jerk, but at the same time, if he hadn't uprooted the family she wouldn't have met the love of her life. hmmm.:001_huh:
  2. That's awesome!! Enjoy yourself!! You are going to be so proud after it's all done! Go you go!!! :) :party:
  3. Well, after spotting this thread I put North and South on hold at my library and it finally came and and we watched it on Sunday. I enjoyed it very much. :) I liked that it had a story that was the movie, but underneath there were so many other stories that you got as well. Like how slavery in America effected the business practices in England to make them competitive and how that effected the workers' lives a continent away. I never thought about slavery and its effects around the globe before. I thought it was interesting too how the strike that was supposed to better the workers' condition winds up having everyone lose their job when the factory goes under. A lot of things to think about in that movie, plus that kiss at the train station. Hello!! Not one of those Pride and Prejudice kisses to be sure! ;) :D hehe
  4. Another thing I wanted to ask about the reverse osmosis. Does it remove the trace things in the water?? I remember hearing a report last year about all of these pharmaceuticals that are in the water... would reverse osmosis rid the water of these things as well? Thanks. :)
  5. Me too! :blushing: I bought FOUR math curricula to use for next year!! And I was seriously considering buying a 5th!! I still might do it if I don't have a lobotomy first!!
  6. How much does it typically cost to get a unit installed under the sink?? Thanks. :)
  7. The bottles are made of plastic, no?? Is that a concern??
  8. hehehehe What kinds of containers do they use and how in the world do you lift them and get them into your house from "the water store"?? ;) :)
  9. What are the pros/cons of reverse osmosis?? Is it something that you have to have installed to your house for it to work or are there portable units?? Thanks for all the wonderful replies so far. :)
  10. I was wondering about that as well. I've never heard of a water store either. Where do you go Tammy?
  11. hehehe I have to tell you something funny. I live in Broward County and there is a Coca Cola plant not 2 miles from my house where they make Dasani water. They make it from my city water! hehehehehe
  12. That sounds so similar to the situation with therapy for my son. He has been dropped so many times by therapists who have moved on to the school board. :( I worry about him. I pray to God that he will be okay when he is older. I cannot imagine what will happen to him when my husband and I die. My daughter says she will take care of him, but I hope that will be possible. I cannot imagine my son in an institution. :(
  13. Hopefully you can say that to the doctor and she will be reasonable. I will keep praying for this situation and for God to work on the doctor's heart. :grouphug: It's going to be okay. Just trust and see. :grouphug:
  14. How is osmosis different from other methods of purification? I'm also curious about distilled. In my understanding it is just pure H2O like rain water and nothing else. I've heard some people say it is bad for you because it leaches minerals out of your body and I've heard others say it is the only thing they would drink because it is the most natural. You think something so simple would be apparent, but as I learned on the milk thread, simple things can get complicated real quick. :confused: Has anyone every heard of distilled water being bad for you?
  15. LOL I confess that I checked your profile just today because I had written something to you on the nursing home thread and clicked on your profile to see if you were responding! hehe It turns out you were reading something entirely different, but you got back to me anyway in your own time. :) I don't send a friend request out to somebody unless I've chatted with them a bit on PM's first and I feel like I like this person and that they are somebody I would like to be friends with. I guess I might take the initiative to PM more people to get to know them, but I'm a little shy in that respect and feel like I don't have anything to offer that would be witty or funny to say that they would find interesting. :blushing:
  16. Do you have a link to the story?? I haven't heard this yet. Thanks. :) Edit: Nevermind. I found it. http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/2501648/Iran-disputed-election-protests-continue That is truly disturbing!!
  17. Thank you for shedding more light on this. But even though you were pressed for time, you thankfully had a heart for these people. :) That is a far cry from the types of staff that Impish was describing.
  18. I never imagined that when I asked that question about milk in the other thread that it would turn into such and interesting and informative conversation. It got me thinking about how many other things I don't know about what goes into my (and more importantly) my children's bodies. Since so many of you ladies are so incredibly knowlegeable about these things I thought that I should ask about water as well since this is something that I drink copious amounts of. So what about water? Is it better to drink filtered from the tap, straight from the tap, osmosis, distilled, spring, mineral??? Thank you to all who reply. :)
  19. I guess it depends on the circumstances as Impish pointed out in the other thread. Sometimes, the person is in a state that they are not safe to be in the family, but barring a situation like that, yes I plan to take care of my mother when she gets of that age. :)
  20. Thank you for your reply to my questions. It's just so very sad. I have always had a great love and respect for older people. I've always been of the mind that they've worked hard their whole lives and have made the sacrifices so that their children could have a better life than they did and in their golden years, it is a time for the children to "give back" to the parents that gave to them when they were young. I don't live in a bubble, I know that some people were not great parent and maybe their kids don't want to visit them because of a strained relationship, but I cannot believe that this is the case for 90% of the residents. That is just so horribly sad and it breaks my heart to hear these things. I teach a group of girls at my church on Wednesdays and we take them to nursing homes to visit the residents and we sing them songs. It's so precious to see them all dressed up in their best clothes to come hear us sing to them. They light up so much and we try to sing songs that they will know so that they can sing along. They enjoy it so much and it's such an easy thing to give. It is such a good thing for everyone involved. It just breaks my heart to think that these people are sent away and forgotten and left to die. :(
  21. I chose other because I mostly buy all of his clothes, but he will sometimes receive shirts as Christmas gifts from his sister or my mother.
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