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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Wow! Thank you so much Karen for all of the wonderful ideas. :) I greatly appreciate it. I love DK as well. I think my daughter had probably every one of their readers when I was teaching her to read. :)
  2. :) That sounds like a great system you have there. :) You are another one that I find very intelligent. I guess all that reading and research is doing you good! :) Ay, I have SO. FAR. TO. GO, but hopefully I will live long enough to see some improvement. ;) :D hehe Just out of curiosity, when you read for your own enjoyment, do you read in Polish or in English mostly??
  3. :lol::lol::lol: Oh I love that!! That sounds like something my daughter would say. hehehe
  4. hehehehe I kind of avoided that thread about the movie because I personally didn't like the movie, but I guess I will have to pop in and see what's going on in there now. :) Thanks. :)
  5. Terrific!! Thanks ladies. The library has that one as well. I just put it on hold. :)
  6. hehehe I guess not yet. Thank you so much for your kind offer. :) I'd love to hear some of your book recommendations. I mean, when you present an argument on these boards I want to go and get some popcorn to watch the show. It is fascinating for me to watch how your mind reasons and works through to see the heart of the matter. I realize that you were born with a great intelligence, but I know you must have then trained that fine mind to make it an exceptional mind. I'd love to hear what books or other resources shaped your thinking and development. :)
  7. Thanks Peek. :) You are one of those people on this board that I have tremendous respect and admiration for. When I read your posts I am always amazed by the clarity of your thinking and how incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable you are on so many things. You have a way of seeing straight through to the heart of things that I just find incredible. You are definitly a person who's mind I'd love to pick, or at least be a fly on the wall in your library. ;) :) Thank you most kindly for your words of encouragement. :)
  8. Oh that sounds WONDERFUL!! Thank you so much for the recommendation! I will check out the site and see what my library has. :) Thank you so much!! :) edit: OOOOH!! I just did a preliminary search on my library's website and they have 201 search results for The Teaching Company. YAY! :hurray::party:
  9. Ay, my daughter just turned twelve and I am so. not. ready. for. this. either!! :eek: When she started into puberty at the latter part of her 10th year I got her that book Body Talk http://www.amazon.com/Body-Talk-Faithgirlz-Nancy-Rue/dp/0310712750/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1245302144&sr=1-1 and it helped her a lot. In our case, I wanted to talk to her, but she was too bashful. I bought her that book and she read it several times. It was a big help for us in that respect. We were able to talk about the changes she was going through after, but she was still a little too shy so that book really kind of saved the day in our circumstance. :)
  10. Oh thank you so much for the recommendation!! Is this the one you are talking about?? http://www.amazon.com/Book-Thief-Markus-Zusak/dp/0375842209/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1245301759&sr=1-1
  11. Thank you all for the recommendations. I do love to read a lot. It's actually my favorite thign to do in my free time. I read more non-fiction than anything else. I love to read "how to" type books a lot and learn new skills to improve myself.:) I have never heard of that book Salt. I'm going to have to google that one. :) Thank you for the proverb, Lisa. That was perfect! :) edit: I googled it. Is this it?? http://www.amazon.com/Salt-World-History-Mark-Kurlansky/dp/0142001619/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1245301488&sr=1-1
  12. Well, I was just thinking about how miserable he made his family. I attributed his mother's illness to his uprooting the family. Notice how she was so miserable and just couldn't seem to adjust to living in Milton. I don't know, I just like to believe that if I were that miserable someplace and my husband was in a position to go somewhere else I'd like to think that he would. I mean, the world is a big place, surely there was somewhere he could have moved the family where he could stand by his convictions without having to sacrifice the happiness of his family. It just seemed to me a very self serving thing to do and I felt very sorry for his wife. But at least the daughter found her happiness even if the mother could not.
  13. Ay, I find this type of contest so disturbing!! As it is I see people texting while driving 80mph on the freeway all. the. time. I have been hearing on the news lately about accidents that occur when people are texting and driving, like that train accident a few months ago, recently there was an 18 wheeler accident where the driver was texting. I think a contest that encourages this type of behavior is so socially irresponsible. Teenagers are typically more prone to car accidents because they are just learning to drive and the combination with their texting culture is frightening.
  14. Maybe you can call someone at CARD in your area to see if they can help you find someone who does ABA for Aspies? I did ABA with my son but he has full blown Autism. http://www.centerforautism.com/About/CARD_Locations.asp
  15. It's because you love him and are his momma. :) Emotionally things like that are always draining and I think it's safe to say you ran the gamut of emotions this week over his surgery. I am so glad it's all over and that everything went well! :) :grouphug:
  16. But even PS teachers' "teacher books" are scripted. I remember many times when I was in school getting permission to go up to the teacher's desk to ask for help on something that I didn't understand and seeing their teacher book open on their desk. It tells them everything what to do and say. They don't come up with that stuff on their own, even with their training they still use a book to teach their class.
  17. We have two places that we store out shoes. The shoes we wear everyday are right by the front walkway. We all take our shoes off as soon as we enter the house and line them up in a row there. For all other shoes, my husband built a short long bookcase that we keep upstairs. It looks something like this (with the letter I's being the wood frame of course. ;) ) _________________________________ I________________________________I I________________________________I I________________________________I
  18. We read Carry On, Mr. Bowditch earlier this year as a part of our LA curriculum. I loved it!! He was an amazing man! I had never even heard of him before reading that book. I'm so glad I got to learn a little about the man and his life. :)
  19. Oh that is so hard!! I"m so very sorry for your loss Christine. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. TWTM by SWB. :) I'm also working my way through Algebra: Structure and Method Book 1. :)
  21. Where do you typically go to find out what companies are doing anyway?? I mean, that's not usually information that you find on their website unless it is something like charitable giving that is going to paint them in a favorable light.
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