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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: I feel your pain. :( And yes, they stink. :thumbdown:
  2. LOL For someone who is outside the loop (myself mainly), that one sounds really funny! :lol: I'm surprised that he hasn't spotted this thread yet. :( I hope that he comes back soon. Maybe this will bring him out of hiding?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLtqyPLoLFQ&feature=related
  3. LOL That's cute. In my understanding... Pluto is Mickey's pet dog and Goofy is Mickey's friend.
  4. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Ay, that is sad (but funny).
  5. Oh, I was just curious. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. :)
  6. Were they Spanish speakers by any chance?? In Spanish the word is the same for "borrowing" and "lending".
  7. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I miss the gentle grace and dignity of his "voice". It's too quiet with him not around. :( Plus I have nobody to talk music with when he's not around. :p
  8. :grouphug: I know. It sucks! My birthday is September 2nd right in the heart of hurricane season. I cannot tell you how many birthdays have been ruined from storms. :( These things are notoriously unpredictable and even when it seems you are going to get a direct hit, they can often surprise you and do something completely unexpected. The national hurricane center gets better and better all the time at forcasting and determining the projected paths. As it gets closer to you, I'm sure they will have a much more acurate track of where it is expected to go. I am praying that it will skirt the coast and miss you altogether. Happy Anniversary. Even if the weather is poor, it's still something to celebrate. :grouphug:
  9. :001_huh: I've never even heard "fora" before. I was proud of myself when I got "curricula"! :p
  10. Yes. :grouphug: That is why it is called support. Because it helps. :)
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I've never heard that one. Too funny! :)
  12. Oh my gosh! This last bit reminded me of that movie Oscar with Sylvester Stallone. He plays a mob boss who wants to go legit so he hires a language coach to help him "talk better". Tim Curry plays the language coach and there is a part where he tells one of the thugs, "Ah, ah, ah. You have a dangling participle." And the guy turns around and zips up his zipper! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  13. :iagree::iagree: If you have an answering machine to take your messages turn the ringers off and enjoy the quiet. :) As you said, she is his mother. :grouphug:
  14. I'm glad the kids are excited! It's great when they get excited about their school! :) Kudos to you mom! :)
  15. I'm here way too much also! :) Moreso lately because I have a for sale ad up so I have been checking in more often. I usually wake up with a cup of coffee and check the new posts and my emails. I'll pop in again sometime in the afternoon after school and then usually again after dinner with a cup of coffee. :) Then sometimes I stay up all night long pestering Rosie, but she doesn't seem to mind too much. :p hehe
  16. Are these the same Snigglets that used to be on Not Necessarily the News with Rich Hall?? If so, my favorite is still a "nerkle" Someone who leaves their Christmas lights up all year long. ;) :D
  17. I was thinking the same exact thing!! Ay, I'm just sick for this poor girls parents. What a sweet little girl she was too! Ay, 6 years is too short! :sad: This is such a horrible tragedy.
  18. No! hehehehe He should be here attending to us 8 million ladies! :p He has to come here because I have nobody else to talk music with. Bill, when you get back I'm going to punish you by sending you 10 new Satriani links!! ;) :D Come back soooooooon! :grouphug:
  19. LOL and you're not alone either. I too struggle with the apostrophe thing. :)
  20. Who ever does! ;) I have been praying hard that it stays away from land and just peters out in the ocean!
  21. I always hold on to my son so tightly when he is going on or coming off of the bus. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people just blow right by at 40 miles an hour in the next lane when the school bus is stopped and has the stop sign out. They just don't seem to care that they are risking the lives of children. :crying: :sad:
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