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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh I haven't done the quizzes yet. I'm still somewhat new there. hehehe I do have a farm though now! hehehe :)
  2. I don't know why you quoted me as I said nothing of a false face or frustration, but don't worry I ain't mad at ya! ;) It's Friday after all! :) Blessings, Jen
  3. coupon code: 289109CE 10% off your purchase of $35 or more. Discount applies online or by phone. Expires 9/8/2009
  4. Thanks for all of the replies. :) I did read the introduction of the book where it said to do only 2 sentences at a time, but I know my dd and that would drive her batty. She's a super quick learner and "gets it" right away so I let her do the full lesson and that is all she needs to learn it and for it to be cemented. I guess I should just space it out during the week and only doing it on a certain day or days, but having her just do two sentences a day of articles and nouns and spread that out over a month would make her postal. ;) :D hehe
  5. Are you planning on implementing the Word Works and advanced program this year? Thanks. :)
  6. I don't know if he has served in Iraq or Afganistan or not, but the first thing I thought when I read this was that it sounded like post traumatic stress disorder. I have heard that a lot of the soldiers who have returned home from the war are suffering with this and have irrational and unexplainable anger and aggression. This is so sad. I hope this man can get some counseling.
  7. I just saw it on Nakia's FB page!! My heart is broken for this family. This has to be the hardest thing in the world!! No child should die before his parents. :( Poor Nicole and Rick. :crying:
  8. Do you do more than one program a year?? I am new to this program and am using the basic edition with my dd. I see that it only has 30 lessons though. We have been doing one lesson a day so we will run through this course pretty quickly. I was thinking about getting the next level and just continuing on, but I was curious as to what other folks were doing with it. Thank you to all who reply. :) and Happy Friday! :)
  9. I get mine in the laundry aisle of the grocery store. It's right next to the borax and washing soda in my store. :) You can also buy it online if you cannot find it. A google search will let you compare prices. :)
  10. LOL That Bonnie Tyler one takes the cake for sure! hehehehe Ay, I don't have any spoofs and I know there are so many crazy 80's videos to choose from for the "What was that about?" category. Here is my contribution. Enjoy :) Look^ Mrs. Mungo no apostrophe!! I didn't kill any kittens today! ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZhHNI7HXiE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hAGtmozOiE&feature=related
  11. The format of it is a bit confusing to me as well and their chat is awful. It seems to me to be more set up as a way to keep in touch with people who are all spread out and to just "keep tabs". I don't see it as a replacement for a telephone or an email for meaningful conversation, but rather as a way to keep track of people so they don't go off of your radar. Then you can use their inbox to drop them a line to exchange phone numbers and call them to have a meaningful conversation.
  12. Oh Impish!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am praying for you girl. I hope you see some brighter days soon.
  13. How awesome!! It must feel very good to have such a validation!! Congratulations! :)
  14. Oh!! How wonderful!! I'm so happy for you!! My heartiest congratulations on your new baby! :) :grouphug:
  15. You've gotten so many good replies so far I just wanted to give you a :grouphug: and the support to know that you are not alone. I so know what you are feeling. With 2 special needs kids I practically live in that place of tiredness. For me, it mostly comes down to prayer. "God!! I need you to get through this day." "God, please give me strength. " "God,please make these kids go to sleep so I can crash." hehehe It seems I'm always crying out to Him and He always carries me through even when I'm certain I can go no more. I really like the idea of a power nap if it is something that is doable for you. Doing a physical job in the house like sweeping floors or scrubbing bathrooms can help wake you up if your overly sleepy and it gets something ticked off your to do list at the same time. Jumping around or putting some music on and dancing will help wake you up and probably make you feel better too if only a little bit. :) For me on those days, I just try to get my work done as early as possible so that I can put the kids to bed and crash. :) I hope that you can find some restorative rest soon. :grouphug: Blessings, Jennifer
  16. Please do! :) I did! :) I would typically give my dd new school supplies and a toy, but I never thought of putting all together like a present for her to find when she wakes up. This mom is the one who gave me the idea to make the welcome back sign and to make it seem like a celebration to start school. When I saw her pics I knew I wanted to do something like that. :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122167
  17. Thank you. I absolutely LOVE your quote in you signature btw. :) LOL Thanks. Gotta have the rules with this one! hehehe I got that notebook a few years ago and I was in Kmart one day and saw their back to school sale and they had that calculator there and I thought it would go perfectly with her notebook. She did like it very much. She liked the doll most of all though. I told her it was her study buddy. ;) :p :) Thanks. LOL I'm glad that they didn't see. I won't tell them. ;) hehe It really did. Thanks. :) Thank you for your kind comments. :) Now if all the rest of our days could go as well. :D In the picture where she is writing, that is her language arts book. She's using LLATL for 7th grade (green book) This is the rest of what we are using: Singapore NEM & LOF MOH vol. 1 Trail Guide to World Geography & Geography through Art BJU Life Science Spelling Power book G Winston Grammar Spanish Now Piano CLE Bible
  18. lol I won't. ;) :) wow! What are the chances that we both did the same thing! Did you do summer school for the last 3 years too?
  19. We're doing... Singapore NEM & LOF MOH vol. 1 LLATL Trail Guide to World Geography & Geography through Art BJU Life Science Spelling Power book G Winston Grammar Spanish Now Extras: Piano CLE Bible
  20. LOL I wish!! She ate half of her chocolate bar already and didn't even offer me one piece! hehehe We are using the Primary, Secondary school designation so today was her first day of Secondary school (7th grade) and since she homeschooled over summer and just finished 6th grade only 2 weeks ago I wanted to make it special to get her (hopefully) enthusiastic about another year of school so quickly. She was happy and enjoyed her new supplies. The new curricula we chose for this year went over really well also which was great!. She enjoyed the Winston Grammar and the MOH which were both new for us this year so I was happy about that. :) I am hoping and praying that we can keep on schedule this year and finish school when ds does on June 15th. She deserves to have a summer break. She's schooled over summer the last 3 years but now that we are caught up to the right grade level in Singapore, I'm hopeful that we can finally have a long (and well deserved) summer break in 2110. :)
  21. In spite of a little frantic scrambling to get my schedule ready, today went off well without a hitch. Dd was happy and enjoyed school with the exception of a very sleepy math time. Note to self, do math BEFORE lunch, not after. ;) We finished on time right before ds's bus brought him home. It was a good first day. Now, if we can just repeat this 167 more times we'll be good. ;) :p
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