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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL That is SO something I would do too! I have to wait 2 hours every time to see my pediatrician and by the time I actually get in there I forget everything I wanted to ask her. hehe :blushing:
  2. LOL Did you mean to say fiend?? is that a typo? a friend maybe? Either way that is really cute! hehehe :grouphug:
  3. That is reassuring. I am trying not to get caught up in the frenzy myself but it's so hard to just find the truth in the midst of all that is out there. Thanks you for posting this. Did your pediatrician say anything about the prescribing of Tamiflu?? Are they prescribing it for the kids who have the swine flu or just letting the virus run it's course and treat symptoms OTC?? Thanks. :)
  4. ROFL these are just too cute!! I love arse cream and Beepa Eyeore. hehehehe Too funny. :)
  5. My dd when she was 2 discovered french fries for the first time and she LOVED them. I would make her homemade ones and she would want to eat them right away and I would tell her, "Wait. They're hot." and she would say "hots" can keep reaching for them. To this day we still call french fries "hots" and she's now 12 years old! hehehe :p My 8 yo ds is severly Autistic so just about everything he says comes out wrong and is just adorably cute. His latest one this week is calling Balmex "Bonnex" He calls pizza "pisack" He's just too cute. :)
  6. I am so sorry to hear about the father's reaction. :( I just thank God that you are such a great mom and are so supportive of your dd. Lots of hugs to you and your dd. God bless you and your family. :grouphug:
  7. Oh I'm so glad!! Thanks for letting me know. :) He is amazing isn't he? I've been playing guitar for years and believe me there are days that I just want to throw it across the room and never pick it up again!! What keeps me going is the inspiration that I get from listening to my favorite guitarists. When I hear them I just am so in awe and inspired by what they do that it keeps me going through the difficult times. :) I hope your ds gets hooked. It really is a wonderful instrument. :)
  8. It isn't. Me too. And I live in South Florida where bodies are very much visible most of the year. Sigh. It does really seem like an uphill battle, but one that needs to be fought just the same. I'm lucky I guess because my 12 yo dd is kind of quirky and she's not a real "girly girl" who is into fashions and looks and all that. But she is big into manga and anime and I worry about those images as well. Not only how scantily clad they are but how pencil thin they are too. It's just so sad how women are not allowed to just BE WOMEN and be celebrated as such in the world. Every where you turn the images of women are so distorted. :(
  9. LOL Was her pun accidental or intentional I wonder? I think that is the point, EVERYBODY reads too much into a pair of shorts when there is writing across them. Hence the hyper focusing on that specific body part.
  10. Wow. I never saw that one. I'm in tears too. God bless America.
  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and story. God bless you.

  12. LOL yes!! do you add any red food coloring also to make it redder or you just let the Koolaid do the coloring and forget about it?
  13. :iagree: I still think the first one is the best. :)
  14. Thank you!! I'm always looking for a better play dough recipe. :) Can't wait to try it. :) The Koolaid colors it, no?? How many colors does Koolaid come in?
  15. My dd has done spelling power for 3 years now and loves it. :)
  16. I was home with my kids. My son was an infant at the time. I was busy with them when my mom called me from work and told me that something had happened. She said we had been bombed or something and told me to turn on the news and tell her what was going on. I turned on the news and saw the first tower smoking and the second plane crashed into the second tower while I watched. I couldn't believe it! I told my mom and she was in shock. I live near the airport and I remember how quiet it was that night because all of the planes were grounded. Then I heard some military planes flying over head, most likely they were flying north from Homestead Air Force base and I remember thinking that it wasn't all just a dream that it really did happen. :(
  17. I'm glad you enjoyed it. He really is an amazing young man. :) I can only imagine what he will be doing when he's 20, 30 and beyond.
  18. Oh I LOVE Brian Regan. He cracks me up. I love the bit he does about the dog that doesn't stop barking. I almost peed my pants I laughed so hard. hehehe :D
  19. Thanks so much for posting the address. I'd like to send him a get well card too. :)
  20. I am having my students learn to read music first and only AFTER they have that mastered do I introduce them to tab. You'd be surprised how many guitarists can't read music because they use tab all the time. It's a shame because they just limit themselves IMHO. You are right, learning to read music for one instrument defintely helps you with other instruments because you already have a foundation to start on. :)
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