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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree: This happened to me also in community college. I personally think some of those prof's needed meds. They were nuts. Both of my psychology profs used to cuss like a sailors. And my one history teacher had a chip on his shoulder the size of Rhode Island. He was one of the bitterest people I've ever come across and it colored everything in his teaching. ick is right!
  2. I'm not going to school myself, but I wanted to welcome you. :)
  3. LOL I thought you were talking about the actual South Beach.:lol::lol::lol: And YES it does make you cranky! ;) :D
  4. Thank you for this. I hate this too. I'm going to wait until it comes on DVD. :) I'm taking my dd to see Ponyo tomorrow. :) I'm glad we chose that one instead of 9 now. :)
  5. :lol::lol::lol::lol: or walked through the house with the lights actually ON! hehe :)
  6. Yep. I teach all the subjects to my dd. Love your farmville ugly duck avatar btw. ;) :D :lol::lol: If you want a new neighbor let me know. hehehe :D
  7. anytime honey. Pm me anytime if you ever need to chat. My door's always open. :grouphug: :grouphug: **edit** sorry Mrs. Mungo. didn't mean to kill another cat. ;)
  8. That is so sad. I know exactly how you feel too. When my ds was 3 he went into the public school system's Autism cluster. The first school he was assigned to was so horrible it was a nightmare. Everything was sub-par, the teacher's the aides, the class room and my son who like your precious dd who is so cheerful and happy and joyous all the time would cry every day when I took him to school. I eventually pulled him out after just a couple of weeks because I couldn't send him there anymore. I was fortunate that I was able to get him into a really good school the following year that was connected with a local university but that also had public funds as well (kinda like an Autism Charter school) and he flourished there. When he graduated that pre-school and went into kindergarten, he had to go back to the Autism Cluster in the pss, but fortunately he was assigned to a different school and he is doing so well there. It is night and day over his former Autism cluster assignment. My son's bus ride is very long too and he has come home twice so far this year with wet pants. I talked to his teacher and told him that I wanted him to make sure that ds goes to the bathroom right before he is supposed to get on the bus in the afternoon. My son's bus arrives at 6:30am and yet he doesn't get to school until 8am and he is dry when he shows up so I know if he's coming home wet it's because they haven't taken him to the bathroom. I would talk to the teacher and see if you can work that out with them, as for the aide, that's a tuffy. I have had some aides like that too and I just did my best to try to win them over. I would always be pleasant with them and smile and say good morning. I would ask them their name and greet them in the morning "Good morning.... How are you today. Your earrings look nice" or "that's a pretty blouse" or anything I could find to compliment them on. Usually that would work to kill the vibe and win them over. I've had some aides that had a heart of stone no matter what and there was nothing I could do about them. With those times, I just said an extra prayer of protection over my son when I sent him out in the mornings. It is so difficult I know. I feel it keenly too how vulnerable my son is because he is non- verbal and would never tell if someone hurt him, but I know at the end of the day I just have to trust God that He has him in His hands and will take care of him. From one mother's heart to another I hurt with you, believe me I do. I know exactly how you are feeling, but I know that God loves that precious little girl and is holding her in His hands. God bless you. :grouphug: Jennifer
  9. That is very disturbing to me. My son is 8 years old and is in the Autism cluster at his public school as well. He has never taken a nap there and they don't force him to. To my knowledge none of the kids have nap time and if they should fall asleep the teacher covers them with a blanket and lets them sleep. They are very gentle with him and they use a weighted vest or tethers to keep him in his seat not physical contact. If I was that mom I would call an emergency meeting with the Autism coordinator of the school and bring someone from CARD with me to the meeting. http://www.centerforautism.com/About/CARD_Locations.asp I would have them draw up a new emergency IEP which she as the parent has the right to do at any time, and have them put it in writing in the IEP that they must not use physical contact to restrain the child and have them order him a weighted vest and or tethers. The school has to provide education to all children. It is mandatory. They will have to order whatever that child needs by law. No way should the aides be physically forcing him down like that. It would be traumatizing to him, poor thing!
  10. Nothing except my "queen bee" status. Sheesh! How many posts do you have to have to be a queen bee, like a thousand or something and I'm going near to 2,000 and just noticed?? I'm such a spazz! hehehe
  11. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Is that your kind way of saying I talk too much? :D Besides, I don't talk too much I'm linguistically gifted that's all. :D :lol:
  12. In the public school where my son attends they get the Jewish holidays off as well as the Christian ones. They also recognize Kwanzaa and Ramadan with festive decorations and teach on the holiday in the classrooms. When I was in my ps school's orchestra (many many moons ago) we never played religious Christmas songs for our Holiday program. We did the Burl Ives stuff and nothing that even mentioned Jesus or any religious content at all. In fact it wasn't until years later when I did become a Christian that I even learned who Jesus was. I never knew before then. Spycar, I see you're still in full Jedi mode. :rofl: ;) :D
  13. LOL :lol::lol: ".... if I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do...." :D ;)
  14. LOL Yeah, you've moved up on the food chain, Rebecca. :) hehe But then after you become a bee keeper do you then become an empress bee?? :confused: How does that work? (scratches head and wonders why there are so many clouds :D )
  15. Oh cool thanks. Are the Peretti ones scary at all?? I read This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darnkness when I was 18 and they were pretty scary.
  16. hehehehe And isn't SWB an empress bee?? That's cool! :)
  17. LOL And I'm laughing at myself too because I see that some of you are queen bees too that have a lot less posts that I do. I quite possibly have been a queen bee for some time and never noticed until today! hehe Jeez, I really do live with my head in the clouds! :rolleyes:
  18. LOL why didn't I think of that! Thanks for the suggestion Tanya! :D lol
  19. I just noticed it today! I love this site! It rewards me for shooting my mouth off! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  20. Dd and I read Carry On Mr. Bowditch last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. Although it's not British, it does take place during the Revolutionary War in Massachusetts. Bowditch's life is fascinating and tragic but inspiring as well as he overcomes all odds and obstacles to become one of the greatest figures in maritime history. I highly recommend it. :) You can see it here. http://www.amazon.com/Carry-Mr-Bowditch-Jean-Latham/dp/0618250743/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253795109&sr=8-1
  21. Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm happily off now to look the titles up. :D
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