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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Bah, not necessary, you can borrow mine. We can use the 20 to splurge on hooch and blue eye shadow. :) :D
  2. It leaves us drinking hooch out of a brown paper bag. ;) :D hehe Pass the Patron please Mrs. Mungo and I promise I won't kill any kittens. :D
  3. ROFL :lol::lol::lol::lol: Thank you!! You see! She understands me. :D hehehehehehehe ya'll are crazy! :grouphug: And thanks Michelle for not throwing the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance at me as well. That would indeed have knocked my block off. But I guess it's better to knock my block off than to have all of my body perish in hell so thank you. ;) :D hehehe
  4. Now hang on a second there missy!! What's wrong with drinking hootch from the bottle in a paper bag?? I grew up in a culture where everybody drinks hootch from a paper bag!! Are you judging me??!!! :mad: ;)
  5. I'm just sitting here reading this thread and I click the refresh button and it's jumped another whole page!! wouldn't it be funny if the servers were brought down by boobs?? ;) :D :lol:
  6. The sin was disobedience though, the fact that they realized that they were naked was a result of that sin. Just clarifying. :)
  7. lol Those I'm not familiar with. My grandma was the only one that wore the mu-mu's. My aunts used to get dressed to the 9's to go to the grocery store. :confused: lol Actually, the mu-mu's that my grandma used to wear were actually quite nice (in spite of being polyester) they had nice prints on them and she always had her hair, nails and make-up done when she went out. Although they were "house dresses" she would dress them up with a pin or what not and they didn't look bad on her. :) Ay abuelita... mi loquita! ;) :D
  8. ROFL how do you think I would even KNOW about mu-mu's if my grandma didn't live in them?? lol We used to get her a new one every year for a Christmas present. :D
  9. :crying: That is HEARTBREAKING!!! Poor little baby! :(
  10. Well, to give them the benefit of the doubt, there is a culture of dressing like that here so I can really see them not knowing that it is inappropriate for church and just making an honest mistake, but when it's freezing cold in the sanctuary (I have to always wear a jacket or a sweater) and they still don't cover up even after the pastor has lovingly brought it up several times from the pulpit, then I think it is just a matter of them being willful. And to answer your question about job interviews, yes I know women that would dress like that to a job interview as well for office work. Yep. I've seen it.
  11. And that's the thing. I don't care how anybody dresses when they're out and about I really don't. Live and let live. I have seen women wearing sheer tops with NOTHING underneath no bra, camisole nada! They had everything they had open for anyone to see. I see all kinds of things here and like I said before if it bothered me that much I'd have to move to another state to get away from it. But IN CHURCH, it does bother me. I just think it is in poor taste honestly. And these girls who dress like this are usually college age and have the bod to back the fashion kwim? Our church has a lot of new believers and I always feel it for them when I see someone who is in earnest and honest worship with tears flowing down their face and one of these girls dressed like this comes in late and all heads turn their way as they are finding a seat and you can feel the change in the room instantly. To give them the benefit of the doubt, I don't know if they really know how what they are wearing impacts the people around them or not, but if they do and they dress like this in spite of the fact that they cause a stir, I think that is very sad indeed. Just my humble 2 cents.
  12. yep. See it all.the.time. The Pastor has addressed the issue from the pulpit several times, but the girls keep coming dressed like that. There are at least 10 or more at every service dressed in something like this. No joke. The pastor started putting the air conditioning in the sanctuary super cold (probably hoping the girls would come in with a sweater at least) but nope, they still come in dressed like that, no sweater and nipples showing through the dress to boot because they're so cold! :rolleyes: Church in South Florida is.... interesting to say the least. ;)
  13. I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are wearing in these pics. In fact, I wouldn't even think twice about it. It's a far cry from the girls who go to my church dressed like this. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.orble.com/images/white-smocked-spaghetti-strap-mini-dress-top.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.orble.com/white-smocked-spaghetti-strap-mini-dress-top/&usg=__MCPJibm7XwBsfOhkrIhf7ADMUsI=&h=250&w=167&sz=26&hl=en&start=22&tbnid=RtjZnbE_iAincM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=74&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspaghetti%2Bstrap%2Bspandex%2Bdress%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20 I do think it's a bit much for church, but that's just me. :)
  14. :bigear: I'm going to be needing to do this this year as well. I'll be keeping a keen eye out on this thread. :)
  15. Thanks Jen. :) I am tall (5'10) and I have long skinny feet so these styles work for me best without having 3/4 of my foot hanging out of the shoe. :) If anyone else wears a size 10 they should jump on them for that price. They're $70.00 when they're not on sale. ;) :D
  16. :grouphug: Oh Amber!! I am so so sorry. This is a tragedy indeed. I am so very very sorry. :grouphug:
  17. lol I am in the same boat with you other gals too. I stay up too late to have some quiet time and replenish my sanity although sometimes I am staying up just trying to catch up with the dishes/ironing/laundry etc work of the day that needs to be done. I know I should sleep more (especially when that alarm goes off at 6am to get my son up for school), but sometimes you just gotta stay up late to get sufficient quiet time to calm the nerves from the day, dontcha? ;) :D
  18. Thank you so much everybody for your help and valuable input. It really helps to get other opinions when you need a fresh pair of eyes. :) I wound up getting 2 pairs!! hehe I think that this one is my actual favorite http://www.onlineshoes.com/womens-clarks-dianalyn-tan-leather-p_id133627 but I found this site that had these for 75% off and so I couldn't pass up the price. http://www.belk.com/AST/Main/Belk_Primary/Shoes/Shop/Womens/Sandals_Flip_Flops/PRD~290018480085/Clarks+Blake+Slip+On.jsp?off=5 Since the style of this one is so similar to the one above it I decided on these instead http://www.endless.com/Clarks-20Womens-20Belen-20Sandal-20Tan/dp/B001GXR90O/182-1039491-6733623?ie=UTF8&ref_=rsl_1-1&asins=B0012ZNWCU,B001GXR90O&fromPage=mythings&suppressRedirect=1 I really like the look of the upper on this pair and even though again, it wasn't my favorite looking pair I think it looks like a solidly built shoe and so will hopefully last me awhile. :) I am on my feet all.the.time. so I really do go through shoes rather quickly, especially since I usually only have one pair at a time. With the second pair I thought I can either trade off and make the first pair last longer, or I can just wear them as a new pair when the first ones go out. Either way it was too good a price to pass up, although I would have wished it in that pretty tan color, but what are you gonna do?? Beggars can't be choosers. :D Thank you so much everybody for your help. You gals rock! :grouphug:
  19. Thanks. :) I really need a new pair badly. I only have one pair of sandals and one pair of sneakers and I wear my sandals everyday. The Clarks seem good because I get at least a year out of them (or sometimes more) before I have to replace them. I used to buy Payless shoes all the time but I was having to get a new pair every 5-6 months. I'm not a shopping type of girl so I'm not going to go to sales and I don't know all the brands and what not, but this brand seems to work for me and if I can find them on sale or on clearance for a good enough price I don't care so much about the style as long as their not absolutely hideous. :D The shoes that just went on me were red! hehe I never thought I would be able to wear red shoes as daily wear but I got them on clearance for 30 bucks and so I made a way! hehe At church the other day I was in the ladies room and I hear a voice coming from one of the stalls, "Jen is that you??" I said, "yeah. How did you know it was me?" my friend answered, "your red shoes." :lol::lol::lol:
  20. Thanks for your input. I'm leaning towards number 1 or number 4 actually. I have found that Clarks really are the most comfortable shoes for me and so I tend to go for price first and choose style second. I have to be comfortable first because I'm on my feet so much. :)
  21. Wow! I admire your fortitude. I don't know if I could have handled the sheep entrails. I think I would have gone for the international incident instead. ;) :p
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