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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL it's because those bodacious ta ta's of yours act like storage tanks. ;) :D :lol:
  2. It really is. I love that about homeschooling. Both of my kids are sick right now so we're just curling up with some nice books to read for our "school" until they feel better. :D
  3. Can I move in to your house?? That sounds so lovely and idyllic. So not how my day went.
  4. I've caught all kinds of fish with white bread. Fresh and Salt water both love it. :)
  5. I'm so sorry. :( I have no advice at all, but am sending you lots of :grouphug: Maybe some chocolate is in order?? for the hormones. :grouphug:
  6. OOOH yours sounds nice!! Ours didn't swing. It was stationary, but it did have the wheels. :) Sigh. Now I want another baby. :)
  7. LOL Your new name is just as confusing as the old one. :D :lol: I'm glad you got your request granted. It seems the name fairies are smiling on you. :) ;) hehe ETA: oh duh, I see it's the name of your blog. hehe Silly me. :)
  8. :( I feel so sorry for that kid. I hope that he doesn't wind up in the hospital or something awful like that. :(
  9. LOL sounds like somebody is nesting. :) I guess if you can get dh to paint the house before baby comes then don't fault him if he's tired in the delivery room. :) I like the baby in the room too. My aunt gave me a basinette when my first was born and I always used to have the newborn in basinette next to my bed. sigh. Special times. :) Enjoy your new baby and my heartiest congratulations to you and your dh. :)
  10. wonderbread. Fish love it. hehehe I always caught tons of fish with white bread smushed into a ball and then burying the hook in it. I used to make my own lines. I was a kid so I don't know what size hook we had, but I guess they were a pretty standard size. We also had sinkers that were like little balls and could be attached to the line and I used a red and white bobbin just because I loved watching them go under when I caught a fish. ;) :D Have fun. :)
  11. Sigh. It sounds like the coach is avoiding confrontation and wants to pass the buck on to you. :( It's a shame. It really is. I don't see anything wrong with using her position as coach to all the children on the team and with all of their interests at heart to tell the mom after the fact, that sick kids really belong at home not on the field. I mean, how did that kid even perform in the game anyway?? I'm sure it wasn't even worthwhile for them to even be there. :(
  12. I just had to resurrect this thread in order to add a new one that my Autistic ds did yesterday. FIL is visiting from Santo Domingo and dh was talking to him on the phone last night telling him that he was going to come over to visit (fil stays at sil's house when he comes). My dh was on the phone saying "si." "si." and ds heard him and then said "c" "c" and started singing "a says a" "b says buh" "c says ca" lol It was too cute. :D
  13. So is the coach going to say something to this mom then?? I mean, she may not have "rules" to go by, but surely as coach she must have some type of clout over what happens with the team, no?
  14. I see no evidence of clodiness either. He probably did overlook it due to his grief and your letter reminded him of his promise. Nothing wrong with that. If he responds generously with gifts for the girls, embrace it. They performed and waited patiently over a month to get paid. He was obvioulsy grateful to them and felt that they were worth what he gave. I think it's great. :)
  15. :lol::lol::lol: Come on ladies, start chatting quick so we can bury this thread again!! :D Come on, What's for dinner tonight?? Book rec's for a 6 year old who reads at college level??? Cleavage?? anyone?? ;) :D :lol:
  16. This is so sad. I think it's awful that you have to stop your activities because of the recklessness of one person. I wish she would come on here and read this thread, maybe then she could see why what she's doing is harmful to not only her son but to others as well. :(
  17. Don't worry. I got you some Patio bean burritos from the 7-11. Oh yeah! Who's your best friend now?? :party: :hurray:
  18. I heard that Albertson's is having a sale on vodka. 1 gallon for 8 bucks! YUM! :D It's in the hardware aisle right next to the paint thinner. :D
  19. And I HAVE to say, that I am so proud of us that we managed to close this thread out (it IS closed out now right?:leaving:) with laughs and levity instead of the mods having to with hurt feelings.. :cheers2: us girls. Those that we agree with, those that we don't and everyone in between.
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