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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. lol No Segovia tastes much better with Sangria although a little gamey. :lol:;) :D I wasn't sure. I gave you all those Satriani links and never heard from you again. I thought I'd scared you off! I have that tendency for some reason! :confused::confused: Sure!! I'll bring my amp and my RG 550 and you guys can scream/talk through dinner while I provide the music!! :) I'll bring barbecue bahrs as my potluck dish! :D
  2. LOL ummm... How do I tell her that I play mostly electric guitar?? :D Not exactly dinner fare. ;) ROFL that's actually kind of a funny image in my mind. hehe But I can cook good! I make mostly Cuban or Carribean food though so ahem, goat is occasionally on the menu. ;) :D
  3. I think people still have common sense (mostly) but are afraid of the ones who don't because they sue you know! :D ;)
  4. Man I want to go to Japan so badly!! The guitar shops there are AWEsOME!!
  5. Thanks!! I'll bring my ruler to the grocery. :) Do they have curry goat?? ;) :D
  6. We don't have Trader Joe's in Florida unfortunately. :( But we do have Indian groceries so I'll have to pop in there. What do they look like? Are they in a pouch or box or ?? Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  7. No. I didn't even know they had such a thing.:tongue_smilie: I usually cook everything myself to cut down on food costs so I confess I'm not often in that aisle in the grocery store. Can you get that in a regular grocery or do you have to go to an Indian grocery??
  8. I don't think she's judging you. I don't think she is meaning you or people in your shoes at all. I think she is talking about the women who are blatantly flaunting it. There is a big difference. If you've ever been to Miami you would know what I am talking about. I hate to think you are feeling judged. I dont think that that is the OP's intent. Just my humble 2 cents for whatever they are worth.
  9. If you tell me Calvary Chapel I'll really laugh because that's my church too! :D
  10. I think I would die from SHOCK if somebody in my house thanked me for a meal. You are a lucky lady. It's so nice to be appreciated. :)
  11. I think that the OP is possibly referring to the women who purposely flaunt it rather than accidentally. I personally don't care what people wear out and about. I would have to move to another state if I did because it is EVERYWHERE here in South Florida. I think so many women have bought books that they like to show them off or something. ;) :D But in church, I think it's poor taste. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen a guy distracted in church because of a woman who is dressed for a night out dancing rather than for church. Our pastor has even addressed the issue from the pulpit a few times because it is such a problem in our church, but they keep wearing the skimpy clothes anyway. They even started putting the air conditioning in the sanctuary super cold. I have to bring a sweater with me when I go to church and there are girls who STILL come in with the tight fitting, short, spagetti strap dresses with the deep plunge necklines and no sweater. Go figure! :confused:
  12. I believe that the U.S. edition is the program as it is taught in Singapore and the Standards edition is aligned with California's state standards. Also I have heard that the teacher's manuals are better with the Standards edition.
  13. I was in the same exact situation that you are in. I have the same laminator and I was laminating a time line as well. I did exactly that I put the time line in a single pouch first and ran in through the laminator and then when it came out I put the other pouch on the other end and ran it through from that side and it came out fine! No problems at all.
  14. Way to go Nakia!!! Woo Hoo! I'm so proud of you and your friend. That's great! :) :hurray: :party: :grouphug: Bananas are great for cramps btw. I eat them all the time because I too suffer from cramps when I run. I think I sweat too much or something. ;) :D
  15. Can I come to your house?? I LOVE Indian food, but I'm the only one in my house who does. :( I rarely cook it because it is only for me and I would still have to cook something different for my dh and dd and then of course my son only eats pizza.:tongue_smilie: Can your wife make roti?? If she can I'm so there if you'll have me of course. ;) I can bring dessert. :D
  16. LOL Are you a Jen too? I never would have guessed it. Mrs. Jen Mungo.;) :D Lisa maybe??
  17. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Atta girl!! :) I would be embarrassed to admit how often I talk outloud when nobody else is around. :blushing: Have a GREAT time mama. I expect a full report tomorrow! :)
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