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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I'm so sorry Pamela. I hope that it is mild for you and your family. Praying for you. :grouphug:
  2. Thank you. :) I'll have to try that. I don't have any cake mix in my house at the moment, but I'll pick some up next time I go out. :)
  3. Thank you. :) Gosh now I'm wondering about all the things I should be making on it. :) I should do a spin off thread for favorite recipes with a pizza stone. :) I hardly use mine. Mostly because I just forget that I have it. :tongue_smilie:
  4. THANK YOU!! :) Wow! I never dreamed that I could make cookies on it. I'm so boring. I thought I could only make pizzas on my pizza stone. hehe It never occurred to me that I could make something else. :tongue_smilie:
  5. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: I cannot imagine what the cousin said to the sheriff to make him side with him. What a great story! hehehe
  6. I have a question about pizza stones. How are you supposed to clean them?? I have a big round one and I washed it with dish washing soap and water and it foamed terribly. :blushing:
  7. I use all of my gadgets, some more than others, but the one thing that I have that I have never ever used was my mother's silverware that she gave me when I got married. She got it for a wedding gift when she married my dad. It still sits in it's wood box underneath my linens in the linen chest. I always tell myself that I should use it someday, but I would have to polish all of the silver first and it's just easier to use my flatware. Maybe I'll give it to my dd when she gets married and it can sit in the bottom of her linen chest til she has a daughter. :) :D hehe
  8. Ay, I want one of those so bad. I am so directionally challenged that I get lost even going places that I know how to get to. :001_huh:
  9. Really?? LOL I'm so sorry, I don't mean to minimize things, but I'm scratching my head and trying to figure out what in the world could offend about a crock pot. :confused: I know things can get heated around here sometimes, but a crock pot seems pretty safe territory to me. hehehe Who knew! :001_huh:
  10. Thank you for your kind words. :) I teach a group of girls on Wednesday nights at my church and twice a year we do community outreaches. One for Christmas and one for Easter. We go to nursing homes and visit the residents and sing songs to them and visit with them and bring them gifts etc. We always team up with another class and go together. Last year another one of the teacher volunteers brought her guitar so I just sang with the girls, but she has since stepped down from her volunteering and there was nobody else who plays except me so I stepped in. I was trying to figure out which guitar I would take of my acoustics since my electrics are way too impractical to bring since I would have to schlep my amp and cables etc along with. Plus, I don't know that the residents would take to it much. hehe :tongue_smilie: I decided that my nylon string was too quiet and had too much of a distinctive sound and that a steel string really suited the occasion, but there was no way I wanted to take my Ibby Concord out. See below. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/1976Concord669-3.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/1976Concord669-1.jpg So that set me looking for my new one.:) The other thing I have coming up, also for Christmas is another outreach but with my ladies Bible study group. We're going into a women's jail to sing Christmas songs and bring them gifts and hopefully just bring them some cheer for the holidays. Other than that the only other thing is my guitar class that I'm teaching out of my house. It's a co-op for homeschool kids. :) That's all. :) But any occasion is a good one for a new guitar, no? ;) :D hehe
  11. LOL loquita! :) Gosh that movie is so old. I think that was the first movie I ever saw with Sally Field in it.
  12. Wow!! How scary!! And what a brave young man you have there. God is so good. I'm so glad that all was well. :)
  13. Okay!! I took her outside and got some after shots. So what do ya'll think?? Did she come out nice? :) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen152.jpg I spray painted the truss rod cover black. I think it looks better. At some point though I'll replace it with one of those 3 ply ones. I like those better. :) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen153.jpg How do the frets look now?? Better, no? :) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen154.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen155.jpg I replaced the bridge pins with ebony ones that have abalone inlays. I actually think the white ones look better with this light colored bridge, but the ebony ones give lots of sustain. Maybe in the future I'll get a set of bone ones to make them white again, but for now she's fine as she is. :) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen156.jpg Here's the side http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen157.jpg And the back http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen162.jpg So what do you think?? Well, I can tell you that she plays like a dream!! I tuned her up last night and ran through my requisite Sweet Home Alabama and Suite Madame Blue riffs ( I use these to check the tuning when I'm too lazy to get my tuner out. hehe) and she sounds GORGEOUS!!! She has a perfect balance of lows, mids and highs. I played a ballad with my ear resting against the guitar's side and I swear I got all emotional she sounded so sweet. I got choked up! hehe But I got over it quick enough and had a blast playing her last night. I was grinning from ear to ear. :) I am so happy I got her even though they guy at the music store charged me way too much for the case that I bought to ship the guitar in. He charged too much for the shipping too, but it seems that I got the last laugh because he obviously didn't know what he had in this guitar. That's the good thing about relatively obscure brands, pretty much only collectors or a small group of players really know about them. I think I got this guitar for a steal and I'm very very happy with my new baby. I will be proud to take her out now. :) Thank you all for your input and for sharing the experience with me. :grouphug: Jen
  14. Thank you for your kind words. :) Funnily enough, as much as I love my guitars only one out of the eight has a name :) hehe This one. I saved every penny I had for an entire year in order to get that one and some days I never thought I would make it because they were limited edition and only 400 of each color were coming to the US. And I only wanted this color. It was a friend of mine that encouraged me to try and because of that I named the guitar after them. :) As for the "new" one. She's all done! I took off the tuners and WD-40'd them and scrubbed it all into the grooves and cleaned them all up. I cleaned the whole body, replaced the bridge pins with ebony wood and abalone ones and slapped on some new strings. She sounds wonderful!!! I'll post up some pics tomorrow when it is daylight. :) Thanks everybody for weighing in and helping me with the decision. She came out real nice. :)
  15. thank you. :) They really don't make them like the used to. I love getting old guitars. :) They're the best and they come with nice aged wood already and sound great! :) I cannot wait to hear this one once I string her up again. The strings that were on it were so nasty and corroded I would have needed a tetanus shot to play it, but with my DR's on there, she should sound like a dream. :)
  16. Okay some pics of the work in progress. I just finished polishing the frets and cleaning and oiling the fingerboard. Here are the befores http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen136.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen137.jpg And here are the afters. Is there anything more beautiful than Brazilian Rosewood?? I couldn't get a good shot of the frets. My house is dark as a dungeon right now with this storm outside, but I'll have her all done tonight and take some more outside shots tomorrow. But at least you can see the beauty of the wood. :) Not a single groove or wear in the frets in a 40 year old guitar! Unbelievable! :) The Hive has spoken, and I will obey. I will not polish her, just clean her good. :) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen139.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen148.jpg
  17. Okay. I got some pictures taken. So what do you think?? Clean it good and leave it or go the extra mile? :) Look at this gorgeous piece of rosewood on the fingerboard! http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen117.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen118.jpg Here's the front. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen119.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen121.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen122.jpg Here's the back http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen125.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen126.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen130.jpg Here's the right side http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen124.jpg Here's the left. Isn't that a gorgeous piece of wood? :D http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/My%20Guitars/Jen134.jpg So you can see that the finish is still glossy and intact so it could definitely take a polish without compromising it. So what do ya'll think? I want to start working on it today. :) Thanks. :)
  18. That sounds really good! I've never used those but i'll bet they're great! :) I don't use metal pans for bread because I can always taste a metal in the bread no matter how good the quality of the pan. I always use pyrex glass loaf pans for baking breads, but I'm sure those stoneware loaf ones are even better since they're probably more porous. :)
  19. LOL I turned 38 this month so yes I know Neil Young. :) That Martin does look nice. Mine doesn't have the same finish wear that that one does on the front, if it did I would definitely leave it. Neil's guitars there are all what guitarists would call "relic'ed" and that is cool on it's own, but mine is not far gone enough to be relic'ed and it could probably be brought back a lot to it's former glory although not perfect. I don't want perfect because after all it's meant to be my "beater" guitar. hehe But being the OCD freak that I am, I always have to mess with things and do what I can. hehe You should see how I am with cars! :eek: :svengo: hehehehe Ay, I should probably post up some pics of it how it is now so that you can all see for yourselves the finish. I thought about doing it, but I didn't think anybody would care that much. hehe It's too dark outside now to do it but maybe tomorrow I can take some before pics outside in the natural light and then ya'll can see what I'm dealing with and base your opinions on that. :)
  20. LOL That's the thing, I don't know what I'm going to do yet. Well, let me amend that to say, either way it is going to get polish because I am going to clean it good, polish the frets, oil the fingerboard and change out the bridge and end pins before I restring it. The question is do I polish it by hand or with the buffer. :) hehe
  21. ROFL :lol::lol: This is probably true! hehehe Then I would have to buy another one to take out! Sigh! It's a sickness I tell you. A sickness!! I swear I need a 12 step program or something. :p hehe Thanks everyone for your replies so far. Just a bit more info. The guitar polish I have is safe for all finishes including the old ones. I got my dh a guitar for his b'day last year that is the same make but a different model. It is about the same age as mine too and I cleaned his up really nice with this polish. His was in much better aesthetic condition than mine is and other than being just really dirty when I got it, it only had one small spot on the front that you can barely see and the rest of the guitar was perfect. You can see it here after I cleaned it up. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/Guitars/Jen1379.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/Guitars/Jen1393.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/Guitars/Jen1391.jpg Mine is similar, except that it's a solid top instead of a laminate top like dh's and the back is absolutely GORGEOUS!! The finish is completely intact and has no finish cracks or wear of that kind and the only issue it has other than the dings, which I wouldn't really do anything about, are some surface scratches on the back that I know I could buff out. It is the quality and beauty of the wood that makes me want to go for it. The buffer I have is gentle (it's a dual action buffer not a rotary) and I have gentle pads for it too and I've been using it for years to detail cars. Coupled with the guitar polish and a mildly abrasive pad I'm sure that i could remove the superficial scratches without any harm to the finish and only the deeper scratches would remain. It won't make the guitar look like new, but it would improve the appearance. :)
  22. It's a Lyle A690 solid spruce top and solid curly mahogany back and sides. These were made by Gibson in Japan in the late 60's and early 70's and marketed under that brand. It's sweet! :)
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