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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Awwww congratulations!! One day earlier and we would share the same birthday! :) Welcome to the world little Hadassah. :)
  2. Wow!! How cool is that!! :) Congratulations to you and your dh! :) And to the OP, that is just AWESOME!! My heartiest congratulations to you! 34 years is an amazing thing! :) God bless you! :party: :hurray: :grouphug:
  3. 3:01am now. Just finished the movie and am off to bed. Nighty night all. :)
  4. 1:30am Watching a movie with dh. :) I'm usually always up late though. I'm a night owl. :)
  5. Thank you both. :) I only have one student that I homeschool so I'll probably just go with the cd-rom and the text. Thanks for the heads up, Angie about the scores. I'll make sure to note them down. :)
  6. Bless you Angie!! I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here to help me walk it through. :grouphug: :) Thank you. The Algebra I is not on sale is it?? The price is in gray instead of red. Is there a special promotion code to enter or something?
  7. I think I have a subscription for all of the reading list threads. :D lol
  8. Oh!! :eek: Did the baby die?? I thought it had gone blind. I didn't know it had died. How did you know?? I cried too. It was very moving and well done I thought. btw, I let my dd watch it. She saw most of it on the news anyway so I let her watch the whole thing and talked to her about the dangers of being distracted while driving. I thought it would disturb her, but it didn't oddly enough.
  9. What about their licenses?? Don't they expire after a certain period of time?? I would like to buy the Algebra I if they have it on special, but I am a little confused by their packages that they offer. Do you know which one to get for homeschoolers?? Thanks in advance. :)
  10. Oh thank you so much Angie! That's fantastic! :) So if you had to do it all over again, would you just do the Kinetic Algebra and maybe get the printed textbook with the cd-rom? Thank you so much for chiming in. Your answer is so helpful. :)
  11. I know how you are feeling too. I have 2 children with special needs. My son is severely Autistic and I KNOW that if I were to have another baby that I wouldn't be able to properly take care of my son as his needs for care are so great and stretch me to my limits already. I feel sad because I always wonder who I am missing and I sometimes long so much for another baby, but I know that it would be irresponsible of me if I did. I am grateful so much for the two that I have and that is what I focus on. It's natural to want more, but I have to remind myself to be content with what I have and appreciate and enjoy that. :)
  12. Hello ladies (and gents) I have been wondering which way to go next year for Algebra. I have heard good things about Jacobs and I read somewhere on another thread about Kinetic books. I googled it and found a link and it looks very interesting but I am wondering if I can get some feedback from folks who have actually used this program. I would like to know what are your likes and dislikes and what are the pros and cons to this type of course. Also, how clear is the teaching method? I know my dd would need very good clear instructions to learn. I like the visual aspect of it. I think that that would appeal to my dd, but I wonder how the coursework itself is. I appreciate the feedback. Thanks to all who reply. :)
  13. :iagree::iagree: Mine too! Well my dd anyway! hehehehe Oh what a stinker that little kid is! hehehe
  14. LOL But you're still not throwing anything. Unless there is some microscopic hand throwing that puke up from your stomach through your esophagus like a 90 mph fast ball. ;) hehehe
  15. Ooops. Double post. Oh yeah. Cake is DEFINITELY necessary. :)
  16. ROFL actually I have BIRTHDAY CAKE in my fridge! Can't get better than that! :) When a big hunk is missing I will tell my dh that it was a medical emergency to ward off my mommy brains. ;) :D
  17. LOL That last part of what you said made me laugh out loud! hehe I am so paranoid of using an apostrophe to pluralize now whereas before I was blissfully ignorant! Those poor little kittens. ;) There is a price to knowledge isn't there? And with my poor ps education I'm certain that I'm a walking felony to many people here. ;) :D. I also have to confess to you that I say, "my bad" all. the. time. I minister to preteens though so it just kind of rubbed off on me. :blushing: hehe Sorry in advance.
  18. to "throw up". makes no sense at all. ;) You're not throwing anything and it doesn't go up it goes out. :eek:
  19. Thank you so much!! That is so helpful. :) Blessings, Jen
  20. Yes indeedely-do! :party: Happy Friday to you hon! :) :grouphug:
  21. Oh! :svengo: :D hehehe Ay, it's so hard to judge intent over the internet. I thought she thought I was saying that so I was totally confused. Well, tbh I'm confused a lot especially towards the end of the week, but shhhh don't tell anyone else okay? It will be our secret between just you and me! ;) :grouphug: hehe
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