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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I had my son's IEP meeting last month and the OT was only able join the meeting by a conference call, everyone else was there, the Autism Coordinator, the ESE specialist (she runs the meetings), the Speech Pathologist and my son's teacher and me. The ESE specialist asked me if I was uncomfortable with the OT not being there in person and told me that we could re-schedule the meeting for another time when she could attend if it bothered me. I said as long as she conference called that it was fine, but I know every IEP I've had for my son they've all been there. My gut tells me if you don't feel comfortable then you should request that they all be there present at the meeting. If your meetings are like the ones I go to, each person reads their part of the goals and explains it to me. If you're concerned, you could contact CARD http://card.ufl.edu/ and talk to someone about advocacy. They will even come to the meeting with you if you want (for free). Bottom line, if you're not comfortable, postpone the meeting until you are. It is your child, you are in control. Best wishes. Jennifer
  2. I was thinking something along those lines too. Maybe she can sleep in the bed or in the room with one of her older sisters just temporarily until she can get some distance between herself and the images in the movie? A bath with some lavender essential oil before bed and maybe a couple of drops of the oil on her pillow to help her stay relaxed? Just a thought.
  3. Just wanted to let you know that Ulta is having a 20% off sale on personal care items including FLAT IRONS and free shipping! :) Here's the link you you want it. Hope it helps. :) http://search.ulta.com/search?p=Q&lbc=ulta&uid=763195339&ts=custom&w=*&af=brand:ultrachi%20marketing:20offpca20102&method=and&view=grid&isort=price%20rev
  4. I always think of the character of Dame Van Winkle in Washington Irving's story and how the author paints her as a shrew, but when you read the details of her life with Rip and how her house was dilapidated, how he wouldn't tend to the farm, how the kids were all wild and she would scream at Rip trying to get him to work on the farm and he wouldn't. I think she is unjustly demonized. She is a portrait of a stressed out woman who is stuck in a situation that has her completely overwhelmed and she has no help from her mate. She ultimately dies from a burst blood vessel! I know that her character is fictitious, but I wouldn't be surprised if Washington Irving had met some women like that in his time. Stuck in a life with no recourse for any way out and wondering what will become of her and her children. I honestly feel sorry for Dame Van Winkle. I'm sure under that kind of stress any woman would become a shrew. And everyone hated her because her husband was a friendly guy so they figured that she was to blame somehow. Sucks to be her.
  5. Oh poor Imp! :crying: Thanks so much for the update. I pray that it doesn't spread any farther.
  6. LOL I love this picture. It looks like one of those funny Photoshop pictures as if he were really washing a car or something and somebody changed it to a goat. lol Too cute. I love the idea of a farm, but that much actual work would probably kill me. lol I'm 39 and haven't started my crisis yet, I don't think. When is it supposed to hit? Whenever I think about my future though, I always just imagine that I will finally do the things that I have always wanted to do, but couldn't because of kids/life/school etc. I guess I am pretty boring. lol
  7. I've bought things 3 to 4 years before I would actually use them if I found a good deal on it somewhere.
  8. Those dolls are SO CUTE!! I would have loved those when I was little.
  9. :grouphug: Oh that is SO HARD. You're so not pathetic. :grouphug:
  10. There is a Polish-American club in my city that meets I think once a week and they have live polka music (and dancing) a full sit down meal and it's just a great place for families. There are little ones and elderly ones and everyone in between. I went a couple of times and I had never polka'ed in my life (I'm Cuban) and they taught me how and we had such a great time. If your city has something similar, that might be a non-threatening way to get your hubby (as well as your whole family involved). :) Just a thought. :) Good luck. Dancing is so much fun. Personally I love the latin dances, but I'm biased. ;) :D
  11. That stinks! How could they do that during the holidays? I agree with Mrs. Mungo. Get a refund and treat your mom to a nice day out. :)
  12. :crying: That is so sweet! You win. You got the best Christmas present ever! :grouphug: :)
  13. That's awesome! I wish I could find a cobbler who would refit my shoes for 8 bucks! The only cobbler around here wants more to re-sole the boots than I paid for them. :(
  14. That's cool! I've never seen one of those before. I would have loved that too. :)
  15. My favorite Christmas present was nothing as nice as yours, but I loved it so much. It was my Huffy Green Machine. Although mine was different from this one, it was 30 years ago and this was the only image I could find of one. It is still the same basic design though. You pedalled really fast and then pull the one of the levers and it would spin you around in circles, then you pedalled really fast again and pulled the other lever and it was spin you in circles again in the other direction. That thing was so cool. I only had it for a few days and I wore a hole into the back tire because I was constantly riding in it all over my neighborhood. Then one day I went to a friend's house to play and left my green machine outside and somebody stole it. :crying: sniff. I never saw it again, but it was the best Christmas present I ever got.
  16. I mostly make my own sauces, but I do usually keep a jar sauce on hand in the pantry for busy nights when I need a quick meal. :)
  17. Oh how lovely!! Happy Hanukkah everyone! :) :hurray:
  18. I'm so sorry Karyn. I found this link for natural cures. http://www.natural-cures-for.com/remedies/bed-bugs Maybe if you can spread boric acid around the perimeter of the room it will keep them from spreading. I don't know if it is safe for dogs and people though. I'm sure others will chime in and give you helpful advice. God will never give you more than you can handle and I know you are handling a lot. I'm praying for you love. :grouphug:
  19. :eek: :svengo: Wow! I can't believe that. That must have been so difficult for you at that moment. I'm so sorry about your mum. :( :grouphug:
  20. That's good to know. I have some good books from when I went to business school many, many moons ago that teach the different formats of business letters and I was going to use it with my dd to teach her, but as I was preparing for the lesson and trying to get address for her to be able to mail her letter to, that's when I realized people were only using email and I panicked I guess. lol Thanks so much to all of you ladies for your comments. They were most helpful. :)
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