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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I get money for Christmas to buy what I want and so far I've gotten some earrings, a sonic jewelry cleaner and the new Christmas Carol DVD. :)
  2. Ay, this book might be too childish for your group, but I really love this one. I have such fond memories of reading it to my dd when she was little. :) http://www.amazon.com/Tikki-Tembo-Arlene-Mosel/dp/0312367481/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291970673&sr=8-1
  3. Man, some of these libraries are so strict. It's almost as if they want to discourage people from using them. :confused:
  4. Well, to me there's different kinds of "smart". There is the capacity of your brain to understand and process knowledge and those with the greatest capacity would be considered smart like Einstein etc. Then you have common sense smarts and street smarts which kind of is related to common sense, but I think most people's definition of "smart" relates to their ability to grasp and understand higher or specialized learning. In which case, I'm not very smart. :tongue_smilie: hehe :D
  5. not sure. Does it come off if you scrape it? Whenever I go on a fast, my tongue gets a white coating on it. But that is from the toxins working it's way out of your system. It could be that the candida diet is de-toxifying you. That's one possibility among many though I'm sure.
  6. :lol: or invite them to view your bug collection complete with hissing cockroaches from Madagascar! hehe
  7. Oh I would be curious to read that book too just for my own edification. I've only ever read El Cid in Spanish. I love that story though. It's one of my favorites since I was small. I'd be curious to see how it translates into English.
  8. When is opening day? I have a respite night tomorrow and dh and I were going to go to the movies. If it comes tomorrow I'm sure that's what we'll go see. The trailers looked awesome. :)
  9. Thanks so much for posting your exchange with him. It was very interesting to read. It reminded me of a Japanese exchange student when I was in college. He was wonderful. I remember that he used to space his classes instead of taking them back to back (the way I did it ;) ) so in the time in between he would go around the campus and just talk to people so that he could improve his English. He was so outgoing and friendly (and brave IMO). He kept a notebook where he wrote down new English words that he had learned. I remember talking to him a lot. He was a great kid. I don't know where he ended up, but I'm sure it was somewhere good. :)
  10. With Judge Wapner! lol and don't forget Wheel Of Fortune! lol
  11. Oh yes I understand now. I think it probably could. I use them with my daughter as devotions in the morning before school starts. Each unit has a different topic that it covers and you usually look up Bible verses too that pertain to that day's lesson. You read a section which is usually a few pages and then answer questions. It usually has true or false or multiple choice answers. Then there is a big test that covers the whole unit when you finish it. I could see that working for you for a reading program. I have really enjoyed using them to tell you the truth. I have learned a great deal of things I didn't know before from reading them. It really gets into some quite interesting studies and has even piqued our interest to delve further into certain topics so maybe it would be a good fit for your dd. I think CLP's website has some sample pages on it where you can see what it looks like before you buy it and if there is something specific you want to see from 7th grade let me know and I can take photos for you. :) Good luck. :) Jennifer
  12. My recipes are mostly in my head too, but I do have some on index cards that I've gotten from cookbooks too or some print outs from the internet. I always hate it when someone asks me for a recipe though because I never know how much the measurements should be. I usually make the dish and take photos of the different stages and how it's supposed to look and I try to measure it out at that time to get an exact measurement of what "looks right" to me. Then I send them the whole thing in an email with the photos so they re-create it accurately in their kitchens. It's cumbersome for me though. lol
  13. I have CLE Bible for 7th grade so maybe I could help to answer your question, but could you define what a reading program means to you and what it would entail? That would help me answer your question. Thanks. :)
  14. Wow. I have just read every single one of your replies (thank you ladies :) ). This is really disheartening. I just can't help but wonder at what point does a human being become so fractured that they can actually commit such crimes and offenses to others and enjoy it even as in some of the cases listed here. It really boggles my mind. My default position is to think it has to do with drugs because I know an addict will do just about anything when they are desperate for a fix, but I really wonder if these cases are all drug related? Some of your answers give me a mental picture of like these dregs of society coming out like zombies from under their rocks to prey on the people who actually are participating in life and in the world. It just fills my heart with sadness. Reading your responses recalled to my mind a recent conversation that was going on at a ladies leadership meeting at my church. A lot of the ladies there live in well-to-do neighborhoods and they were talking about the increase in crime in their neighborhoods and how many people were getting robbed. But they weren't just break in/smash and grab type of thefts, they were armed robberies and some people had actually gotten killed. Some of them were pretty sophisticated in plot even, people dressing up as UPS men and when they opened the door rushed in with all guns blazing. Crazy stuff. I remember how shocked I was when I heard that. I just couldn't believe it. I live in a poorer neighborhood and we hardly had any burglaries oddly enough. I always figured we just didn't have anything that anybody would want to steal, but it seems as if it has caught up to us too. :(
  15. Ulta is having a sale on them too. http://search.ulta.com/nav/brand/Ultra%20CHI/0?n=ulta&CID=ET_wk4510_thurs_buyers&ET_LID=CHI&RID=120038256 $99.95 including a heat mat.:)
  16. LOL Tell them repeatedly, "I'm an excellent driver." :driving: Wonder how many people will get that reference. I'm so old....:leaving:
  17. Actually, I don't mean to be a workaholic. I think I would be just as lazy as anyone if I had less to do, but needs must kwim? As for church, I'm actually going to be giving up all of my service after this year. I know shocker right? lol I have loved it while I did it, but I agreed to 3 years and this is my third year. My middle school girls will go into high school next school year and I never had any intentions of following them into the high school ministry. So I am really trying to find ways to cut back on a lot of things. I've stopped doing cars after those 3 I did over summer, I haven't cooked for anyone for a few weeks either. I didn't make much money at it anyway to make it worth my while. I still have a guitar class that I am committed to teach, but that is once a week for an hour and after that class is done, I probably won't do that anymore either. I'm really trying to find ways to cut back. You know it's been hard since my husband had to start taking days off without pay. It's an $8,000 a year pay cut, but the things that I've tried to do on the side to earn extra money just aren't worth the time and effort that it takes to do them and my dh always says my time is more valuable spent at home with the family. So hopefully after this school year ends I will be able to find some time on Wednesdays to play music and just enjoy it. I'm planning to not even go to service on Wednesday either. At least not for awhile so I can kind of step back and regroup, kwim?
  18. What!! :eek: :svengo: So it was just outright taking something of someone else's to destroy it? Nice! :glare:
  19. I don't feel qualified to talk about anybody else other than myself here, but your remark really struck a chord with me. I feel like this a lot of the time, but then I don't really know what else I can do to change it in my given circumstances. I have pretty much only one gift. I'm only average or below average in everything else I think. Or at least it seems to me like everyone else around me is doing it better than I can. But one thing that I am gifted in is music. It has always come naturally to me and I have a really good ear. I used to write songs prolifically when I was younger and I would hear them finished in my head while I was writing them. I really wanted to be a musician as a career, but my parents were against and never allowed me to pursue it. I used to play cello in the orchestra and my teacher (even though she and I were like oil and water) put me as first chair which was a great honor reserved for the best player in the section. I won medals at competitions etc. I was really driven to play and loved it so much, but my parents felt I needed to have "a real job" and needed to develop marketable skills. So that was that. They took me out of orchestra. I kept all my sheet music though and swore that some day I would buy a cello of my own (I had rented mine from the school), but they were horribly expensive. Well, more than 10 years after my parents made me quit orchestra I bought a cello of my own. But by then I was already married and my daughter came the next year and then my son. Both of my kids are special needs and they take up all of my time. I really feel guilty because my cello just sits in my closet in it's case. But I can't take it out when my kids are awake because it is just too costly an instrument and they are just too rambunctious, but then I can't play when they're sleeping either because it's too loud. So it sits in my closet. I always feel like I should find a way to play, and like I should try harder to find a way, but I just don't know how to do it practically without something else suffering. My days are so full and it seems like I just go around and around cooking, cleaning up messes, doing laundry, ironing the laundry I just did, cleaning up all my kids spills, checking on them constantly making sure they're okay and on top of all of that stuff, I homeschool all day long. On the weekends, I usually have other things I have to do like food shopping and food prep work, church and other things. And I always take at least one day to sleep in because if I don't I usually catch a cold or I get really depressed. But I always have a nagging guilt about not living up to my potential and not developing my gift. I taught myself guitar years ago and I do play that often because I have a beater on a stand that I don't care if my kids knock over, but even with that instrument there is so much more that I want to do and feel like I should be doing, but nevertheless, it's always the same story. I've always chocked it up to just this season in my life, but honestly, with my kids' disabilities, this living arrangement will be the same way for the foreseeable future and my son will probably live at home with us for the rest of our lives. I just wish I could figure out a way to do more with what I have, but I just feel so hindered by everything else. But, my kids are both very happy and my daughter's test scores at evaluation time are always through the roof, so I know that I am succeeding on that front anyway. :) Yikes, I just posted this and didn't realize it turned out so long. :eek: sorrryyyyyyyyyyy. :blushing:
  20. I would say rum runners, but there are so many different alcohols and liquers in it that it would probably get too pricey to make in quantity, not to mention your guests would all be three sheets to the wind. lol :lol:
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