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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Wow! That is an amazing story! Thank God the nurse was so sharp! :grouphug::grouphug: I hope he feels better soon poor little guy. You're such a good mama! :)
  2. I just noticed it between the "community" and "new posts" headings. That is really cool! Is it new? I'll probably find out it's been there for ages and I just never noticed before. :lol: Wouldn't be the first time I was oblivious. :D
  3. There were some gals in this thread who mentioned they were therapists. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166293 Maybe you could contact them? Sorry I don't have anything better to offer. Hope that helps. :)
  4. It didn't seem like a joke to me either and if it were that's pretty bad too. Why is he going to waste his time and the admiral's time joking about Guam tipping over just for laughs? Especially when neither he nor anyone else laughed or seemed to "get" the joke. :confused: He seemed rather confused to me. When he was trying to talk about the dimensions of the island he seemed very confused indeed. I hope that he sees a doctor and gets checked out.
  5. :grouphug: I'm sorry your little guy is going through this Karyn. FWIW I can totally see how Carebears could have the propensity to evil. ;) Maybe removing all carebears stuff from the room will help. I've been sick the last few days and have been feverish and having weird dreams too, but my dreams are pretty much always weird so I'm pretty useless as far as a fever/dream barometer goes. I'd say you're totally doing the right thing by talking with him and just holding him and making him feel safe. Whether or not he understands the words I think he is understanding the comfort and the security that you are conveying to him. My ds is non-verbal and often times I don't know what the triggers of his meltdowns are. What I do is just get down to his eye level and have him look me in the eyes while I do a deep compression bear hug and tell him he's okay. By having him look me in the eyes it "snaps" him out of the stimming and ranting of the meltdown and helps him calm down faster. I hope that helps. I'm so sorry your precious boy is feeling bad and suffering. HUGS to you and your little man. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. Would he read biographies?? Maybe some biographies of missionaries would help him and some of them read like action/adventure stories.
  7. What a sweet looking book. :) Thanks for the recommendation. :)
  8. Yep tropical storm force winds. That's what I thought based upon what you said of the damage. Hopefully the fence can be mended. :grouphug:
  9. Is there anyway you can prop the fence back up or did it blow completely apart?? Maybe your dh can nail a board lengthwise across the boards to secure it and you stick the fence posts in wet cement to hold it in place. Just a thought. I know the wind can be scary. I've been through quite a few hurricanes and the wind is the scariest part. When hurricane Wilma hit us we got the eye wall three times and were in those wild winds for hours. It was awful. I'm glad that you are all safe and that you didn't have any damage to your house. It sounds like you didn't even lose your electricity. That's good. I wouldn't be surprised if your wind gusts were tropical storm force strength. They're strong enough to break off branches and knock stuff down but typically leave the power on. Glad your home is safe. :grouphug:
  10. I know how you feel. I don't have texting enabled on my phone either. There is a woman I know that sends me texting type emails and I've had to write her back telling her I can't understand what she is saying. I really can't. some of it I can figure out, but there is some stuff that I just have no idea what it means. :confused::confused:
  11. :iagree::iagree: Me too. I LOVE old muscle cars. :drool: I also agree with what Rosie said. I think it's always a good thing for kids to work for what they have, but I also understand that you told your dd that if you found one from the 80's that you would buy it for her. At the end of the day, if the car is in good shape, I think it's most important to keep your word to your dd. JMHO for what it's worth.
  12. Everyone tells me I talk too much but I prefer to think of myself as "linguistically gifted" instead. ;) :D Happy Anniversary to you too! :) Thank you dear! It's been a pleasure getting to know you over this year. :grouphug:
  13. LOL Yeah, 2,545 posts worth. Sheesh I talk A LOT! hehehe Thanks for your kind words. :)
  14. Thanks. :) It was technically on April 3rd but I needed time to formulate what I wanted to say in my post. :lol: :)
  15. I have been on the WTM forums one year now. I found these forums from a search for used curriculum online. I never even knew about the book or the forums before. :lol: I have since read the book, embraced a good deal of it and recommended it to many (still waiting for a friend to return my copy! :glare:) I've have had 10 sale/swap transactions, made 11 friends, posted 2,543 times (2,544 if you include this one), subscribed to 475 threads!! (mostly book and curricula rec's), been elevated to the status of Empress Bee and have learned lots and lots from reading the posts of the many wise individuals here. Who knew logic was important?? ;) :lol: It's been a wild year. I wonder where I will be at the end of the next one?? :001_huh: Looking forward to the ride and who I will be at the end of it. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and learning from you. :grouphug: My special thanks to Susan Wise Bauer for her book and for providing this website. It's been a wonderful place to come and exchange ideas. WTMF rocks! :hurray: :party:
  16. LOL Well it doesn't at this time. You never know what the future will bring. I know a lady who pays other homeschoolers to teach her dd the subjects that she is weak in so never say never Ms. Rosie. ;) :) Who knows, you might even develop a sudden love of cars and start a side detailing business. ;) hehe :D For me, my passion when I was a child was always music. It still is. I could definitely spend 10,000 hours on music and more. :)
  17. Are you by any chance going there with Calvary Chapel? My Pastor is going over there too. :)
  18. Oh if you find it post it up please! I tried to find it to post the link because it's so funny, but I didn't have any luck. :(
  19. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm glad to know that I'm in such excellent company! :grouphug: :)
  20. Or what about that Carol Burnett skit with Vicki Lawrence where she is in the restaurant and telling Vicky how she feels like nobody notices her and the waiter doesn't talk to her, they take her siverware away and then eventually somebody sits on her lap because they thought the chair was empty. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  21. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: I swear Kareni, I must be exceptionally thick because I read and re-read and stared at your first sentence for at least 3 minutes trying to figure out what you meant. It just now dawned on me! hehehehe Does that mean I'm well on my way to said breakdown?? :D hehe Thanks so much for the tags. Have a blessed weekend. :) Jennifer
  22. Thank you ladies so much for your wonderful pearls of wisdom. :) :grouphug:
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