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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Good to know. :) I just didn't know how it all worked with emails and internet now. How do they teach that in business school? Is there a specific protocol for internet that I should know? Thanks. :)
  2. LOL This is too cute. You must be from the Northeast.
  3. LOL That's awesome! I really want to write Obama myself even if I can't persuade my daughter to do so. That's so cool that they still give the photos out. It's been 27 years since I wrote to Ronald Reagan. Things can change a lot in that time. I'm glad that is still the same.:)
  4. I just got some animation software for my daughter on Amazon's lightning deals. I had been looking at it for months but it was so expensive. They just had it for $9.99 and the other one I was looking at too for $9.99 so I got both! She's going to be so happy. I'm going to save it for Christmas. :)
  5. LOL I'm glad to hear it's not extinct yet. :) I don't know, there's just something about taking the time to write an actual letter that is so different from email. Like you just said, emails are shot off so quickly they are not always well thought out. I also really wonder how much email actually gets read these days with spam and whatnot. Thanks Sebastian, Michelle and all you gals for making me feel better. lol I was feeling seriously over the hill and I'm only 30!! :001_huh: lol ETA and I think I am going to write a letter myself to the White House asking for a photo of President Obama. My dd may not give a whit about politics right now, but it will be a cool thing to have when she's older. A signed photo of the first African American president is a cool thing. :) She could show her kids someday and say, "I remember when ...." :)
  6. Thanks everyone for your replies. I feel so old. lol I left the workforce to have my kids right as internet was coming into it so I missed the whole change in the office environment. Thanks for your helpful comments and advice. :) @Mothersweets I actually asked her if she wanted to write the president and told her how I got a reply from the White House when Ronald Reagan was president. Her reply, "What?! Why would I write to Obama? I hate politics!" lol Kids. :tongue_smilie:
  7. I remember learning to write business letters when I was in 7th grade. We had to choose a person or company to write to, write a letter (usually requesting something) and send it in order to learn how to write business letters. I wrote to President Reagan requesting a photograph and they sent me back an autographed black and white 8x10 photo of him. I really wanted to do the same thing with my daughter, but I'm having a heck of a time finding actual addresses to send letters to. There are only a handful of companies that my daughter is interested in writing to, but so far the only contact information I can find is for email. Is the traditional business letter obsolete now? :confused: I haven't been in the workforce since before internet days so I'm wondering how business correspondence is conducted now. Do they even use a "business letter" format anymore? I'd love to hear what the hive has to say on this. I'm really quite clueless as to how things are done in the business world anymore with the invent of the internet. :blushing: Thanks to all who reply. :)
  8. Awesome!! I wish your son and Buttercup a long happy life together. ;) :D :party:
  9. Good luck. :) Make sure it's a primer for the EYES because they make them for the face too. :)
  10. Different ingredients. Powder is different than liners. And if your lids tend to get oily, a liner will slide off more easily than a powder. I think a primer will solve a lot of your problems though. I tend to have oily lids and if I don't use a primer first, forget about it, my makeup is gone in a matter of hours whereas with a primer it lasts until I take it off. Hope that helps. I think Revlon makes and eye primer, but I'm not sure how good it is though. I know that the Urban Decay one and the Nars one are excellent though. :)
  11. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :):grouphug: :party:
  12. LOL That's cute. Thanks for sharing. And YES let's hope the drama stays to a minimum. ;) :D Happy Thanksgiving.
  13. If you're using it to line your water line then you would need a good waterproof liner. For lining the outside of your eye gel liners work really good and are pretty much smudge proof once they set. You should use a primer first to help it stay. Urban Decay's Primer Potion and Nars Smudge proof are both excellent. Put that on first and let it dry and then line your eyes and you will be good to go. If you really really want to make sure it doesn't budge, you can even go over the liner with a matching eyeshadow to "set" the liner and it should be good all day. Coastalscents.com has a nice selection of gel liners and they're not expensive. http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm/category/127/gel-liners.cfm Make sure to get a liner brush with it though to apply it. The Sonia Kashuk angled liner brushes from Target are good or you can get one from coastalscents too. They have lots of nice liner brushes. http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_ID=37 A good primer is really the most important thing though IMHO. :) Good luck. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  14. LOL Same here. Although it's more like 85 now. hehe Nakia, you are a better woman than me. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. lol
  15. Oh my dear Mrs. Mungo. :grouphug: I'm so sorry about your sister. I have no advice, but just wanted to give you a big cyberhug :grouphug: I hope your sister gets the care she deserves.
  16. I'm starting to buy my curricula for next year's school and I want to add some books to help dd develop her creative writing skills. So far I've been looking at Wordsmith and Great Explorations in Editing, http://commonsensepress.com/langarts.htm but there aren't many sample pages to look at and I wish I could see more of it before committing to buy it. Has anyone used either of these that can offer some feedback on them or can anyone recommend another source to develop creative writing skills?? DD will be in 8th next year. Thank you to all who reply. :)
  17. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope that I didn't contribute to any heebie jeebies. They're no fun I know. :grouphug:
  18. It is a long story and I am hesitant to post it up because I believe that unless a person is sealed with the Holy Spirit that it should not be performed by them as it could do more harm than good. That's the reason why I think a PM would be better.
  19. I agree with the others about blessing the house. I've had a lot of spiritual things happen to me in various places that I've lived and sanctifying the house is what did the trick. PM me if you are interested and I can tell you what God showed me to do. :grouphug:
  20. :lol::lol::lol: Your post is absolutely hilarious. It sounds like it was written in your sleep. hehehehehe
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