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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree::iagree: My brother's wife gave that book to my dd and when she asked me to read it to her I was like what the?? :001_huh: What you described above is exactly how I feel. That whole breaking and entering thing in order to rock her adult son is very weird, but I do have to confess that at the end when his mom is old and he rocks her that I find that very touching and sweet, but the part in between.... um no.
  2. I started reading the brochure and I had to stop. When they say "young people" just how young are these people supposedly?? And what do they mean "if" you choose to disclose your HIV status. I would think your partner has a right to their "sexual health" as well. :confused::confused: Just... wow! :001_huh:
  3. Oh how we love Fred too! He's wonderful! :)
  4. I wonder if he has ever served in the children's ministry.:confused::confused: There is a reason churches are always trying to fill those positions. People don't last long. I've served with the babies, the 2 year olds and 3 year olds and they are totally exhausting!! I just cannot imagine him calling you and telling you this. It's just beyond icky! :ack2:. I really wish you lived closer to me. I think you would totally love my church. It's so easy to get plugged in there and they have so much for single moms and kids. You can't be there for too long without people wanting to love on you and hug you. I have so many dear sisters that I've met through my church. I really hope that you can find some place where you and your kids can feel home and part of a family. Big hugs to you mama! And thank you for all your service in the nursery. I've BTDT too and it's not easy. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. That's so wonderful!! :hurray: Enjoy it mama! The time goes so fast. :)
  6. Praying for your family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. that shows a picture (or photo) of an object/s and you can type the correct word in underneath?? I hope that make sense. I was thinking of something like a reverse Rosetta Stone type program where instead of having the word spoken and spelled out and you click the picture, you would have the picture show up, the word spoken and you have to type it in. Does anything like this exist?? I'm looking to build up sight words and vocabulary with my son since he's a sight reader and he likes typing on the computer. Thanks to all who reply. :)
  8. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your taking the time. :) I'm sure that I won't qualify for the district services, but they have been cutting them so much lately that my son is hardly getting anything anymore. I keep wondering if he would be better off at home. I wouldn't be bringing him home right away, but I just want to get all of my ducks in a row beforehand so I can be prepared. Thanks for your advice. :)
  9. :lol::lol::lol: Will you be serving Chilean sea bass perchance? ;) hehe
  10. :iagree::iagree: I totally agree with everything Lisa said. Thanks for bringing up the archived studies too, Lisa. I didn't think about that. :) Pastor Bob rocks although I really love Pastor Billy too. I love his Boston accent and could listen to him all day long. lol But I'm going OT again..... ;) Best wishes to you Tammy. :)
  11. Oh man this thread is going to make me blubber like a baby I miss my grandpa so much!! He died in 1988 but I still miss him terribly. I loved his smell and his smile. He was tall and elegant and always immaculately groomed and dressed. A gentleman through and through. I remember having to curtsy to him when I was young. But he was so warm and affectionate. He used to cuddle me and tell me wonderful stories and do magic tricks for me and call me his princess. He was so affectionate, warm and caring and even though he had many other grandchildren, he always had a way of making each one of us feel special and as if we were his favorite grandchild. My heart aches for him I miss him so much sometimes. He and his father were the two best men I have ever known in my life. Truly exemplary! One of my favorite smells and one that always takes me right back to my childhood is the smell of a cigar box. Even though my family didn't smoke, they were cigar makers and so there was always an abundance of empty cigar boxes around that we would use to store things in and it made everything in the box smell good. :) I still have several cigar boxes in my house to this day that I use to store things in that I had from my childhood. My grandmother used to bring us so much food and magazines and books and candies. I always loved it when my grandparents would come because I knew we would eat like kings! :) hehe Ay, mi querido abuelito! Te echo de menos! :grouphug: :(
  12. Tammy, I don't know if it's too far for you, but my church is doing a big thing for Easter Sunday for the kiddos. They are going to have face painting, balloons, gift bags and a blimp is scheduled to fly over and drop things for the kiddos. It's going to be at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale. http://www.calvaryftl.org/NewsAndEvents/easter10.cfm They are also going to be having regular Easter services in the sanctuary if the whole stadium thing isn't your cup of tea. Just putting it out there in case you might be interested. I really hope that you can find a church home where you and your son are happy and feel comfortable. :grouphug:
  13. Hi all. Just a quick question about the end of the year evals and how it works with special needs kiddos. Both of my kids are on the Autism spectrum. My dd has Asperger's and is highly functioning and doesn't really struggle too much academically but my son is severely Autistic and mostly non-verbal. He goes to the Autism cluster at the public school, but I am thinking of bringing him home to homeschool. For my dd, I don't have any issues with the end of the year evals but I'm just wondering how that would work with my son. The lady that does the evals for us every year does a portfolio evaluation and gives my dd a test and then gives me a pass/fail form to send into the school board. That's fine because my dd always passes but my son *fails* his grade level every year in ps because he's no where near the abilities of the gen. ed. population for his grade level. In spite of his being registered as a student in the Autism cluster I occasionally get letters from the school board about his grades and performance. The school always tells me just to disregard them since he's obviously in the Autism cluster and not in the gen. ed. population but I'm wondering if it would cause me a problem with the school board when I bring him home. I mean, if he continually *fails* every year and I have to report that to the school board won't that cause me problems with audits or what not?? I would really appreciate some advice from someone who's BDTD. Okay so my question turned out to not be so quick after all. lol I hope I made sense. Thank you so much to all who reply. :)
  14. LOL Thanks Connie. Wow! I never in a million years would have guessed ketchup. :) I guess my tastes are too American because of all the Asian dressings that I've tried that one in the Japanese restaurants is still my favorite. lol But I do like ketchup too so that could be it. lol Thank you for the recipe link. I really appreciate your taking the time. :)
  15. :iagree::iagree: I am married and outgoing and I struggle to make friends. It is really difficult for some reason. Even if you do put yourself out there. I don't think you (OP) are odd AT ALL!! I think it's just that people get so caught up in their own lives and families that it's hard for them to take on anyone new or even to "see" anyone new. When I became a mom for the first time and I was suddenly home after having always worked it was such a hard time for me. I was so lonely and depressed. I loved my baby but I was craving conversation with other adults and everybody I knew was at work. I prayed for over 3 years for God to bring me a friend and I continued on alone. I tried but there are no busier people on the planet than moms it seems. Finally God led me to the Bible study group where I attend on Tuesday mornings and it was been wonderful. Where I prayed for God to just send me one friend, he instead gave me 8 sisters, but it was in His timing. :grouphug: I pray that God would bring those people into your life who will be true family to you. God bless you. :grouphug:
  16. :iagree::iagree: My church is big too and there is always so much going on. You really do find your pockets of interest and cultivate relationships there. I have a Bible study group that I've been going to for years and all of the ladies are like family to me. The people I serve with in the Middle School ministry are close too. We also meet for Bible studies and it's great to share one another's burdens. It can definitely be had in a big church too you just have to get connected in order for it to become small. :)
  17. :lol::lol: Sounds good to me! hehe :) Personally, I've always preferred to think of myself as being "linguistically gifted" rather than as a person who talks to much. lol ;) :D
  18. Oh Bethany!! I am so very sorry. :grouphug: Praying for you all! :grouphug:
  19. LOL :lol: I was too but my dd?? She's in a league of her own. ;) :lol: She's just amazing because her mind goes a mile a minute and her mouth just can't keep up with the quickness of her thoughts so she talks always in a rush trying to keep up with herself. lol I listen to her most of the time but sometimes I have to do what Mrs. Mungo does and tell her that my ears need a break. We have "5 minute talking time-outs" in our house. hehe :lol:
  20. Does anyone have a recipe for that orange salad dressing that you get in Japanese and Chinese restaurants?? I love that dressing but it's not like the Asian ones you get in the grocery store. I'd love a recipe to make my own. :) Thanks to all who reply.:)
  21. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Yes mama! You get FULL credit! :grouphug:
  22. :lol::lol: Mine too! She's ADHD, OCD and Asperger's. She has had her current obsession/fixation for going on 2 YEARS NOW and never. stops. talking. ever! hehe ay ay ay.
  23. :lol::lol::lol: Thank you! I consider myself duly warned. :) Thank you again for the recipe. It really looks yummy. :)
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