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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I was wondering if it was too, but wasn't sure. The doctor didn't say flu, she just said, "bad virus". :confused: Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:
  2. The doctor's office is closed right now, but I could call tomorrow. Do you really think he needs it? I think the mucous or maybe his throat is what's causing him to throw up. Would the anti-nausea suppositories help that? I'm willing to try anything to make him feel better.
  3. Thank you so much sweetheart. And I'm sorry I haven't gone to the post office yet. I will, I promise! :grouphug:
  4. No, they were just some OTC cough and cold medicine. The doctor prescribed a cough syrup, but he won't take it.
  5. I made some just now. I did the quick set method with ice cubes instead of cold water. Ay, I think it's too late to add the medicine. I don't know how I would control the dosage anyway. :confused: His dad is at the store right now buying more of the medicine that he was taking before so hopefully he will take it again. He can sometimes get Josiah to take things when he won't take them from me so maybe he will succeed where I couldn't. Mostly he has a vicious cough and he's feverish and mucous-y and won't eat. I think he has a sore throat, but since he doesn't talk he can't really tell me what he feels I just have to guess. :( Thank you all for your prayers for him. :grouphug:
  6. I haven't tried jello. I think I have some. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  7. He won't eat them. :( He doesn't like cold things. I gave him a glass of juice which he drank, but then he threw it all up. :( I gave him a bath in warm water and let the water cool a little around him to bring the fever down and now he's in bed sleeping. He won't take the medicine the doctor prescribed for him. He just keeps spitting it out and wont' swallow it. :( Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:
  8. Thank you SO much. Do you know what the turn around time is roughly for the thing that is going around?
  9. PLEASE can you all pray for my ds9. He is really sick with some kind of bad virus. He started throwing up last Sunday and had a high fever. He stopped throwing up on Tuesday and the fever was starting to go down so I thought he was getting better, but he still wasn't eating. Now the fever is back and he still hasn't eaten anything since Sunday. The doctor says there's nothing she can do for him since it's a virus. His lungs are clear, he has no ear infection and his test came back negative for strep. Can you just please lift him up. His name is Josiah (which ironically means Jehovah heals). He is profoundly Autistic and has trouble eating anyway, but he's eaten literally nothing since Sunday afternoon. He's lost 12 pounds and I'm freaking out. Please pray for him to get well and to eat and drink and to take his medicine which he keeps spitting out. Thank you all so much for your prayers. :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My heart breaks for your loss. My prayers for you and your family. :grouphug:
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: First off, I just wanted to give you a hug because I hear your heart behind the questions. As for the answers.... I don't know if I really have any. Expectations come to mind. If you (general you not you specifically ;) )go into something with high expectations it's easier to get disappointed when things don't go the way you thought they would. If you don't have any expectations anything good that happens to you would be a blessing. Outlook also comes to my mind. Looking for the silver lining in the cloud, looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty. Trying to find the good in any given situation. Maybe it's a coping mechanism or a survival instinct I don't know, but it helps me. My son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 years old. Not high functioning, he'll have some semblance of a normal life Autism, the severe kind. The kind that they tell you he might never speak, he will always need to be taken care of, he will live at home until we die and then who knows who will take care of him after that. I was CRUSHED. I literally cried for 6 weeks when I found out. I cried even in my sleep. All the hopes and dreams I had for my boy were gone. What was going to happen to him? Who would take care of him if something happens to me or or my husband? What will his life be like? I had to mourn the loss of my son's childhood as if they child himself had died, but then after that period I accepted this challenge called life with Autism and started walking down the path with my son, my dd and my dh in tow. It's been a wild journey to be sure. One that I never would have chosen voluntarily, but it hasn't been without it's blessings in addition to it's heartaches. My son is the bravest and most amazing person I have ever met in my life. Not only am I honored to even KNOW him, I am even more honored and humbled that God chose ME of all people to have the blessings of being his mama. He's just the sweetest, most precious boy I have ever met. He is my heart. I just love him so much and can't imagine my life without him. I always say if having him in my life with Autism was the only way for me to be able to have him in my life at all, I would take it that way every single time just to be able to know him. The bad stuff really sucks, it does, but the good stuff so outweighs the bad that it makes it all worth it. I have learned so much more from my son than I could ever teach him. He truly has been an amazing blessing in my life. And I think that it is the key for me. When I see how truly blessed I am, I am able to have peace and enjoy what I have. For me, at the end of the day, it's all about the little things. If wake up and there is food to eat, you are blessed. If you go outside and it is a beautiful sun shiny day, enjoy it. If you see a pretty bird or a flower or if one of your kids does something funny and starts to laugh, embrace it. Hold those things in your heart and remember them and enjoy what is there that is good. As for the bad, you just have to let it go. If your hands are full with all the bad stuff in your life, there won't be space for you to grab onto the good and hold onto it. I'm sure I'm being uber cheesy and probably not making much sense on top of it, but that is what I do. Blessings to you and your family. :grouphug:
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have had many things run through my mind to say but they all seem inadequate. Just lots of hugs.
  13. Sigh. Amor! These are such sweet stories. I married Lurch from the Adam's Family. :tongue_smilie: But he's my Lurch. hehe :001_smile:
  14. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+braid+hair&aq=f I'm sure one of those will help you. :)
  15. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Me thinks those dogs may have gotten more than just one Christmas turkey in their day. :tongue_smilie:
  16. You are amazing girl!! And did anyone ever tell you that you are loved? ;) :tongue_smilie::grouphug:
  17. oh wow!! How cool. so he knew the Bumpeses' dogs?? :tongue_smilie:
  18. I like the lady who stays in character and sings into her cell phone through the entire piece. :D
  19. i can't see the picture for some reason. :confused: ETA: nevermind. Saw it. Your roots don't look bad. My goodness how big the girls have gotten. You have a lovely family, Nakia. You are blessed indeed. :grouphug:
  20. How about all the times you've been told you're loved? ;) Girl, you are blessed. Nobody ever tells me they love me. They tell me I'm nuts, I'm crazy, I'm a spazz, I'm a PITA or I"m sweet (which I am) but nobody tells me I'm loved. sniff. :tongue_smilie:
  21. That was fun, but I didn't shoot my eye out at all. waaaaaah. :tongue_smilie: http://www.redriderleglamps.com/
  22. We go the Cuban route with a pork roast, black beans and rice and plantains.
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